
Difficult kids. How to work with them? A sedentary child: developmental features Interaction with autistic children

Pathology of the uterus


The interaction of adults with children is the most important condition for the development of the child. In the practice of education, two types of interaction between an adult and a child can be distinguished, which are characteristic of authoritarian and personality-oriented pedagogy.

At the same time, he acts as a pupil, functioning according to certain rules and corresponding to specific standards. The formation of basic personal qualities for this age, such as a positive sense of self, trust in others, initiative are not singled out as a pedagogical goal. Pedagogy of early childhood, built on the principles of an authoritarian model of education, does not operate with such categories as personality, creativity, freedom of choice. The main goal in this case is the upbringing of an obedient, executive child who obeys the authority of an adult. The task of the teacher is the implementation of the program, the satisfaction of the requirements of management and supervisory authorities. Guidelines under these conditions turn into a law that does not allow any exceptions. This model can be called an adult-centered model.

instructions, notations;

instructions; control;

punishment, shout.

With this style of interaction, the appeal of adults to children is predominantly directive in nature, often aimed at limiting their activity, initiative, independence, and curiosity. Teachers, as a rule, are not addressed to an individual child, but to the group as a whole. This style of interaction is not characterized by the desire to follow the interests and desires of children, take into account their mood, tastes and preferences, establish trusting relationships, and provide emotional support to each child. Of particular importance within the framework of this model is the formation of children's skills " correct behavior”(do not shout, do not make noise, do not disturb adults, do not break toys, do not stain clothes, etc.). The center of the pedagogical process is the frontal forms of work with children, and above all, classes that are built according to the type of school lesson. The activity of children is suppressed in favor of external order and formal discipline. The game as the main type of children's activity is infringed in time and is strictly regulated by adults.

In the framework of authoritarian pedagogy, the ideal child of an early age is a child who eats and goes to the toilet carefully, sleeps well, does not cry, knows how to occupy himself and follows the instructions of adults, has knowledge and skills within the limits set by adults. At the same time, such important values, from the point of view of personality-oriented pedagogy, as the development of personality, humane feelings and positive relationships with others, although declared, are not embodied in specific methods and technologies.

completely depend on an adult in solving any problems, obey other people's influences.

Accustomed to obey the instructions of adults, the child learns that the elders decide everything for him, becomes passive in the choice of activities and games. Deprived of his own initiative, accustomed to obey meekly, he learns the "truth" that those who are older and stronger are always right;

dependent on external control. Under the influence of constant assessments and remarks from adults who are not interested in the child's attitude to his own activities, he does not form his own point of view on what he is doing, he is constantly looking for adult assessments, becomes unsure of himself;

suppress your feelings, because they are of no interest to anyone. The child should not cry, otherwise he will be called a "crybaby", laugh out loud, because "he interferes with others." During the period of adaptation to a preschool institution, he turns out to be left to himself, not meeting with educators an understanding of his difficulties and emotional support;

behave differently in situations of observation of them by adults and when there is no observation. The desire of the teacher to impose his will on children most often leads to the fact that the motive of the child's activity is the desires of an adult, and not their own interests. As soon as external control disappears, its behavior may change, sharply different from what is expected; he learns to live by a "double standard";

ignore punishment. Observations show that punishment is an ineffective way of influencing, since children who are often punished repeat the actions for which they were punished. Having overcome the barrier of fear of punishment, they can become uncontrollable;

be like everyone else. A non-standard child only hears: “Look, everyone has already eaten, and you are all sitting”, “Everyone has already drawn a snowball, but what do you have on a piece of paper? ”,“ All the guys have dry feet, and you measured all the puddles ”,“ Do it like everyone else.

The basic principles of student-centered pedagogy are the acceptance of the child as he is, and faith in his abilities. The task of adults is to create conditions for the disclosure of the potential of each child, the formation of a positive sense of self, self-confidence, trust in the world and people, initiative and curiosity. Skills and habits within the framework of this model are considered not as goals, but as means of child development, which in no way implies the abolition of the systematic education and upbringing of children, the conduct of systematic pedagogical work with them. However, the main importance in the pedagogical process is given not to school-type activities, but to the game, which becomes the main form of organizing children's life. Based on the free interaction of an adult with children and the children themselves with each other, it allows them to show their own activity, to realize themselves to the fullest.

This view suggests a fundamentally different approach to educational process, which is aimed at the formation of an active position in relation to the world around from the first years of a child's life. It is based not on directive methods (impersonal manipulation, condemnation, punishment), but on relationships with children that are built on the basis of equality and cooperation. An adult does not adjust the baby to the standard, does not measure everyone with one measure, but adapts to the individual characteristics of each child, proceeds from his interests, takes into account his character, habits, preferences. Within the framework of personality-oriented pedagogy, an adult is not an indisputable authority, but a benevolent partner and mentor. View of the child as a full participant joint activities creates conditions for his personal growth, development of creative activity, reduction of emotional tension and conflict.

The personality-oriented model of education is characterized by the following ways of interaction between adults and children:

recognition of the rights and freedoms of the child,


empathy and support


flexible restrictions.

All these methods are aimed at providing the child with a sense of psychological security, developing in him an individuality, a humane attitude towards the world around him, and positive relationships with adults and peers. An adult builds his actions so as not to suppress the initiative and independence of children.

Person-centered interaction contributes to the fact that the child learns:

respect yourself and others. They themselves are treated with respect, and the child's attitude towards himself and others reflects the nature of the attitude of the surrounding adults towards him;

feel confident, not be afraid of mistakes. When adults provide him with independence, provide support, instill confidence in his strength, he does not succumb to difficulties, persistently looking for ways to overcome them;

be sincere. If adults support the individuality of the child, accept him as he is, avoid unjustified restrictions and punishments, he is not afraid to be himself, to admit his mistakes. Mutual trust between adults and children contributes to the true acceptance of moral norms by them, prevents the formation of duplicity;

take responsibility for your decisions and actions. An adult, wherever possible, gives the child the right to choose this or action. Recognition for him of the right to have his own opinion, choose activities to his liking, play partners contributes to the formation of the child's personal maturity and, as a result, the formation of a sense of responsibility for his choice;

think independently, as an adult does not impose his decision on the child, but helps to make it himself. Respect for his point of view promotes independent thinking;

express your feelings appropriately. These feelings are not rejected, but accepted by an adult who seeks to share or alleviate them. Helping a child to realize his feelings, to express them in words, an adult contributes to the formation of his ability to express feelings in a socially acceptable way;

understand others and empathize with them. The child receives this experience from communication with an adult and transfers it to other people. 5

1246 The task of the educator is to assist each child in revealing his inner world, giving him additional strength in search of new discoveries and meanings, in building his own personality. Such relationships require great internal efforts from an adult, and sometimes a restructuring of their views on the process of education and their role in it.

One of the next and main problems of Soviet pedagogy at the present time is that the upbringing of children, starting from an early age, should be truly social in terms of the properties and qualities that it forms in them. “Outside of human society,” says N. K. Krupskaya, “there is no public education.”

One of decisive factors public education of children is the very society of children, within which a person is formed as a social being. Undoubtedly, we can talk about some kind of amateur forms in which such a society can take shape and develop even at the early stages of the social development of children.

The experience of public education shows, and research confirms, that the greatest opportunities for the formation of a children's society are provided by the play activities of children. It is here that their social life is most fully activated. Game activity allows children at the earliest stages of development to create various forms of communication on their own.

It is known that in other forms of children's life (in classes, work) there is a social life, but the leading role here belongs to an adult, while in

game activity is largely due to the activity of the children themselves.

Based precisely on these possibilities of play activity, it is pedagogically expedient to make play a form of organizing the life and activity of children; children's society.

The game as a form of organizing the life and activities of children should be attributed to pedagogical phenomena, to the teaching of pedagogy about the forms of organization of education and training. It is quite legitimate to ask the question of what organizes the life of children in games, what is this organizing principle, in what way it is expressed.

The laws that govern the life of children's society at these early ages, it must be said, are still little known, but there are some assumptions and points of view.

If we take children's life in the conditions of institutions of public "education (nurseries, kindergartens), then it is believed that the more organized the children, the better their life develops. Therefore, the main thing here is organization as a personal quality. In general, of course, with this one can agree, since any life requires at least a minimum of organization. Others believe that the discipline of children is more important; only with certain levels of some kind of discipline of behavior is the life of a children's society possible. There is a point of view according to which interest plays a leading role: if children interesting, life proceeds in an organized way, in the absence of interest, the child is inactive.

According to this or that point of view, the pedagogical process is also built, the ways of influence of an adult on a child are determined. We will not consider these hypotheses, since each of them can, under certain conditions of a pedagogical organization, justify itself, and this is exactly what happens in the practice of kindergartens.

One of the difficulties that have not yet been overcome in pedagogy kindergarten, is the teacher's poor orientation in determining his tasks and his role in the process of children's games. We have a rather complex phenomenon in front of us - big number playing children. There is a relationship between them here.

actions are formed. The teacher organizes, somehow directs their game; children demand his intervention. At the same time, he notices that children often organize their lives independently of him.

Studying the manifestations of children in games, we find in their behavior the features of organization, discipline, and interest. However, this often does not yet introduce the child into the children's society in which he needs to live and act. Let the child be both organized and disciplined, this does not yet connect him with children. And, conversely, in a number of cases, children who are far from possessing these qualities easily enter a children's society and even form it (at least in the end).

In the conditions of public education, each child needs to enter the society of players, to find his place here, to gain a foothold in this society. Without this, there is no well-coordinated game, and consequently, the life of children. This requires a special group of qualities. We call such a group of qualities the qualities of the community and include in them the ability to enter into the society of players, to act in it in a certain way, to establish connections with other children, etc. In a developed form, these qualities, of course, are of a very complex nature. But in the initial forms, they also occur in young children.

The public as a quality of the child's personality is manifested and formed under the influence of the society of children. It has, as it were, an independent course of development and serves as a tool for the child to consolidate him in the children's environment. It is that independent beginning which is the product of life itself among children. Life in the society of children, games with them give rise to this quality, regardless of whether we organize something pedagogically or not. Studying the course of development of the quality of sociality in children and the forms of its manifestation in their actions and deeds, we will understand what a society of children can be and can be, what can be expected here in the personal behavior of the child and in relation to other children, what the process of play itself looks like.

Only on this basis can educational pedagogy be correctly defined. Otherwise, it is sometimes impossible to understand what is happening among the players.

children, to determine their Attitude to certain facts.

The course of social development in children, as well as its orientation towards the fulfillment of the tasks of communist education, will depend on the educator.

Having some knowledge of what is the main link that organizes the life of children in their games, we will be able to better navigate how to approach children pedagogically correctly. We better understand what happens in games, in how independent forms of life are created among children and what they are, what is the role of an adult, environment, etc.

Let us follow the process of social development in children (in games) and try to understand whether it is necessary or, on the contrary, the failure of certain pedagogical influences.

Development of the public in childhood has its own age stages associated with the child's mastery of the ability to live in a society of children (under conditions of public education).

In early childhood pedagogy, conditions are prepared for organizing the child's personal behavior by educating concentration. This translates into play with objects, giving each child the opportunity to be calmly among children of the same age, while not yet interacting with them in action. The experience of upbringing shows that this stage is very important so that children can be more independent in the company of their comrades.

From these individual forms of life, children can move on to more social forms of life.

Side by side games are based on the already well-formed concentration on one's play activity, which allows the child to act calmly next to another playing child, without being distracted by his game. Here the quality of the public is actually very neutral. But this is also essential, as it allows the children in the group to be close to each other, to observe the “distance discipline”.

The public begins to manifest itself more actively when the transition to action is carried out together with one of the children. There is a process of interaction that causes children to one or another

schenie, to establish some kind of relationship with each other.

The interaction is of a different nature, manifests itself in different ways. This may be a purely mechanical interaction, which is characterized by the merging of essentially heterogeneous actions, there is a kind of peaceful flow of two individually occurring games. Even the actions of children, intertwined, remain in their plan. It is very similar to the games nearby.

Then the interaction is clearly outlined based on the content of the game. Here, children are united and somehow even forced to act in concert by understanding the general meaning of the game and the inclusion of another in the action. The communication of the players becomes more clearly expressed.

Interaction can also be based on interest in each other; this is already the inclusion of some kind of personal relationship, preferences, acquaintances, etc.

Acting together with another child is not easy at the age of three, four or even six. And although it is widely believed that the language of the game is understandable to all children, it turns out that they also need a language of communication - to adapt their actions to the actions of another person, to help in some way, etc. Interaction forms the public, it requires such a quality , which will lead the children's play along this path. The further the process of interaction goes from mechanical interaction to a more conscious one, the more the public as a quality of personality makes itself felt: it is already necessary to find your place among the players, establish connections with them, understand the desires of the players, convince them of something or see for yourself. Furthermore to try on Others, to face his attitude towards oneself - all this requires that special quality that we would call the public.

These are the stages of development of society throughout the life of children from one to seven years. These are indicators social development which takes place in the context of social education. Here we see how the child becomes a member of the society of children, what qualities he possesses, how aspects of personal behavior and social behavior are gradually formed, aimed at life in the society of children.

The experience of public education of children shows that the process of development of the public does not proceed consistently and systematically. Its course depends not only on age, but is also determined by the conditions of the organization of society (children's) in which children operate. This social skill is acquired successfully depending on how the society in which the child lives and which brings him up is arranged (organized). The organization of the life of children in public institutions - nurseries, kindergartens, as you know, lies with the responsibility of adults. Therefore, we will consider games, how they take place in nurseries and kindergartens, we will try to answer the question of how it is possible to organize the life of children, their activities and educate the public through games.

We have already said that the community has, as it were, an independent course of development, acting spontaneously in the play activity of children. Our task is to use this spontaneity for a more organized life of children in games. In some mangers, it is well organized. Here, each player is busy with his own business and does not interfere with anyone. In other nurseries, the presence of the same objects for play does not attract children, does not organize them.

The actions that children resort to are very characteristic. In the first case, children play with objects, easily accept the replacement (by adults) of one object with another, without interfering with each other. In the second case, the children are constantly drawn to the toy of another child, then give him their own, not at all having the intention of somehow developing a game with him.

In the first case, children live calmly, cheerfully. Secondly, such a peaceful picture of the course of a child's life is out of the question. Here the children are loud and irritable. It is quite clear how differently the games of these children will go. In the first case, they will become the norm of life, in the second, no norms arise.

From here are born also collisions between children, their irritability; often the efforts of adults will not help much here. What's the matter? In the fact that in the second case, adults passed by the task of educating concentration, did not develop a culture of playing with the object and,

after giving the children toys, they put each child immediately in the conditions of play side by side (with other children), even in the conditions of play based on interaction, for which the children were not at all prepared. This means that knowledge of the level of social development in children is simply necessary; without this, the organizing and educating role of the adult cannot be determined.

V early age children are required to play under the direct supervision of an adult. He has to make sure that the children learn to play with the object, give new versions of such games, change the object as the game ends with it, develop the game in the presence of the child, etc., in a word, organize the individual behavior of the children. It can be said that the adult here occupies the children with play, seeking to develop the first manifestations of this activity. But the role of the adult changes dramatically when the beginnings of an independent life appear in the children's environment. When children have a need for interaction, the first social formations arise - playing groups. They are not numerous, short-term, but serve as a support in the organization of children's lives. Children who independently group together now constitute an organized part of the children's society; they organize each other as well.

Depending on how the interaction between the children will be - will it be mechanical, will the children play, uniting already with the content of the game, or will it take place at an even higher level, at the level of interest in each other - the life of the playing groups will also be determined, but, namely, the duration of their existence, their composition, changes in this composition.

When children interact purely mechanically - according to the place of play, according to attractiveness, actions, existence, play groups are very short; children who often played together no longer communicate when the soil of mechanical communication is exhausted. This is important for us, as it shows how one should treat the organizing role in the life of such groups.

When the interaction between the players occurs on the basis of interest in the content of the game, then the playing groups are already more selective - these are children who are primarily interested in motor-

certain inclinations, interests are already noticeable, on this basis, interest in each other arises, the acquaintance of children with each other becomes stronger.

Play groups that arise on the basis of personal interest are perhaps the most interesting phenomenon in children's life, they are, in general, the most stable game groups according to the composition of the players; the destruction of these groups and their existence depend on the children who enter them, on their characters, interests, etc.

On this basis, the playing groups of children develop and live. The public here is expressed in a complex form of evaluative attitude towards each other, in the manifestations of the first sprouts public opinion when some kind of coherence of the players is noticeable, their general desire for a member of such a group.

Within the framework of simple life relationships, while playing, children create, by their own efforts, within the limits of their capabilities, the conditions under which they feel like a collective, like “we”. The formation of playing groups is a big step in the life of children.

In addition to the development of society in children, there is a whole range of their actions, actions and feelings. It is impossible to expect from children who do not yet know how to interact with each other, some positive emotions for the invasion of another child in the game. Of course, there will be in the foreground the impulse to push away and, undoubtedly, some kind of emotion of discontent. It can be said that they are not yet socially ready for such forms of life.

In kindergartens, a lot of effort is spent on creating good conditions for children to play - various toys and materials are given. In such a pedagogically well-prepared environment, everything should be safe. However, here the most undesirable forms of children's behavior arise: whims, collisions, irritability, since the main thing is not provided for, namely, what kind of community the playing children already have. Are they really able to use everything provided for the game, do they need it? What players need in order for games to develop at an accessible level of the public and contribute to the development of this quality further

Ignoring the factor of social development and including children in the life of a public children's institution, we unwittingly give rise to undesirable phenomena.

On the basis of the formation of the public, a wide opportunity opens up to bring children to the norms of morality - to learn to understand and evaluate their actions, actions in the society of children. Before the child is able to understand something complex in this area, he will learn some truths from his childhood experience. Of course, this can happen spontaneously, but systematic guidance from an adult will take a large place here.

A preschool child may know that it is not good to take a toy from another child, that it should be shared with others, etc., but this may remain within the limits of good reasoning and be far from reality.

Another thing is when these same moral rules are formed on the basis of practical life, games, in the society of children. Here we see not only the suggestion of an adult, but certain reactions of children, the influence of children's society. This morality is many times stronger. If certain actions of children, moreover, received the right permission, brought the child out of a difficult situation and adults came to his aid, then the process itself moral education will be included in everyday life children with their children's interests.

The more social children become, the less there is a need for any special educational measures in relation to them.

Thus, a well-known mechanism is traced, on which the life of children (in kindergarten) rests, a children's society is formed, which means that the necessary conditions for social education are created. The qualities of society are not innate, they are acquired under the influence of the conditions of life in society.

Knowing the possibilities of children in the development of society, leading them gradually in the right way, taking into account age-related possibilities, we create those necessary conditions, without which the life of children in their games cannot be considered well organized, and their upbringing is truly social. So it is only possible

go this way: from single games to games of various interactions or to playing groups, and, finally, as already the highest level, from playful groups to playing teams. Not all children will go through these steps in the same way, it will depend on the nature of the players, on the state of their nervous system, on the ability of an adult to get involved in this process, and on a number of other circumstances ...

That is why it is important in the pedagogical process to use the game not only for didactic purposes, but also for the broad educational purposes of organizing the lives of children and their activities. In play activity, as was shown, the public develops spontaneously, since by itself play activity It has no special tasks and develops as a social phenomenon based on the inclusion of children in the lives of adults. Another thing is when educators organize things in such a way that play becomes a factor organizing the lives of children for the purposes of communist education.

The need to have a society in which the child would feel like a member of it and develop socially is the leading task when using play as a form of organizing children's lives.

Here the child appears to us mainly as an integral personality, as a member of a small children's society with its interests, demands, connections, gaining some place in this society. Here the individual child is least of all the object of education. The situation here is not “an adult (teacher) and a child”, but a situation “a child in the society of children”, and the adult is related not directly to the child, but to this children's society. Children themselves create their own lives, their relationships, and an adult can only partially help in this, intelligently direct this process. Therefore, the so-called pair pedagogy (teacher-child) is the least applicable here. The leading role belongs to pedagogy children's team, and the influence of an adult is mediated by him ...

Psychology and pedagogy of the game of a preschooler.

Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets and A.P. Usova. - M., 1966, p. 38-48.

Oksana Postulga
Ways of interaction of children with certain difficulties. Anxious, aggressive, hyperactive children


Upbringing children with certain difficulties is a complex process of mental and physical development a child with deviations of a sensory, mental, physical nature with the aim of his full integration into society. Modern society perceives such children as dependent, physically and mentally limited, as well as inferior members of society, erecting multiple obstacles in the way of their development and formation. The education and training of such children fundamentally different from the approach to the education of healthy children. What are the main aspects of the education of abnormal children? What are the main approaches to the personal development of a child with developmental disabilities?

The purpose of the report is to study technologies social work with children who have certain developmental difficulties..


1. « Anxious children» .

The psychological dictionary says: definition of anxiety: it is "individual psychological feature, which consists in an increased tendency to experience anxiety in a variety of life situations, including those that do not predispose to this.

should be distinguished anxiety from anxiety. If anxiety- these are episodic manifestations of anxiety, excitement of the child, then anxiety is a stable state.

Portrait anxious child:

They are distinguished by excessive anxiety, and sometimes they are afraid not of the event itself, but of its foreboding. Often they expect the worst. Children feel helpless, afraid to play new games, start new activities. They have high demands on themselves, they are very self-critical. Their level of self-esteem is low children really think, which is worse than others in everything, that they are the most ugly, stupid, clumsy. They seek encouragement, adult approval in all matters.

For anxious childrencharacteristic and somatic problems: abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, throat cramps, difficult shallow breathing, etc. During manifestation anxiety they often feel dry mouth, lump in the throat, weakness in the legs, palpitations.

How to identify anxious child?

An experienced educator, in the very first days of meeting the children, will understand which of them has an increased anxiety. However, before drawing final conclusions, it is necessary to observe the child of concern in different days weeks, during training and free activities, in communication with other children.

To understand the child, to find out what he is afraid of, you can ask the parents to fill out a questionnaire form. The answers of adults will clarify the situation, help to trace the family history. And observation of the behavior of the child will confirm or disprove the assumption.

Criteria defining anxiety in a child

1. Constant anxiety.

2. Difficulty, sometimes the inability to concentrate on anything.

3. Muscle tension (e.g. face, neck).

4. Irritability.

5. Sleep disorders.

It can be assumed that the child anxious, if at least one of the criteria listed above is constantly manifested in his behavior.

In today's society the problem anxiety in children becomes more and more important and relevant, therefore, the leading domestic psychologists and teachers developed a system for the prevention of correction anxiety,which includes 3 directions:

1. Increasing self-esteem.

2. Teaching a child the ability to manage himself in specific, most exciting situations.

3. Relieve muscle tension.

Parents in working with such children need dramatization games. (to a "scary school", for example). Plots are selected depending on what situations disturb child the most. Techniques for drawing fears, stories about their fears are used. In such classes, the goal is not to completely rid the child of anxiety. But they will help him more freely and openly express his feelings, increase self-confidence. Gradually, he will learn to control his emotions more.

Knowing how to relax is important for all children, but for disturbing guys - it's just a necessity, because the state anxiety accompanied by clamping of various muscle groups.

Teaching a child to relax is not as easy a task as it seems at first glance. Children know well what it is to sit down, stand up, run, but what it means to relax is not entirely clear to them. Therefore, some relaxation games are based on the simplest way teaching this state. It consists in the following rule: after a strong muscle tension, their relaxation follows by itself.

How to play with anxious children. (Recommendations for educators).

In the early stages of working with anxiousThe child should be guided by the following rules:

1. Inclusion of the child in any new game should take place in stages. Let him first get acquainted with the rules of the game, see how others play it children, and only then, when he wants to, will he become a member of it.

2. It is necessary to avoid competitive moments and games that take into account the speed of the task, for example, such as "Who is faster?".

3. If the teacher introduces a new game, then in order to anxious the child did not feel the danger of meeting with something unknown, it is better to conduct it on material that is already familiar to him (pictures, cards). You can use part of the instructions or rules from the game that the child has already played repeatedly.

2. « Aggressive children» .

The psychological dictionary says: definition of the term: « Aggression is a behavior, contrary to the norms and rules of the existence of people in society, causing harm to the objects of attack (animate and inanimate, causing physical and moral damage to people or causing them psychological discomfort (negative experiences, a state of tension, fear, depression).

Portrait aggressive child:

Almost every kindergarten group has at least one child with symptoms aggressive behavior. He attacks others children, calls them names and beats them, takes away and breaks toys, deliberately uses rude expressions, in a word, becomes "thunderstorm" of the entire children's team, a source of grief for educators and parents.

How to identify aggressive child?

Aggressive children need the understanding and support of adults, so our main task is not to put "accurate" diagnosis and more "stick label" but in providing all possible and timely assistance to the child.

As a rule, for educators and psychologists is not labor determine, which of children have an increased level of aggression.

Causes of child aggressiveness:

rejection children by parents; indifference or hostility on the part of parents; excessive control over the child's behavior (overprotection) ; excess or lack of attention from parents; ban on physical activity; increased irritability; also to increased aggressiveness the child may be brought about by an unfavorable emotional bond between the parents.

Working with parents aggressive child.

Working with aggressive children, the educator must first of all establish contact with the family. He can either give recommendations to parents himself, or in a tactful manner suggest that they seek help from psychologists.

I found useful recommendations for parents on the pages of R. Campbell's book “How to deal with the anger of a child” (M., 1997). I highly recommend this book for teachers and parents alike. R. Campbell identifies four waycontrol of the child's behavior: two of them are positive, two are negative. to the positive ways include requests and mild physical manipulation (for example, you can distract the child, take him by the hand and take him away, etc.). Frequent punishments and orders are negative ways controlling the child's behavior. They make him over-repress his anger, which promotes appearance in character passive-aggressive traits.

How to play with aggressive children. (Recommendations for educators).

Work of educators with this category childrenshould be carried out in three directions:

Dealing with anger - teaching the child common and harmless to others ways expressions of their anger. : "pouch of screams", "kicking pillow", "Leaf of Wrath", "chopping wood".

Teach self-control - develop the child's self-control skills in situations that provoke outbursts of anger or anxiety.For this, it is recommended to use the following games: “I counted to ten and decided”.

To work with feelings - to learn to be aware of one's own emotions and the emotions of other people, to form empathy empathy, trust others;

- "Stories from photographs", reading fairy tales and reasoning on the topic of how someone feels, what his mood is (heroes of fairy tales)

Teach appropriate behavioral responses in a problem situation, ways.

3. « hyperactive children» . (ADHD)

Hyperactivity denotes increased activity. In the medical sense hyperactivity in children is an increased level of physical activity.

Portrait hyperactive child:

This child is often called "zhivchik", "perpetual motion machine", tireless. At hyperactive baby there's no such word as "walking", his legs are worn all day long, they catch up with someone, jump up, jump over. Even the head of this child is in constant motion. But trying to see more, the child rarely catches the point. The gaze glides only over the surface, satisfying momentary curiosity. Curiosity is not peculiar to him, rarely asks questions "why", "why". And if he asks, he forgets to listen to the answer. Although the child is in constant motion, there is a lack of coordination: clumsy, when running and walking drops objects, breaks toys, often falls. Such a child is more impulsive than his peers, his mood changes very quickly: then unbridled joy, then endless whims. Often behaves aggressively.

Causes hyperactivity:

genetic (hereditary predisposition);

biological (organic brain damage during pregnancy, birth trauma);

socio-psychological (microclimate in the family, alcoholism of parents, living conditions, wrong line of education).

They are not susceptible to reprimands and punishment. Physical punishment should be avoided altogether.

Physical contact with the child is also very important. Hug him in difficult situation , cuddle, calm - in dynamics this gives a pronounced positive effect.

Often celebrate and praise his efforts, even if the results are far from perfect.

- hyperactive the child does not tolerate large crowds of people.

In general, it is necessary to monitor and protect children with ADHD from overwork, as overwork leads to a decrease in self-control and an increase hyperactivity.

The system of prohibitions must necessarily be accompanied by alternative proposals.

Games for hyperactive children

Games for the development of attention

Games and exercises to relieve muscle and emotional tension (relaxation);

Games that develop volitional regulation skills (management);

“I am silent - I whisper - I shout”, “Speak on signal”, “Freeze”

Games, conducive strengthening the ability to communicate, communication games.

"Revived Toys", "centipede", "broken phone".

Working with parents aggressive child.

Problems hyperactive children are not solved overnight and by one person. This complex problem requires the attention of both parents, educators and psychologists. For this reason, working with parents hyperactive childrenparents should be offered the following advice:

Show enough firmness and consistency in education.

Build relationships based on trust and mutual understanding.

Control the child's behavior without imposing strict rules on him.

Listen to what the child has to say.

Give your child enough attention.

Do not quarrel in the presence of the child.

Use a flexible system of rewards and punishments.

Do not resort to physical punishment.

Teach your child to be consistent and purposeful.

Encourage the child immediately, without putting off for the future.

Avoid large crowds of people.

Protect from long-term TV viewing, computer activities.

Speak calmly, calmly and softly.


In conclusion, I would like to say that the creation of a psychological, moral atmosphere helps special child not to feel different from everyone else, and, he acquires the right to a happy childhood. The main thing is that teachers have a desire to work with children with special developmental options, help them take their rightful place in society and realize their personal potential to the fullest extent.


1.Working with parents: practical recommendations and advice on education children 2-7 years old / car. - comp. E. V. Shitova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.-169s.

2. Under the total. ed. A. V. Gribanova; Rec. : A. B. Gudkov, A. G. Soloviev, N. N. Kuznetsova: Attention Deficit Disorder hyperactivity in children-M. : Academic project, 2004

3. For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used.

4. Abramova A. A. Aggressivenessfor depressive disorders: Dis.. Cand. psychol. Sciences. - M., 2005. - 152 p.

Consultation foreducators

preschool age groups:

"Formation of verbal communication of children in the process of organizing work in pairs and a small subgroup."

Dialogue with peers is a new fascinating area of ​​pedagogy of cooperation, pedagogy of self-development.

Speech communication involves not only the exchange of personally significant information, but also involves the exchange of feelings and emotions. According to the physiologist E. N. Viyarskaya, emotional discomfort adversely affects the development of all aspects of speech, especially sound pronunciation.

The ability to communicate with peers, share emotions should providein all classes, both speech and non-speech.

It contributes to:

Communicative motivation of the teacher: understanding of the essence of the dialogue. (not knowing its features often leads to the fact that the educator involuntarily transforms tasks with paired interaction into monologues (puts children with the back of their heads to each other, breaks off communication between themselves, imposes discipline)

positive teacher's attitude, his benevolence

demo cratic style of communication; / Question for teachers:"Vwhat do you think it consists of?(in psychology, it is customary to distinguish several styles of communication between a person and other people. One of them is associated with the superiority of one over the other, the second with equality, mutual respect).

respect for the personality of the child and his rights as a communication partner;

partner position of the educator. What does this mean in reality preschool group? First of all, it is the adoption by the educator of a democratic style of relations. It is easiest to understand what it means to be a partner of children by comparing two positions of different forms of organizing activities with children - partnership and school lesson. (see Appendix No. 1). What does it mean to be a PARTNER. A partner is always an equal participant in the business and is connected with others by mutual respect.

undisciplinary methods of attracting and retaining the attention of children (situations of surprise, problematic situations, creating situations that stimulate the emergence of speech communication, including the active use of the current pedagogical situation, indirect (indirect), provocative questions).

At different moments of the lesson, the partner position of the educator manifests itself in different ways.

To start the lesson - it is an invitation to action through various non-disciplinary techniques.

Having outlined the task for joint activity, an adult, as an equal participant, offers possible ways to implement it. In the process itself, he sets the developing content (new tasks, methods of activity, etc.); shows interest in the results of others; enhances the child's interest in the work of a peer, encourages meaningful communication, provokes mutual assessments, discussions of emerging problems.

Built in a special way final stage of activity. First of all, his characterizes "open end": everyone works at their own pace and decides for themselves whether they have completed the assignment or research. Evaluation of children's actions can be given only indirectly, children take part in the evaluation of performance, draw a conclusion about the correctness or incorrectness of the task, reason, make independent conclusions.

This approach contributes not only to the development of children's verbal communication, but also contributes to emotional comfort.

For instance, The children were asked to arrange the objects in one row. Then the teacher asks the children: “What subject is in third place? Everyone calls the same object, and one of the children another? The teacher, using the current situation, asks the children questions: “Who is right?” "Why do you think so?"

Question for teachers: Who do you think should have the final say?

In the process of organizing this type of activityinappropriate:

direct instructions

Learning motivation

Rigid regulation

Disciplinary Instructions

Control of the fulfillment of tasks (assessment by the educator of the fulfillment of tasks /correctly - incorrectly /).

Classes in the form of unconstrained partner activity of an adult with children do not at all mean chaos or arbitrariness either on the part of the educator or on the part of the children. For the educator, these are mandatory and planned actions.

Children are included in classes out of interest in activities, out of the desire to be with their peers.

It is important to remember that if the educator correctly selects the content for classes with preschoolers, corresponding to their interests, and is emotionally attuned to the proposed business, the problem of children joining it simply does not arise.

The dialogic form of communication is the most natural and is not given to a person from birth. It is mastered in the same way as any other type of activity, in the process of interaction with a more experienced partner - the bearer of a communicative culture. Many experts came to the conclusion that dialogue should be taught (Z.I. Yashina, A.L. Pavlova, N.M. Yurieva, etc.).

What isDIALOG?

Dialogue is not just everyday situational conversation. a thief, and arbitrary contextual speech rich in thoughts, viewpersonal interaction, meaningful communication.

At an early age, a child is involved in a dialogue with an adult. He addresses the baby with questions, motives, judgments. An adult actively responds to the statements and gestures of the child, “repairs” the dialogue (E. I. Isenina), interpreting, “deploying”, distributing incomplete situational statements of his little interlocutor. The child transfers the experience of verbal communication with an adult into his relationships with peers.

Communication with peers at first ispredominantly non-verbal practical interaction, which is dominated by facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, various vocalizations (laughter, interjections, It is preceded by "collective monologue"(J. Piaget), which is verbal communicationin which each of the partners actively speaks out inpresence of a peer, but does not respond to partner's remarksra and does not notice the lack of reaction on his part to thenatural statements. Thus, the peculiarity of a collective monologue is that in it everyone speaks about his own (“conducts a monologue”) and thinks that he is heard and understood (collective monologue).

Scientific research, the results of a speech examination of preschool children indicate that preschoolers experience significant difficulties in mastering their native language - its sound system, grammatical structure, lexical composition. And without a full knowledge of the native language, it is impossible to master dialogic communication!

It is also noted that many older preschoolers master only the mostsimple forms of dialogue with peers:

they argue little, do not argue their statements,

unable to maintain a conversation for a long time,

not proactive enough.

Inactive children are drawn into the dialogue by their more active children. partners; and when communicating with inactive peers, they return to the form of "collective monologue".

These facts once again tell us that it is necessary to turn to the origins of the dialogue, to the age when its foundations are laid. This age, according to many researchers (V.I. Yashin, A.L. Pavlov, N.M. Yuriev, A.G. Arushanova, etc.), is the younger preschool age - children from 3 to 5 years old.

What is necessary for the formation of dialogical speech?

First of all, the child needs to master his native language:

His sound system



Phrasal speech (the ability to build different types statements).

In addition, the experience of practical interaction with peers in a variety of collective games (staging, dramatization games, mobile, role-playing, didactic games, etc.), in cooperative type activities (collective visual, musical activity, construction). All this contributes to the development of speech dialogue.

And so, in order to form a dialogue, it is necessarypurposeful work with kids, starting from preschool age.

To learn dialogue with peers, a child must have a positive experience of communicating with at least one partner.

The ability to conduct a dialogue is acquired by children gradually in the process of games, in which the rules themselves aim children to act together, to monitor the actions of a partner, to correct and supplement them.

At the initial stage (with children of primary preschool), games can be organized that promote non-verbal practical interaction, for example, visual communication. With children of primary preschool age, it is recommended to play the "Sun" game, during which children find a partner for playing or joint action, with the help of a glance. In the future, the children, united in a pair, learn to negotiate with each other about a joint action, for example, about choosing one toy for two.

The position of the teacher in organizing such games is important.. First of all, this is the ability to pause and not solve the problem for the children, not to give ready-made solutions. Important play along with the kids.

The author of the books "Speech and verbal communication of children", "The origins of dialogue" A.G. Arushanova as the main form of teaching dialogue with peers younger preschoolers(3-5 years) chosen forma games-occupations(frontal and subgroup). These games are activities should not have educational motivation. Such classes are organized as a natural interaction between an adult and children, they have a free organization, the teacher creates conditions for communication, stimulates and supports the initiative involuntary statements of children, their conversations, appeals to the teacher, questions.

In such classes, two main tasks should be set and solved:

in the field of language development - development speech attention, phonemic hearing, speech breathing, articulatory apparatus of children;

in the field of coherent speech - the establishment of game and speech interaction of children with peers.

These tasks are interrelated.

The education of the sound culture of speech is carried out in the form of game interaction of children, and speech and game communication between children is activated with the help of problematic speech situations. At the same time, the development of speech attention, phonemic hearing, speech breathing, articulatory apparatus is based on the orientation of children to the semantic side of speech and to the partner.

So, for example, a teacher, using a riddle about a beetle, creates a visual image in children.

Children are divided into pairs: “big” and “small bugs”. To do this, you can use pictures with the image of an insect.

Educator. Show how loudly a big beetle buzzes, but how will a small one buzz? (Quietly) Big bugs are flying. We found a meadow and sat down. And now little bugs will fly towards them. Everyone will find a mate. And now, in turn, everyone will sing their songs - loud and quiet. Then you can invite the children to switch roles.

Interacting with peers, the child hears the onomatopoeia that the neighbor emits, and involuntarily adjusts his own pronunciation. Since acoustically similar onomatopoeias are used, correlated with different visual images, children develop speech attention, speech hearing.

The task of breaking into pairs, agreeing who is a big beetle and who is small encourages children to elementary practical interaction. The position of the educator is important here, in which he indirectly helps the children, does not close the correct completion of the task for himself, but stimulates the interaction and communication of children.

Can be used in practice games different types practical interaction:

throwing the ball,

transfer of an object (pictures, toys),

role-playing dialogue in theatrical games, etc.

Another means of teaching dialogue is didactic games in pairs, during which both linguistic (lexico-grammatical and phonetic) and communicative tasks (organization of practical and verbal interaction with a peer partner) are solved.

In the process of playing in pairs, it is important so that the children are set to communicate, it is important to turn the child's head towards the partner, look at the partner, and the ability to listen and hear him.

In the books “Speech and speech communication of children”, “Origins of dialogue”, scenarios of activating communication and games in pairs are proposed, which contain material for children 3-5 years old. This material is designed for two years, i.e. for children 2nd youngest and middle groups. The game-lessons, games, game dialogues proposed in the textbooks can be included in different types of lessons.

fifth year of life.

The fifth year of life occupies a special place in the development of children's speech.

During this period, it is clearly

the ability to communicate with adults outside of the situation,

to play and speech interaction with peers,

to games with words, sounds, rhymes.

In communicating with adults, initiative statements of children are of particular value. Initiative speech is contextual, expanded, grammatically structured. It often contains complex sentences:

When you go to bed, night falls. And the cars go to the garage.We sleep at night.

I'll sleep, eat, and my mother will come.

Did you see the house I built?

I also saw [a monkey]. Only not in the zoo, but just at home.Near the shop where they sell cocktails.

Important in the development of the communicative function of speech is the communication of children with peers. At the initial stages, it is practical. Speech interaction has the form of separate dialogic cycles(unities), often unrelated ("ego-speech": "collective monologue", "a-z-statements").

An example of "a-z-statements". Children draw in the art studio:

Look at my roof!

Wow, me too.

- I'll be this.-AI'm this.

An example of a "collective monologue". Children - in the art studio:

Scissors don't cut.

I have a very thick branch.

I can't stick this green paper in any way.

My branches are so thin.

Children tend to express themselves, to talk about their actions, feelings. They feel like they are being listened to. But the partners do not notice that everyone is talking about his own.

This nature of communication is due not only to age characteristics, but also to the specifics of the activity (in this case, visual), when, being nearby, everyone does their own thing.

One of the tasks facing adults is to awaken the speech activity of every child.In the fifth year of life, work continues and deepens, started in the second younger group. Although learning to communicate at this age is still based on game and communicative motivation, indirect methods of influence are used; communication is democratic in nature, accompanied by jokes, turnarounds, accompanied by the laughter of children, includes a variety of plastic exercises ( motor activity), a variety of postures and movements in space.

In the scenarios of activating communication proposed in the books "Speech and Speech Communication", "The Origins of Dialogue", along with the tasks of developing communication, the tasks of developing speech are also solved. Particular attention is paid to the work on the education of the sound culture of speech - it is provided for in each lesson. The development of speech attention, phonemic hearing, the articulatory apparatus of children are objects of close attention.

Children activities organized on a pair basis and actions (children turn to a peer partner with a request to give a toy whose name has a particular sound; children break into pairs, stretch out their hands to each other and blow on them to feel the breeze; blow on butterflies (whose butterfly will fly further) The "great titmouses" throw the ball to the "small titmouses" and greet them: "Zin-zin-zin", and the "small ones" answer: "Xin-sin-sin", and throw the ball to the "great titmouses", etc.).

Work in the classroom is complemented games in everyday life. So on a walk, children play the game "Horses and Train". The horses gallop and clatter: "Clock-Clock", and the train goes: "Clock-Clock." Then they switch roles and continue the game.

In the game "Fish Dive", one subgroup of children shows how small fish swim and dive: "Fluff-Fluff", the second subgroup imitates big fish: "Pluff-plop".

Games in which children pronounce isolated touks are also important. For example, "beetles" pronounce the sound [zh], "aircraft" - knock [p] or [p "], etc.

Children love games with onomatopoeia: Geese-swans, Hen and chickens, Sparrows and a car, Frogs in the swamp, Who screams. Such games can be held at the initiative of the teacher, when he calls the children two or three games, and they choose one of them. If necessary, the teacher recalls the rules of the game.

During leisure hours, it is advisable to hold the games “Cold - hot”, “Who called?”; games-competitions "Who will name more words?" (with a given sound or a certain category of words); “Musical games” in which children imitate playing various instruments: “Beat the drums”, “Find out what instrument I play”, “Balalaikas and violins”.

So, the formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue is facilitated by games, and, above all, those in which the rules themselves aim children to act together, follow the partner’s statements and actions, correct and supplement them.

A wide field for children's communication is a role-playing game.

At first, children's games are of a solitary nature. In them, children designate individual game actions, objects, play out dialogues with toys. Then the games become collective.

Senior preschool age.

Dialogue proper as speech interaction with peerscom, which has its own subject of discussion, in which partners take turns speaking on one topic, - typical for older preschoolers.

At the senior preschool age, the formation of a coordinated dialogue with peers, the development of subjectivity and initiative in dialogue with adults take place. It is important to teach the child the ability to enter into a conversation, support him, share his impressions and experiences.

After all, it is well known that this is not easy to achieve, especially in a large group of children. Often, in such a situation, the guys either keep a disciplined silence, or speak noisily all at once, while they do not hear and do not listen to each other. It is possible to solve these problems by organizing work with children in small subgroups.. Grouping children into small subgroups allows the child to satisfy natural need every child to be heard.

In work with older preschoolers, didactic games and exercises based on communicative and game motivation are also widely used and have elements of entertainment.

Such games are familiar to educators and are presented and described in the methodological literature (A.K. Bondarenko, O.S. Ushakova, A.G. Arushanova, etc.). It's so wide famous games as “Cut pictures”, “Let's string beads”, “Find words with a given sound”, “Story on a set of pictures”.

But they have a certain modification, changing the software content of the game.

What is it?

First of all, in the fact that they introduce rules for the interaction of children. The teacher offers the children: “Choose a couple for yourself, and agree on who will ask questions and who will answer, who will dictate, and who will draw.” In the course of such games, children develop not only certain speech exercises and skills, but also the skills of speech interaction.

The main task didactic game - speech interaction and the emergence of dialogue.

This approach to well-known games contributes to the establishment of a game dialogue with peers.

So, for example, in didactic game“Find the sound”, children do not just look for pictures whose names contain a given sound, but also act in accordance with the rule: follow the order in completing tasks (first one child selects a picture and highlights a given sound in the name, and his partner reasonably agrees or disagrees with him, and then they switch roles: the one who controlled him performs the next task, and the partner becomes the controller). In addition, the children of the whole group can also evaluate the correctness of the tasks performed by this pair, while the argumentation of the conclusions drawn is obligatory.

Learn to take turns

Listen to partner

Control your and his actions

Argued to speak out

Feel free to express your disagreement.

Children can learn to follow the sequence of actions and statements in the following games:

“Guess by touch” (for a couple of children there must be one bag or muff)

"Let's string beads"

"Dictation", etc.

"Guess the Picture"

“Guess what object I guessed”, etc.

“Combine on a common basis” (see Appendix No. 2)

For example, in the games “Stringing Beads” or “Dictation”, the following model must be observed: one child dictates according to a previously prepared scheme, and the other strings or lays out these figures. During the game, of course, there is a need for clarifying questions: “Is this a big or small figure?”, “Is it a blue or green square”, etc.

In a number of games (“Find more”, “What, what, what”), the “do not repeat what has already been said” rule encourages children to carefully follow the statements of a friend, keep up the conversation, adding only new information, and express their disagreement reasonably and kindly. The formation of skills to express one's agreement or disagreement with the partner's statements is facilitated by games like "It happens - it doesn't happen."

Approbation of games in pairs in different preschool institutions confirmed the expediency and effectiveness of this work for solving the problems of the language and communicative development of preschoolers.

In addition, it should be noted that special attention is paid to the formation of skills to analyze, generalize, compare, reason, draw conclusions and conclusions in the author's technology mathematical development preschoolers "Mathematics in kindergarten" V.P. Novikova. She notes that teaching elementary mathematics should take place in the form of a dialogue between an adult and a child. It is important to give the child the opportunity to reason and decide for himself which answer is suitable. The author notes that the tasks developed by her involve different forms uniting children in the classroom (pairs, small subgroups, the whole group).

Pedagogical conditions of development

dialogic communication

The main pedagogical conditions for the development of dialogical communication of children are:

developing pedagogical environment,

communication space;

rules for organizing the lives of children;

non-disciplinary methods of attracting and retaining attention; emotional comfort,

creative atmosphere in the group.

An important role in the development of the contact-establishing function is played by organization of communication space. This involves free communication and movement of children during classes (with the appropriate organization of the workspace)

Children should be able to form small subgroups for games and organized activities.

Furniture should be comfortable for rearrangement, for use in the game. It is desirable to have modules, large easels, flannelgraph, magnetic boards, etc.

The work of a subgroup of children on one sheet, on one easel, on one board creates the prerequisites for the emergence of interaction and communication with peers. Satisfying the need for contacts with peers - important condition emotional comfort.

In order for children to inhabit the space of communication, it is necessary comply with the relevant rules for organizing their lives:

encouragement to independent use of the premises; uniting children in dramatizations, outdoor games, in the game room;

involvement of parents in the life of the kindergarten.

All this brings up independence in children, enriches their experience of communicating with people. different ages, introduces to the national traditions of communication (greeting, getting around, farewell).

Only when the lives of children based on the principles of dialogueinteractions, maybe develop creative competencenew personality.

An important condition for the development of children's communicative competence is training in special speech classes.

In practice one can meet speech lessons built in the genre of a school lesson. Numerous studies of science and analysis of practical activities show that the form of a school lesson is ineffective. It damages the dialogical communication of children. The formation of speech and speech communication is facilitated by classes based on the joint partnership activities of children and adults. An example is games-activities, scenarios of activating communication, proposed in the books "Speech and speech communication of children", "Origins of dialogue" by ed. A.G. Arushanov.

The scenarios use out-of-school forms of education: the “non-school” style of communication between the teacher and children (confiding, allowing jokes, laughter, games with words, wit, fun); non-class organization of the environment (such an arrangement of children on chairs, at a table, on a carpet so that they can see each other, freely contact with a peer partner).

But the main thing is the non-educational motivation of children's activities. They do not retell fairy tales and stories, but play them. Children do not learn to compose description stories, but make riddles about an object, determine its properties by touch, by taste. They don't make up stories from personal experience and this experience is shared when the need arises.

Scenarios of activating communication combine frontal and subgroup forms of learning. Individual classes allow the child to satisfy the need for personal communication, and for an adult to evaluate the preschooler's achievements in speech development.

Didactic games in pairs and small subgroups enrich the experience of children as communication partners, contribute to their emotional comfort, as well as the development of language ability.

Emotional comfort children are facilitated by non-disciplinary forms of attracting and retaining attention: a variety of surprise moments (moving, floating, sounding toys); auditory (music, sounds of a bell, pipe, singing, whisper, mysterious intonation) and visual effects (light of a flashlight in the function of a pointer, Magic wand); elements of the costume of the teacher and children; eventfulness (drawing the educator in front of the children, dressing up, organizing the space of communication).

Communicative and game motivation learning tasks, non-disciplinary forms of attracting and retaining attention provide emotional comfort for children, which eyecalling positive impact on their development dialogicallyth communication, on the formation of all aspects of the language (phonetic, lexical, grammatical).

Application No. 1.

WorkspacesOand positions of participantsatdifferent

form of organization of the lesson.

Affiliate form of training

school- lesson form

Adult partner, next to children (together)

Adult - teacher, separated from children (above/against)

Free placement allowed

Jobs are hard-wired for children

Children are allowed to move freely during activities.

It is forbidden to move children

Work communication allowed (hum)

free communication of children is prohibited; disciplinary requirements of silence are introduced, disciplinary remarks are made

The position of an adult is dynamic (he can change his job if he sees that one of the children especially needs him); at the same time, all children in the field of view of the educator (and each other) can discuss work, ask each other questions, etc.

The position of an adult is either stable (0 stands at the blackboard, stands or sits at a desk), or he moves to control and evaluate (“walks around” the children, controls, evaluates, hanging “above” the child)


A.G. Arushanov.

"Speech and speech communication of children". 37 years. A book for kindergarten teachers. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 1999.

A.G. Arushanova, N.V. Durova, R.A. Ivankova, E.S. Rychagov.

"The Origins of Dialogue". A book for educators / edited by A.G. Arushanova / .- M .: "Mosaic - synthesis", 2003.

A.G. Arushanova, R.A. Ivankova, E.S. Rychagov.

game dialogues. Teaching aid. - M .: "Karapuz-didactics", 2005

O.S. Ushakov. EAT. Strunin. L.G. Shadrina, L.A. Kolunova, N.V. Solovieva, E.V. Savushkin.

The development of speech and creativity of preschoolers. Games, exercises, notes of occupations. Toolkit corresponds to the program of O.S. Ushakova on the development of speech recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. - M .: TC Sphere, 2001.

O.S. Ushakov. EAT. Strunin.

Difficult kids. How to work with them?

Berchatova Elvira Vladimirovna

Children - FIDGET

They are almost always excited, restless, inattentive, and it is difficult for parents, educators, and teachers to deal with them. “Violators of order and peace”, “uncontrollable” are the softest epithets that adults reward these children with.

“He never sits still, does not want to be calm. He literally deigns me, as if he doesn’t hear that I ask him to calm down, it even seems to me that he does it on purpose to get me out, ”complains the mother of 6-year-old Denis. “Since he started walking, I've been on my guard all the time. He wants to do everything himself, but is not able to collect himself, is not able to fix his attention for more than a few minutes. It is difficult for him with peers, he is impatient, irritated, reacts very sharply to any refusal. His behavior creates problems everywhere - at home, in a group, and when meeting with friends, and while walking. At the same time, his mother emphasizes all the time that Denis himself learned to read at the age of 5, that he is interested in many things, he likes to speculate on different topics, but ... wayward and undisciplined. Denis's mother is sure that he "does not want" to obey the demands of adults and the main task is to "force" him to do everything "the right way."

Unfortunately, adults are not ready not only to understand the reasons for such a child's behavior and show patience, but also to take responsibility for his condition and behavior.

As a rule, "restlessness" manifests itself quite early - by the age of 2-3, but parents explain it by playfulness, liveliness of character, conditions of education, etc. It becomes more difficult at the age of 5-6, when the child is faced with the need to comply with the daily routine, class schedule, and the requirements of the educational process in preparation for school.

Why do children become restless, how to detect violations in the child’s condition in time and how to respond to “stubbornness and self-will”, is it possible to teach a restless child to study, how to make work effective?

Often we ourselves provoke the child to "bad" behavior with irritation, impatience, demands that he cannot cope with. We must learn to be consistent and calm, firm but benevolent. It is important to understand that a child needs not only to be loved, but also to respect his personality. Any child, even the naughty Sami, has the right to count on our understanding and help.

Unfortunately, more than 70% of parents and 80% of teachers believe that a child should “be obedient”, should “be able to behave”, should be attentive, diligent, etc. Moreover, “obedience” (which is understood as unquestioning obedience to the requirements of adults) is considered by parents to be perhaps the most important virtue of a child. A child who is quiet, inactive, sitting for hours with his toys does not interfere and, as a rule, does not cause anxiety, despite the fact that he probably has a lot of problems. But noisy, restless, talking a lot, constantly demanding attention is tiring, often annoying adults.

It is especially difficult for these children in a team, with a clearly organized regime and a system of fairly strict requirements. As a rule, these are the so-called "non-Sadovskie children."

Today, a huge number of children have a complex of manifestations of behavioral disorders: inattention, distractibility, hyperactivity, impulsivity. The presence of these signs indicates a specific mental health disorder -attention deficit disorder(ADD), or hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood.

attention deficit disorderin the latest medical classification is defined as a disease. This means that the child wants, but cannot change his behavior at the request of adults. A special tactic is needed to work with such a child, and sometimes treatment.

ADD is perhaps the most common form of conduct disorder. Children with ADD are about 15-20%, and the syndrome is 3-5 times more common in boys. So far, the causes of ADD cannot be considered clear and well studied. Researchers are considering various causes of its occurrence - from genetic to neuroanatomical and even nutritional factors.

The main symptoms of ADD:

  • attention disorder,
  • hyperactivity,
  • impulsiveness.

Changes in behavior, of course, sometimes happen to every child, for example, after an illness, there may be a violation of attention, a strong functional stress ends in an emotional outburst, an unexpected, inadequate reaction, which is taken by adults for impulsiveness. Fatigue at the initial stages, as a rule, is associated with motor restlessness, restlessness, etc. However, these are temporary (situational) manifestations of behavioral disorders. In children with ADD, these manifestations are constant.

Attention - one of the most important mental functions that ensure the activity and learning of the child. It manifests itself as a general readiness for activity, as well as a special (selective) readiness for certain types of activity.

At a younger preschool age, selective attention has not yet been formed, but at 3-4 years old, the child already reacts not only to novelty, but also to diversity. Something very interesting, a new child involuntarily pays attention - he seems to freeze, his gaze is fixed on the “new”, his mouth is half open. For children with ADD, this reaction is not typical.

In older preschoolers - children 5 - 6 years old - voluntary attention is quite well developed (focus on a specific object, subject, task). However, in children with ADD, the processes of organizing attention are disturbed. These violations are not very noticeable at a younger preschool age, but already in the systematic classes in preparation for school, they appear immediately.

The inability to concentrate is the cause of the difficulties that arise when performing tasks in school. Children with ADD are able to maintain attention for only a few minutes. At the same time, during their favorite activities and games that they manage to successfully cope with, they can keep their attention and do what they love for quite a long time. This is what adults point to when they say: "Maybe when he wants." Maybe, but not only because he wants to, but because the activity allows you to feel pleasure, to achieve success. It should be noted that attention is based precisely on the principle of pleasure, satisfaction. This principle is an important factor in the organization of the mental activity of the child, it has a stimulating effect.



Option 1 (there may be several options) Option 2


Success Failure


success criteria) Reasons for failure

New solutions

Communication tactics with a fidget

It is important to understand that the style and tactics of our communication are laid down in early childhood. The child experiences the means of our influence (positive and negative), our reaction, our endurance. And if we try to change the situation by shouting, threatening, punishing, then by doing so we create the basis for future problems.

Adults want to lead the child (or consider it necessary to do so). But to lead does not mean to force, to command, to demand unquestioning obedience. The child should have a desire to be led. He must trust us, and reproaches and threats do not contribute to this at all.

The effectiveness of communication depends not only on our desire to achieve certain results, but also on how we do it. And here everything matters - tone, intonation, look, gestures.

How to talk to a restless child?

1. Unacceptable (even in critical situations) rudeness, humiliation, anger. Expressions like “I can’t stand it”, “you exhausted me”, “I don’t have the strength”, “I’m tired of you”, repeated several times a day (not to mention the more rude ones), are meaningless. The child simply ceases to hear them.

2. Do not talk to the child between times, irritably, showing with all your appearance that he is distracting you from more important matters than communicating with him. Apologize if you can't distract yourself, and be sure to talk to him later.

3. If there is an opportunity to be distracted for at least a few minutes, put aside everything, let the child feel your attention and interest.

4. During a conversation, remember that tone, facial expressions, gestures are important, the child reacts to them more strongly than to words. They should not show discontent, irritation, impatience.

5. When talking to your child, ask questions that require a lengthy answer.

6. Encourage the child during the conversation, show that you are interested and important what he is talking about.

7. Do not disregard the requests of the child. If the request cannot be fulfilled for some reason, do not remain silent, do not limit yourself to a short “no”, explain why you cannot fulfill it. Don't put conditions on the request, such as "If you do this, I'll do that." You can put yourself in an awkward situation.

What to do in a false situation?

1. Learn not to attach excessive importance to misconduct, to remain calm (not to be confused with ostentatious calm, when an adult makes it clear with all his appearance: “come on, come on, I don’t care, these are your problems”). This does not mean that you should always follow the child's lead, not notice his misdeeds, indulge him, not control his actions and not make any demands on him. On the contrary, clear requirements are needed (within the limits of the child's capabilities), which do not change depending on the situation and the mood of adults. Demandingness + calmness and goodwill are needed. The child must be aware that the demand is not a whim of an adult, but a refusal is not a demonstration of hostility, not a punishment for a misconduct, or simply your inattention to his request.

2. Never punish if the offense is committed for the first time, by accident or due to adult error.

3. Do not equate misconduct (violation of behavior) and the child. The tactics “you behave badly - you are bad” is vicious, it closes the way out of the situation for the child, reduces self-esteem, creates a situation of fear. Apparently, this is why naughty children so often ask their parents: “Do you love me?”

4. Be sure to explain what the offense is and why it is impossible to behave this way. However, if the mother almost breaks into a scream, and the father is always ready to slap, it is hardly possible to explain to the child that screaming and fighting is not good.

5. Do not slander about misconduct, remind (for prevention), shame in front of other adults and peers. It humiliates, gives rise to resentment and pain. The child may, without realizing it, respond in kind. You should not be surprised in these cases by the childish “I hate” or “I don’t love you”, “you are evil”.

6. You should not set as an example a "naughty" child "good" brothers and sisters, peers, reproaching "there are normal children who do not harass their parents." Parents who easily lose their temper, do not know how to control themselves, and therefore do not know how to behave, are not a good example for children.

Which method is more effective - praise or punishment?

Practice shows that parents (and not only restless children) are very stingy with approval and praise. When asked if parents often praise you, the children answer with a long silence, and it turns out that they rarely praise you, only for a real result (a good grade, help around the house - “passed a bucket”, but never for effort, attempt. Effort, work is not received approval if there is no result that satisfies the parents.

In the process of studying, learning, and especially when there are problems, the child needs support, encouragement, which allow him to understand that he is acting correctly, give confidence that failure can be overcome and you appreciate his efforts. It is very easy to pay attention only to problems, but it is not easy to see the emerging improvement. But without the support of an adult, the child will not notice him either. “I am sure that you will succeed”, “I will help you, and you will definitely do it ...”, “That's right”, “Well done, you make me happy.” These approval formulas are standard and everyone can use their own. Approval, support and praise stimulate the child, increase motivation.

Harsh treatment (remarks, reproaches, threats, punishments) can increase efficiency for a short time, but in most children it causes resentment, anxiety, and increases the fear of failure. Moreover, this anxiety and fear of parental anger provoke new offenses, although the fear of censure and punishment often creates the illusion of a positive change in the situation. Compliance and obedience are often achieved at the expense of accumulated bitterness, negative emotions and disruption of relationships. The threat is based on the assumption that fear may be a sufficient motive to achieve some result (and indeed, there may be a short-term effect), but the feeling of resentment (especially perceived as undeserved resentment) usually backfires.

Therefore, it is recommended to praise the child more often than to condemn him, to encourage, and not to notice failures, to inspire hope, and not to emphasize that changing the situation is impossible. In order for a child to believe in his success, in the possibility of overcoming problems, adults must believe in this.

Do we need an obedient child?

It would seem a strange question about the restless, restless, inattentive children. Surveys show that teachers and parents identify obedience, discipline and diligence as the most desirable qualities for a child. While talking about the problems of inattentive fidgets (which many adults consider naughty) and how to help such children, we nevertheless tried not to talk about obedience. Obedience is not a quality that should be elevated to the rank of the main dignity of a child.

Undoubtedly, it is easier for adults with an obedient child. Firstly, because adults are busy and, naturally, want the child not to interfere, to be comfortable. Secondly, because adults are impatient and set to realize their pedagogical claims on the principle of "immediately and now", without much effort, on the command "said - done." Thirdly, no matter what we say about the child's right to respect, attention, understanding, adults do not put the child's problems at the forefront, but their desires and requirements.

The requests of parents who come with “problem” children for a consultation are very indicative and characteristic: “Help to cope with the child ...”, “How to force ...”, “How to change behavior?”. At the same time, the child must always change, and very rarely adults are ready to change their attitude towards him. Sometimes it is impossible to convince them that the baby cannot be the way they want to see him. Recommendations to change the attitude towards the child, “change anger to mercy”, try to be patient, condescending, benevolent, are perceived with even greater difficulty and resistance. Of course, all this requires a lot of work on oneself, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to influence the situation otherwise.

Let us think about what the fight against disobedience is aimed at. On the unquestioning submission of the child to the will of adults. Let us imagine a family where strictness, exactingness, and harsh treatment rule, where a restless, fussy, absent-minded child receives endless remarks and does not have any concessions. The result of such an attitude is a downtrodden, timid (even if sometimes aggressive), embittered, constantly holding back protest, a person who lives with a sense of failure and in an alarming anticipation of new failures.

Features of communication with "difficult" preschoolers

With all the variety of problems faced by educators, two groups of difficulties in communicating with adults can be distinguished, which are most typical for preschoolers. This impulsiveness (hyperactivity) andlethargy(passivity) of children. For all their opposites, these features equally complicate communication and need timely correction.

Let's give brief description these difficulties.

impulsive childrenextremely mobile and emotional. They are characterized by increased activity, fussiness, disorganization. They willingly accept any offers, join any game with interest, but very quickly lose interest and cool down. It is difficult for such children to follow the rules of the game, sit in class, for a long time do one thing. It is difficult for them to listen to an adult - they cannot listen to the explanation to the end, they are constantly distracted. Obviously, such children represent a serious problem in every group. They may talk loudly in class or just walk away if they are not too interested.

The desire for independent action (“I want it that way”) turns out to be a more significant and powerful motive than any rules. At the same time, such children may know the rules of behavior very well, but these rules do not yet act for them as a significant motive for their own actions. The intellectual level and creative activity of such children can be quite high, but in the situation of classes they are often distracted themselves and interfere with others. The main problem for these children isunderdevelopment of arbitrariness, the inability to restrain one's immediate, situational desires.

Inhibited, passive childrenOn the contrary, they are extremely calm and assiduous. They do not stand out in any way, do not violate discipline and do not interfere with anyone. They calmly and obediently carry out the instructions of an adult, observe the rules of conduct in everyday life and in the classroom. such children are very "comfortable" in the group - they do not require attention, they are almost invisible. However, such humility should be alarming, because behind it there may be a lack of interest in the environment - in games, in objects, in independent activity.

As a rule, passive children have a reduced emotional tone, they rarely and quietly laugh, they are not surprised at anything, they do not show interest in games and activities, although they participate in them on an equal basis with others. They rarely and quietly speak, it is difficult to get a detailed answer from them, and even more so an independent statement. They indifferently accept any suggestions from an adult, never refuse him, but as soon as they need to show their initiative in a game or in class (think up something, compose, answer a difficult question), they are silent, lower their eyes, shrug their shoulders and obviously do not know , what to do. In their behavior, especially in a new, problematic situation for them, one feels stiffness and tension, which prevents them from engaging in activities and expressing themselves. Their attention is usually focused on an adult, from whom they constantly look for guidance and instructions.

Despite the humility and "obedience" of such children, their obedience to any rules, it is difficult to communicate with them: they never object, do not express their point of view, do not show themselves. And without such mutual activity, communication is impossible and comes down to the one-sided guidance of an adult and the subordination of a child. Although these children do not bring much trouble to the caregiver, they should cause serious concern. Their passive, inconspicuous behavior may indicateunderdevelopment of the motivational sphere, the lack of personal interests and creative activity.

The described groups of children can be identified through observation. However, the increased activity of the child does not always indicate his hyperactivity and lack of arbitrariness, and passive behavior - about the underdevelopment of interests and creative activity.

Since there are different psychological bases behind the behavior of these two groups of children, it is obvious that these groups require different pedagogical strategies and need different styles of communication with the educator.

Features of communication with impulsive (aggressive) children

Sometimes aggression in children is indirectly stimulated - due to the constant viewing of cartoons of the corresponding content, action films, "horror films", various programs, where in one form or another there are motives of violence. If an adult on-screen "villain" seems funny or grotesque, then a preschooler perceives his behavior as an admirable example, and he does not think about the suffering of the victims at all.

A similar influence is exerted by toys specially produced for playing according to the plots of popular foreign cartoons, "children's action films" and "horror films", which are used by children in games without realizing the true motives.

In kindergartens, a fashion for such games periodically arises precisely because one of the children brought the appropriate toys. The teacher in this situation cannot completely debunk the new favorite characters in the eyes of the children. The only thing in his power is to prevent the appearance of imported cartoons with aggressive content in the group. Instead, it is better to show domestic cartoons that are more suitable for children, organize their discussion, play individual episodes of them with children (this is especially good in the younger and middle groups).

The artistic skill of the educator, his ability to captivate children with the game, unobtrusive explanations and discussion of the actions of the characters, the ability to come up with a continuation of the tale, story (which is more within the power of the pupils of the older group) - all this will help distract children from warlike games and show them the possibility of peaceful, kind ways communication. The brighter and more expressive the kind, positive hero is, the more he will attract the attention and sympathy of the child, and even if he cannot fully compete with some kind of "terminator", then at least it will give an opportunity to compare them and think about the choice of a behavior model.

With older children, it is advisable to discuss not only cartoons, but also books, talk about why the characters act this way and not otherwise. The teacher reads to the children provided by the program fiction(in class or outside of them), and then be sure to discuss what they read. It is very useful in these conversations to unobtrusively compare positive and negative characters that are well known to children. For example, it is easy to compare the adventures of the Hare and the Wolf from the cartoon "Well, you wait!" and the Cat and Mouse from Tom and Jerry.

Popular children's books are suitable for discussing the motives of the characters' behavior, understanding their true or feigned kindness, starting with the ABC by L. Tolstoy and ending with the stories of N. Nosov and V. Dragunsky (some of Deniska's stories).

Such work in a group helps children learn to understand other people, the goals and motives of their actions, teaches them to coordinate their desires and actions with others, to find compromise solutions and conflict-free ways of behavior.