
Long-term planning for a month 2 junior group. Long-term planning for theatrical activities with children in the second junior group. Amount of educational load

Pathology of the uterus

Approved by the Head of MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 Order No. From "" 2012. MBDOU kindergarten №2, Balakovo, Saratov region Working program 2 junior group for children from 3 to 4 years Authors - compilers: I.B. Suslina. - educator Mikheeva O.V. - educator Doronina I.G. - educator Yulenkova I.I. - educator Adopted by the decision of the pedagogical council From "" 2012 Protocol No. Introduction. The second youngest group (from 3 to 4 years old) Age characteristics of children. At the age of 3-4 years, the child gradually goes beyond the family circle. His communication becomes non-situational. An adult becomes for a child not only a family member, but also a bearer of a certain social function. The child's desire to perform the same function leads to a contradiction with his real capabilities. This contradiction is resolved through the development of the game, which becomes the leading activity in preschool age... The main feature of the game is its conventionality: the performance of certain actions with some objects presupposes their relevance to other actions with other objects. The main content of the play of younger preschoolers is actions with toys and substitute objects. The duration of the game is short. Younger preschoolers are limited to playing with one or two roles and simple, undeveloped plots. Games with rules are just beginning to take shape at this age. The visual activity of a child depends on his ideas about the subject. At this age, they are just beginning to form. Graphic images poor. Some children lack details in their images, while others may have more detailed drawings. Children can already use color. Modeling is of great importance for the development of fine motor skills. Younger preschoolers are able to sculpt simple objects under the guidance of an adult. It is known that application has a positive effect on the development of perception. At this age, the simplest types of applications are available to children. Constructive activity in younger preschool age is limited to the construction of simple buildings according to the model and by design. In the younger preschool age, perceptual activity develops. Children from the use of pre-standards - individual units of perception, move to sensory standards - culturally developed means of perception. By the end of the junior preschool age, children can perceive up to 5 or more forms of objects and up to 7 or more colors, are able to differentiate objects in size, navigate in the space of a kindergarten group, and with a certain organization educational process- and in the whole room preschool... Memory and attention are developed. At the request of an adult, children can memorize 3-4 words and 5-6 names of objects. By the end of preschool age, they are able to memorize significant passages from their favorite works. Visual-action thinking continues to develop. In this case, the transformation of situations in a number of cases is carried out on the basis of targeted trials, taking into account the desired result. Preschoolers are able to establish some hidden connections and relationships between objects. At a younger preschool age, imagination begins to develop, which is especially clearly manifested in play, when some objects act as substitutes for others. The relationship of children is conditioned by norms and rules. As a result of targeted exposure, they can learn relatively a large number of norms that serve as the basis for assessing their own actions and the actions of other children. The relationship of children is clearly manifested in play activities... They play side by side rather than actively interact. However, already at this age, stable electoral relationships can be observed. Conflicts between children arise mainly over toys. The position of the child in the peer group is largely determined by the opinion of the educator. In younger preschool age, one can observe the subordination of the motives of behavior in relatively simple situations. Conscious behavior management is just beginning to take shape; in many ways, the child's behavior is still situational. At the same time, one can observe cases of limiting his own motives by the child himself, accompanied by verbal instructions. Self-esteem begins to develop, while children are largely guided by the teacher's assessment. Their sexual identification also continues to develop, which is manifested in the nature of the toys and subjects chosen. The content of psychological and pedagogical work Direction "Physical development" Educational area "Health" Explanatory note. "The content of the educational area" Health "is aimed at achieving the goals of protecting children's health and forming the basis of a culture of health through solving the following tasks: preserving and strengthening physical and mental health children; education of cultural and hygienic skills; the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle. "Preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children. Strengthening and protecting the health of children, creating conditions for systematic hardening of the body, the formation and improvement of the basic types of movements. Constant control over the development of correct posture. Under the guidance medical staff carrying out a complex of flooding procedures using various natural factors (air, sun, water). Maintaining the optimal temperature in the room. Organization of regular ventilation. Formation of the habit of being indoors in lightweight clothing. Ensuring that children stay outdoors in accordance with the daily routine. Daily morning exercises lasting 5-6 minutes. Teaching children to swim, subject to the availability of conditions. Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Improvement of cultural and hygienic skills, the formation of the simplest skills of behavior while eating, washing. Formation of the habit to monitor your appearance; the ability to use soap correctly, gently wash your hands, face, ears; Wipe dry after washing, hang the towel in place, use a comb and handkerchief. Formation of elementary skills of behavior at the table: correctly use a table and a teaspoon, fork, napkin; do not crush bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk with your mouth full. Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle. The development of the ability to distinguish and name the senses (eyes, mouth, nose, ears), the formation of an idea of ​​their role in the body and how to take care of them and take care of them. Formation of ideas about wholesome and unhealthy food; about vegetables and fruits, dairy products useful for human health. Formation of ideas that morning exercises, games, physical exercises cause good mood; with the help of sleep, strength is restored. Acquaintance with exercises that strengthen various organs and systems of the body. Formation of ideas about the need for hardening. Formation of ideas about the value of health; desire to lead healthy image life. Fostering a respectful attitude towards your body, your health, the health of other children. Formation of the ability to communicate well-being to adults, to avoid situations that are harmful to health, to be aware of the need for treatment. Formation of the need for hygiene and tidiness skills in everyday life. Educational area " Physical education"." The content of the educational area "Physical culture" is aimed at achieving the goals of forming children's interest and value attitude to physical education, harmonious physical development through the solution of the following specific tasks: development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination); accumulation and enrichment of the motor experience of children (mastering the basic movements); the formation of the pupils' need for motor activity and physical improvement. "Development of physical qualities, accumulation and enrichment of motor experience. Development of the ability to walk and run freely, without shuffling, without lowering the head, while maintaining cross-coordination of movements of the arms and legs; act together. Formation of the ability to form a column one by one, Formation of the ability to maintain correct posture in sitting positions, standing, in motion, while performing exercises in balance Formation of the ability to observe elementary rules, coordinate movements, navigate in space. . Development of climbing, crawling skills; dexterity, expressiveness and beauty of movements. Introduction to games of more complex rules with a change of types of movements. Development of the ability to vigorously push off with two legs and land correctly in jumping from a height, in place and moving forward: take the correct starting position. jumping in length and height from the spot; in throwing sandbags, balls with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Strengthening the ability to vigorously repulse the balls when rolling, throwing; catch the ball with both hands at the same time. Learn to grip the bar while climbing. Strengthening the ability to crawl. Formation of the need for physical activity and physical improvement. Encourage children to participate in play and exercise together. Fostering interest in physical exercise, the desire to use exercise equipment in your free time. Formation of positive emotions in children, activity in independent motor activity. Formation of the desire and ability to ride a sled, tricycle, ski. Development of the ability to independently sit on a tricycle, ride it and get off it. Development of the ability to put on and take off skis, walk on them, put skis in place. Development of the ability to respond to signals "run", "catch", "stop", etc .; follow the rules in outdoor games. Development of independence and creativity when performing physical exercises, in outdoor games. Organization of outdoor games with rules. Encouragement of independent play of children with wheelchairs, cars, carts, bicycles, balls, balls. Complex thematic planning for the section of physical culture. September No. Weeks Topic 1 - 2 weeks: "Hello kindergarten"; 3-4 weeks "Autumn" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Classes number 1-2-3 Walking and running in small groups in a straight direction behind the teacher; Walking and running between parallel lines; P / and "Run to me"; Game of low mobility: "Let's find a bunny"; Game exercises: "Walk along the bridge", "Bring the object". Card file "Physical culture" D / v No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 2 weeks: Lessons # 4-5-6 Walking and running with the whole group in a forward direction behind the teacher; Jumping on two legs in place; P / and "Catch the ball" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 3 weeks: Lessons # 7-8-9 Walking and running in a column one by one in small subgroups; Rolling balls to each other from a sitting position, legs apart; Jumping on two legs around the object; P / and "My cheerful ringing ball." developed by LI Penzulaeva. 4 weeks: Classes No. 10-11-12 Walking and running in a column one by one; Crawling on all fours with support on palms and knees; Walking between objects "snake", hands on the belt; P / and "Find your house." developed by L.I. Penzulaeva. October No. Weeks Topic 3-4 weeks "Autumn" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Monitoring Filling in the screen of physical development and physical fitness of children. Filling in the cards for monitoring child development in the direction - physical development. 2 weeks: Monitoring Filling in the screen of physical development and physical fitness of children. Filling in the cards for monitoring child development in the direction - physical development. 3 weeks: Activities № 13-14-15 Teach children to walk and run in a circle; Develop a stable balance when walking and running with a reduced support area; Exercise in jumping on two legs; P / and "Mother hen and chickens" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 4 weeks: Lessons № 16-17-18 Teach walking and running with a stop at the signal of the teacher; Develop the ability to land on bent legs while jumping; Roll the ball in a forward direction; P / and "Train" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by L.I. Penzulaeva. November No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "My home, my city" 3,4,5 weeks: "Me and my family" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Lessons No. 19-20-21 Exercise in walking and running in a circle ; Develop the skill of vigorous repulsion when rolling balls to each other; Exercise crawling on all fours; P / and "Train". Card collection "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 2 weeks: Classes № 22-23-24 To teach children, while walking and running, to act at the signal of the teacher; Exercise in the ability to maintain a stable balance when walking on a smaller support area; P / and "Run to the flags" Card index "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 3 weeks: Classes № 25-26-27 Exercise in the ability to alternate walking and running at the signal of the teacher; Develop a stable balance when walking on a reduced support area; Strengthen the skills of landing on bent legs in forward jumps; P / and "Mice in the pantry" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 4 weeks: Classes № 28-29-30 To strengthen the skills of walking in a column one by one with the performance of tasks at the signal of the teacher; Exercise hoop-to-hoop jumping; To secure the rolling of the ball in the forward direction; P / and "Tram" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 5 weeks: Lessons № 31-32-33 To strengthen the skills of alternating walking and running in a column one by one; To develop dexterity and an eye in catching and throwing the ball; Exercise in arch crawling on all fours; P / and "Find your house." developed by L.I. Penzulaeva. December No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Man and the animal world" 3-4 weeks: "New Year" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Classes No. 1-2-3 (2nd quarter) hall area; Exercise in maintaining a stable balance while walking on a limited area of ​​support; Develop the skill of landing on bent legs in forward jumping; P / and "Mother hen and chickens" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 2 weeks: Lessons № 4-5-6 Introduce walking and running in a circle; Learn jumping from a height; Exercise in rolling the ball to each other from a sitting position; P / and "Train" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 3 weeks: Lessons № 7-8-9 To teach to walk and run between objects without touching them; Exercise in rolling the ball to each other between objects; Learn to crawl under the arc on all fours, develop coordination of movements; P / and "Sparrows and a cat" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 4 weeks: Lessons # 10-11-12 Exercise in walking and running in a circle; Learn to crawl under the cord in a grouping; Learn to walk on the board, hands on the belt, keeping balance; P / and "Bird and chicks" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by L.I. Penzulaeva. January No. Weeks Topic 2,3,4 weeks "Winter" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Holidays 2 weeks: Lessons No. 13-14-15 To acquaint children with building and walking in pairs; Repeat balance and jumping exercises; Exercise in walking on the board while maintaining balance; P / and "Rabbits" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by L.I. Penzulaeva. 3 weeks: Classes № 16-17-18 Exercise in walking and running in random directions; Continue to learn to land softly when jumping on bent legs; Exercise in rolling the ball around the object; Develop coordination of movements; P / and "Tram" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 4 weeks: Classes № 19-20-21 Exercise in walking in pairs, in a loose run; Fasten the rolling of balls and crawling under the arc; Develop an eye and dexterity of movements; P / and "Frogs". Card file "Physical culture" D / v No. 7 for 1989. developed by L.I. Penzulaeva. February No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "I will grow up healthy" 3-4 weeks: "Defender of the Fatherland Day" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Classes No. 22-23-24 Exercise in walking and running with a stop at the signal of the teacher; Strengthen the skills of crawling under the cord in a grouping; Exercise in maintaining balance while walking on a limited area of ​​support; P / and "Find your color" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в №7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 2 weeks: Classes № 25-26-27 Strengthen the skills of walking and jogging; Exercise in balance and jumping; P / and "Mice in the closet" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 3 weeks: Classes № 28-29-30 Exercise in walking and running with the performance of tasks at the signal of the teacher; Continue to learn to land when jumping on bent legs; Learn to push off energetically when rolling the ball in a forward direction; P / and "Birds in their nests" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 4 weeks: Classes № 31-32-33 Exercise in walking with stepping over objects; Exercise in crawling under the cord; Learn to throw balls over the cord; P / and "Sparrows and a cat" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by L.I. Penzulaeva. March № Topic 1-2 weeks: "International Women's Day" 3-4 weeks: "Man and the world of things" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Classes № 1-2-3 (3rd quarter) To strengthen the skills of walking and running in a circle ; Exercise in walking with a variable step (through the slats of the stairs) while maintaining balance; Exercise in vigorous push-off and soft landing on bent legs in forward jumps; P / and "Rabbits" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 2 weeks: Lessons № 4-5-6 Exercise in walking in pairs and running randomly; Introduce standing long jump; Develop dexterity when rolling the ball; P / and "Train" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 3 weeks: Classes № 7-8-9 To consolidate the skills of walking and running in a circle; Learn to throw the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands; Exercise in crawling on the board; P / and "Sparrows and a cat" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 4 weeks: Lessons # 10-11-12 Teach the correct grip on the ladder slats when climbing; Strengthen walking and scattering skills; Exercise in walking with stepping over obstacles; P / and "Catch a mosquito". Card file "Physical culture" D / v No. 7 for 1989. developed by L.I. Penzulaeva. April № Topic 1, 2, 3 weeks: "Spring" 4-5 weeks: "Folk culture and traditions" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Classes № 13-14-15 Exercise in walking and running with a stop at the signal of the teacher; Exercise in maintaining balance while walking on a gymnastic bench; To fasten the long jump from the spot; P / and "Mother hen and chickens" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 2 weeks: Lessons № 16-17-18 Repeat walking in a column one by one; Fasten the run scatteringly; Exercise in throwing the ball on the floor; Exercise in long jump from a place; P / and "Tram" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by L.I. Penzulaeva. 3 weeks: Classes № 19-20-21 Exercise in walking and running in random directions; Securing the throwing of the ball up and catching it with both hands; Repeat crawling on the board; P / and "Catch a mosquito" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 4 weeks: Lessons № 22-23-24 To strengthen the skills of walking and running in a column one by one; Exercise in climbing on an inclined ladder; Exercise in maintaining balance while walking on the board; P / and "Bubble" Card file "Physical culture" D / in No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 5 weeks: Classes № 25-26-27 To strengthen the skills of walking and running in a circle; Exercise in maintaining a stable balance when walking on an increased support; Exercise jumping through the cords; P / and "Mice in the pantry." developed by L.I. Penzulaeva. May No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Fairy tales" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 5 weeks: Classes No. 28-29-30 Strengthen the skills of walking and jogging; Continue to learn to land on bent legs in standing long jump; Exercise in tossing the ball up; P / and "Train" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by LI Penzulaeva. 2 weeks: Classes № 31-32-33 To strengthen the skills of walking in a column one by one with the completion of tasks; Exercise in tossing the ball up; Strengthen the ability to crawl on all fours on the board; P / and "Train" Card file "Physical culture" Д / в No. 7 for 1989. developed by L.I. Penzulaeva. 3 weeks: Monitoring Filling in the screen of physical development and physical fitness of children. Filling in the cards for monitoring child development in the direction - physical development. 4 weeks: Monitoring Filling in the screen of physical development and physical fitness of children. Filling in the cards for monitoring child development in the direction - physical development. Direction "Cognitive speech development". Educational area" Cognition ". Explanatory note." The content of the educational area "Cognition" is aimed at achieving development goals in children of cognitive interests, intellectual development children through solving the following tasks: sensory development; development of cognitive-research and productive (constructive) activities; formation of elementary mathematical concepts; shaping a holistic picture world, broadening the horizons of children. "*. Sensory development. Development of perception; creating conditions for familiarizing children with the color, shape, size, tangible properties of objects (warm, cold, hard, soft, fluffy, etc.); development of the ability to perceive sound various musical instruments, native speech. Strengthening the ability to highlight color, shape, size as special properties of objects; group homogeneous objects according to several sensory characteristics: size, shape, color. Improving the skills of establishing the identity and difference of objects by their properties: size, shape, color Reminding children of the names of shapes (round, triangular, rectangular and square) Enriching children's sensory experience, developing the ability to fix it in speech Improving perception (actively including all the senses) Developing imaginative representations (using epithets and comparisons when characterizing objects). Demonstration of different ways of examining objects, actively including hand movements n about the object and its parts (grasping the object with his hands, running now with one or the other hand (finger) along the contour of the object). Explanatory note. Development of cognitive and research productive (constructive) activity. Encouraging exploratory interest, making simple observations. Acquaintance with the methods of examining objects, including the simplest experiments (sinking - not sinking, torn - not torn). Leading children to the simplest analysis of the created buildings. Improving constructive skills. Strengthening the ability to distinguish, name and use the main building parts (cubes, bricks, plates, cylinders, triangular prisms), construct new buildings using previously acquired skills (overlay, attach, attach), use parts in buildings different color ... Maintaining the feeling of joy that arises when creating a successful building. Formation of the ability to place bricks, plates vertically in a row, in a circle, along the perimeter of the quadrangle), put them tightly to each other, at a certain distance (fence, gate). Encouraging children to create design options by adding other details (put triangular prisms on the gate posts, cubes next to the posts, etc.). The formation of the ability to change buildings in two ways: replacing some parts with others or building them up in height, length (low and high turret, short and long train). Development of the desire to construct buildings according to your own design; Formation of the ability to play around buildings, combine them according to the plot: path and houses - street; table, chair, sofa - furniture for dolls. Formation in children of the habit of neatly folding parts into boxes after play. Productive activity. Development of productive activity, consideration, discussion of its results. Formation of ideas about the connection between the result of activity and one's own purposeful activity, that is, about the authorship of the product. Explanatory note. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Quantity. Development of the ability to see a common feature of the objects of the group (all balls are round, these are all red, these are all large, etc.). Formation of the ability to compose groups of similar objects and to single out individual objects from them; to distinguish concepts many, one, one at a time, not one; find one or several identical objects in the environment; understand the question "How much?"; when answering, use the words many, one, not one. Formation of the ability to compare two equal (unequal) groups of objects on the basis of mutual comparison of elements (objects). Acquaintance with the techniques of sequential imposition and application of objects of one group to objects of another. Development of the ability to understand the questions "Is it equal?", "What is more (less)?"; answer questions using sentences such as: "I put a fungus on each circle. There are more circles, but fewer mushrooms" or "There are as many circles as there are mushrooms." The magnitude. Formation of the ability to compare objects of contrasting and the same size; when comparing objects, measure one object with another according to a given criterion of size (length, width, height, size in general), using the techniques of imposition and application; denote the result of the comparison with the words: long - short, equal (equal) in length, wide - narrow, equal (equal) in width, high - low, equal (equal) in height, large - small, equal (equal) in size. Form. Acquaintance of children with geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Examination of the shape of these figures (using sight and touch). Orientation in space. The development of the ability to navigate in the location of parts of your body and, in accordance with this, to distinguish the spatial directions from yourself: above - below, in front - behind (behind), on the right - on the left; distinguish between right and left hands. Time orientation. Formation of the ability to navigate in contrasting parts of the day: day - night, morning - evening. Complex thematic planning for the section on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and productive (constructive) activities of the educational area "Cognition" September No. Weeks Topic 1 - 2 weeks: "Hello kindergarten"; 3-4 weeks "Autumn" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support FEMP 1 week: Lesson №1 (September) To strengthen the ability to distinguish and name a ball (ball) and a cube (cube) regardless of the color and size of the figures. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "FEMP classes 2 junior group, group" Designing week 2: "Fence for kindergarten" (lesson number 14 from the "Fence" cycle) Teach children to alternate shapes by color and type; To develop constructive abilities. T. V. Kovrigina, M. V. Kosyanenko, O. V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in 2 younger group"p.72 L.V. Kutsakova" Designing and artistic work in kindergarten"p.43 FEMP 3 week: Lesson №1 (October) To consolidate the ability to distinguish the number of objects, using the words one, many, few. V.I. Pomoraeva, V.A. №2 (October) To acquaint with the compilation of a group of objects from separate objects and the selection of one object from it; To learn to understand the words many, one, not one. V. I. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina "Classes on FEMP 2 junior group group" October No. Weeks Topic 3-4 weeks "Autumn" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Monitoring Filling out monitoring cards of children's mastering of the necessary skills and abilities in the educational area "Cognition" FEMP section and development of productive (constructive) activities 2 week: Monitoring Filling out monitoring maps of children's mastery the necessary skills and abilities in the educational area "Cognition" section FEMP and the development of productive (constructive) activity FEMP 3 weeks: Lesson number 3 (October bbr) Continue to form the ability to make a group of objects from separate objects and to single out one object from it; Learn to answer the question "how much?" and define aggregates with the words one, many, not one. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "FEMP classes 2 junior group, group" Construction 4 weeks: "Tracks different lengths "To teach children to build paths, varying their length; To fix the names of parts. T. V. Kovrigina, M. V. Kosyanenko, O. V. Pavlova" Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group "p.72 L. V. Kutsakova" Design and artistic work in kindergarten "p.38 November No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks:" My home, my city "3,4,5 weeks:" Me and my family "Problems of the program content of the topic Methodological support FEMP 1 week: Lesson No. 1 (November ) Learn to compare two objects in length and denote the result of the comparison with the words long - short, longer - shorter; Improve the ability to make a group of objects from separate objects and single out one object from the group; Designate the aggregate with the words one, many, not one. , VA Pozina "Classes on FEMP 2 junior group to group" FEMP 2 weeks: Lesson number 2 (November) To learn to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to answer the question "how much?", Using the words one, many; Continue to teach compare two objects in length by means of superposition and applications, denote the comparison results with the words long - short, longer - shorter. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "Lessons on FEMP 2 junior group, group" FEMP 3 weeks: Lesson №3 (November) Continue to learn to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, designate the aggregate with the words one, many; Introduce the square, learn to distinguish between a circle and a square. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "FEMP classes 2 junior group, group" Construction 4 weeks: "Houses" Teach children to build houses for nesting dolls; Strengthen the ability to name details and their color; To develop constructive abilities.LV Kutsakova "Designing and artistic work in kindergarten" p.41 FEMP Week 5: Lesson №4 (November) To strengthen the ability to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to designate aggregates with the words one, many; Continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle and a square. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "Classes on FEMP 2 junior group, group" December No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Man and the animal world" 3-4 weeks: "New Year" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support FEMP 1 week: Lesson No. 1 ( December) Improve the ability to compare two objects in length, designate the comparison results with the words long - short, longer - shorter, equal in length; Exercise in the ability to find one and many objects in the environment. IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "Lessons on FEMP 2 junior group, group" FEMP 2 weeks: Lesson number 2 (December) Continue to improve the ability to find one or many objects in the environment; Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square; To improve the ability to compare two objects in length by means of superposition and application, the comparison results shall be denoted by the words long - short, longer - shorter, the same length. IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "FEMP classes 2 junior group, group" Designing week 3: "Fence for a horse (cow)" (lesson number 15 from the cycle "Fence") Teach children to build a fence, a fence for a horse; Strengthen the ability to name details and their color; To develop constructive abilities.LV Kutsakova "Designing and artistic work in kindergarten" p.43 FEMP 4 weeks: Lesson # 3 (December) To learn to compare two groups of objects by superposition, to understand the meaning of words in many, equally; Exercise in orientation on one's own body, distinguish between right and left hands. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "Classes on FEMP 2 junior group" January No. Weeks Topic 2,3,4 weeks "Winter" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support Week 1: Vacation FEMP 2 width, using overlay and application techniques, denote the comparison results with the words wide - narrow, wider - narrower; To continue to teach how to compare two groups of objects in a superimposed way, to denote the results of comparison with words in many, equally, as much as. IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "FEMP lessons 2 junior group" E. Cherenkova "The ABC of the development of the simplest origami models" FEMP 3 weeks: Lesson №3 (January) Introduce the triangle: teach to distinguish and name a figure; To improve the ability to compare two equal groups of objects by the method of superposition, to denote the results of comparison with words in many, equally, as much as; Strengthen the skills of comparing two objects in width, learn to use the words wide - narrow, wider - narrower, the same length. IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "FEMP classes 2 junior group" Construction week 4: "Matryoshka dances around the Christmas tree" (Lesson number 11 from the "Houses" cycle) Teach children to build a slide with two ladders; Strengthen the ability to name details and their color; Develop constructive ability. LV Kutsakova "Construction and artistic work in kindergarten" p.42 February No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "I will grow up healthy" 3-4 weeks: "Defender of the Fatherland Day" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support FEMP 1 week: Lesson No. 1 (February) To continue to teach how to compare two equal groups of objects using the application method, to denote the comparison results with words in many, equally, as much as; Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle); Exercise in determining spatial directions from yourself and designate them with words above - below. IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "Lessons on FEMP 2 junior group, group" FEMP 2 weeks: Lesson №2 (February) To acquaint with the methods of comparing two objects in height, to learn to understand the words high - low, higher - lower; Exercise in determining spatial directions from yourself; To improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects using the application method, to designate the comparison results in words by many, equally, as much as. IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "Classes on FEMP 2 junior group, group" FEMP 3 weeks: Lesson # 3 (February) Continue to teach how to compare two objects in height by means of overlay and application, designate the comparison results with the words high - low, higher - lower; To continue to improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, to denote the results of comparison with words by many, equally, as much as. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "FEMP classes 2 junior group, group" Construction 4 weeks: "Slide with ladders" Teach children to build a slide with two ladders; Strengthen the ability to name details and their color; To develop constructive abilities. L. V. Kutsakova "Designing and artistic work in kindergarten" p.37 March No. of the week Topic 1-2 weeks: "International Women's Day" 3-4 weeks: "Man and the world of things" Tasks of the program content of the topic providing FEMP 1 week: Lesson # 1 (March) Continue to teach how to compare two unequal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, to indicate the results of comparison with words more - less, equally, as much - how much; Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle). IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "Classes on FEMP 2 junior group, group" FEMP 2 weeks: Lesson №2 (March) Improve the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects, use expressions more - less, equally, as much - how many; To consolidate the methods of comparing two objects in length and height, to indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words. IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "Lessons on FEMP 2 junior group, group" FEMP 3 weeks: Lesson №3 (March) Exercise in comparison of two groups of objects by means of superposition and application and use words more - less, as much - how much; Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day: day, night Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "FEMP classes 2 junior group, group" Construction 4 weeks: "Teremok" (Lesson number 12 from the cycle "Houses") To strengthen the ability to stand a house, a small house; Encourage the construction of additional buildings; Learn to play around buildings. LV Kutsakova "Construction and artistic work in kindergarten" p.136 April № Topic 1, 2, 3 weeks: "Spring" 4-5 weeks: "Folk culture and traditions" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support FEMP 1 week: Lesson № 1 (April) Learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a sample (without counting and the name of the number); Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle). IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "Lessons on FEMP 2 junior group, group" FEMP 2 weeks: Lesson №2 (April) To consolidate the ability to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to the sample (without counting and name of the number); Exercise in the ability to compare two objects in size, denote the result of the comparison with the words large, small. Exercise in the ability to distinguish spatial directions from yourself and designate them with words: in front - behind, left - right. IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "Lessons on FEMP 2 junior group, group" FEMP 3 weeks: Lesson №3 (April) To learn to distinguish one and many movements and designate their number with words one, many; Exercise in the ability to distinguish spatial directions relative to oneself and designate them with the words: in front - behind, left - right, above - below; Improve the ability to make a group of objects from separate objects and highlight one object from the group. IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "FEMP classes 2 junior group, group" Construction 4 weeks: "Gate" Teach children, change the building, transforming it into height; Anchor the names of parts; Develop imagination. LV Kutsakova "Designing and artistic work in kindergarten" p.40 FEMP 5 weeks: Lesson # 4 (April) To strengthen the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, to use expressions more - less, equally, as much - how; Exercise in comparing two objects in size, denote the result of the comparison with the words large, small; Learn to determine the spatial arrangement of objects using prepositions for, under, in, etc. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "FEMP classes 2 junior group, group" May No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Fairy tales" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support of FEMP 1 week: Lesson No. 1 (May) Strengthen the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups objects by means of imposition and application, to use expressions more - less, equally, as much - how much; Exercise in comparing two objects in size, denote the result of the comparison with the words large, small; Learn to determine the spatial arrangement of objects using prepositions for, under, in, etc. IN AND. Pomoraeva, VA Pozina "Classes on FEMP 2 junior group, group" FEMP 2 weeks: Lesson №2 (May) Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, ball, cube V.I. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina "FEMP classes 2 junior group group" 3 weeks: Monitoring Filling in the monitoring cards of children's mastering of the necessary skills and abilities in the educational area "Cognition" FEMP section and development of productive (constructive) activities 4 weeks: Monitoring Filling in the mastery monitoring cards children with the necessary skills and abilities in the educational area "Cognition" section FEMP and the development of productive (constructive) activities Explanatory note. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one's horizons. Subject and social environment. Formation of the ability to focus on objects and phenomena of the subject-spatial developmental environment; establish the simplest connections between objects and phenomena, make the simplest generalizations. Acquaintance with the objects of the immediate environment, their purpose. Development of the ability to determine the color, size, shape, weight (light, heavy) of objects; their location in relation to themselves (far, close, high). Acquaintance with materials (wood, paper, fabric, clay), their properties, strength, hardness, softness). Formation of the ability to group (tea, dining, kitchen utensils) and classify (dishes - clothes) familiar objects. Acquaintance with the theater through mini-performances and performances, as well as through dramatization games based on works of children's literature. Acquaintance with the immediate environment (the main objects of urban / village infrastructure): house, street, shop, clinic, hairdresser. Acquaintance with professions accessible to the child's understanding (doctor, policeman, salesman, educator, etc.). Acquaintance with nature. Expanding children's ideas about plants and animals. Continuation of acquaintance with domestic animals and their cubs, peculiarities of their behavior and nutrition. Acquaintance with the inhabitants of the corner of nature. Expansion of ideas about wild animals (3-4 species typical for a given area). Formation of the ability to observe birds arriving at the site (3-4 species typical for the area). Feeding birds in winter. Expansion of children's ideas about insects (3-4 species typical for a given area). The development of the ability to distinguish and name by appearance: vegetables (3-4 types), fruits (3-4 types), berries (3-4 types). Acquaintance with some of the plants in the area: trees, flowering herbaceous plants (3-4 species). Acquaintance with indoor plants(3-4 types). Formation of the belief that plants need land, water and air to grow. Acquaintance with the characteristic features of the seasons following each other and the changes that occur in connection with this in the life and activities of adults and children. Formation of ideas about the properties of water (pours, pours, heats up, cools), sand (dry - crumbles, wet - molds), snow (cold, white, melts from heat). Formation of ideas about the simplest relationships in living and inanimate nature. Acquaintance with the rules of behavior in nature (do not tear plants unnecessarily, do not break tree branches, do not touch animals, etc.). Seasonal observations Autumn. Development of the ability to notice changes in nature: it gets colder, it rains, people put on warm clothes, leaves begin to change color and fall off, birds fly away to warmer regions. Expanding the notion that vegetables and fruits are harvested in the fall. The development of the ability to distinguish the most common vegetables and fruits in appearance, taste, shape and name them. Winter. Expansion of ideas about the characteristic features of winter nature (cold, snowing; people wear winter clothes). Organization of observation of birds arriving at the site, feeding them. Formation of the ability to notice the beauty of winter nature: trees in a snow cover, fluffy snow, transparent ice floes, etc. Encouraging children to participate in sledding downhill, sculpting crafts from snow, decorating snow buildings. Spring. Acquaintance with the characteristic features of spring nature: the sun shines brighter, the snow begins to melt, becomes loose, the grass has grown, the leaves have blossomed on the trees, butterflies and May beetles appear. Expansion of children's ideas about the simplest connections in nature: the sun began to warm up - it got warmer - grass appeared, birds began to sing, people replaced warm clothes with lightweight ones. Observing the planting of seeds of flower plants and vegetables in the beds. Summer. Expanding understanding of summer changes in nature: hot, bright sun , plants are blooming, people are swimming, chicks appear in the nests. Formation of elementary ideas about garden and vegetable garden plants. Consolidation of knowledge that many fruits, vegetables and berries ripen in summer. Complex thematic planning for the section forming a holistic picture of the world of the educational area "Cognition" September No. Weeks Topic 1 - 2 weeks: "Hello kindergarten"; 3-4 weeks "Autumn" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "It's good in our kindergarten" Teach children to navigate in some premises of the preschool institution; To cultivate a benevolent attitude, respect for the employees of the preschool institution. OV Dybina "Classes to familiarize with the outside world in the 2nd junior group." With. 22 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosianenko, O.V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.56 Week 2: "What we do in kindergarten" Continue to acquaint children with the work of preschool workers - educators; To teach to call educators by name, patronymic, address them on "you"; To cultivate respect for the educator, his work. OV Dybina "Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the 2nd junior group." With. 333 week: "Acquaintance with root vegetables of turnips and carrots" To teach children to distinguish between carrots and turnips; Name the names of root crops, their sensory characteristics; To develop various sensations of children, their speech SN Nikolaeva "Young ecologist" p.114 week: "Acquaintance with beets and potatoes" To teach to distinguish vegetables - beets and potatoes; Know and name their names, features of shape, color, taste; To develop sensory sensations. SNNikolaeva "Young ecologist" p.14 October No. Weeks Topic 3-4 weeks "Autumn" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Monitoring Filling out monitoring cards of the mastery of children with the necessary skills and abilities in the educational area "Cognition "section - formation of a holistic picture of the world2week: Monitoring Filling in maps for monitoring the acquisition of necessary skills and abilities by children in the educational area" Cognition "section - formation of a holistic picture of the world3week:" Acquaintance with fruits "To learn to distinguish between an apple, a pear, a plum; Know the names of fruits, their sensory characteristics; To develop various sensations of children - visual, tactile, gustatory and olfactory. SN Nikolaeva "Young ecologist" p.234 week: "Vegetables from the garden" Teach to distinguish by appearance and taste and name vegetables; Expand understanding of the cultivation of vegetable crops; Arouse the desire to participate in the dramatization of the Russian folk tale "The Turnip". OA Solomennikova "FEEE lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.8 November No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "My home, my city" 3,4,5 weeks: "Me and my family" Program content tasks Topics Methodological support 1 week: "My hometown" Teach children to name their hometown; Give basic ideas about hometown ; Bring to the understanding that there are many streets, multi-storey buildings, different cars in the city. transport; To highlight the main features (color, shape, size, structure, etc.) OV Dybina "Classes to familiarize yourself with the world around you in the 2nd junior group" p.113 week: "Dad, mom, I am a family" Form primary family ideas; To educate the child's interest in his own name. a mother takes care of her family, her beloved child; To form respect for mom. OV Dybina "Classes on acquaintance with the world around in the 2nd junior group" p.135 week: "Our family album" To form children's ideas about the family and their place in it; To foster independence, the desire to take care of family and friends; Encourage family members to be named. T. V. Kovrigina, M. V. Kosyanenko, O. V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.103 December No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Man and the animal world" 3 -4 weeks: "New Year" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "Visiting the grandmother" Continue to acquaint children with pets and their cubs; Teach correctly, handle pets; To form a caring attitude towards domestic animals. OA Solomennikova "FEEE classes in the 2nd junior group" p.8 2 weeks: "Dogs, cats, mice. Comparison and play" Clarify and consolidate children's ideas about dogs and cats, their habits , body structure. SNNikolaeva "Young ecologist" p.65 3 weeks: "Winter has come" Form ideas about the seasons (winter); Learn to name the main signs of the winter period; To cultivate love for nature. TV Kovrigina, MV Kosyanenko, OV Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.108 4 weeks: "Holiday of the New Year tree for dolls" Help children remember a poem; To develop intonational expressiveness, to convey joy, triumph in speech. S.N. Nikolaeva "Young ecologist" p.36 T.V. Kovrigina, M.V. .128 January No. Weeks Topic 2,3,4 weeks "Winter" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Holidays 2 weeks: "We feed the birds in winter" To consolidate the knowledge of children about winter natural phenomena; Show the children the bird feeder; Form a desire to feed the birds in winter; Expand ideas about wintering birds. OASolomennikova "Lessons on FEED in the 2nd junior group" p.15 3week: "In January, in January, there is a lot of snow in the yard ..." To clarify the knowledge of children about winter natural phenomena; To form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding nature; To enrich and activate vocabulary. OA Solomennikova "Lessons on FEEP in the 2nd junior group" p.17 4 weeks: "Hare and wolf are forest dwellers (Hare, wolf, bear and fox are inhabitants of the forest" initial presentation about the forest and its inhabitants, about the diet and habits of forest dwellers during the winter. SNNikolaeva "Young ecologist" p.36 and p.40 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.142 February No. Weeks Topic 1 -2 weeks: "I will grow up healthy" 3-4 weeks: "Defender of the Fatherland Day" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "Aibolit checks the health of children" Start to educate an understanding of the value of health; To form a desire not to get sick, to improve health; Develop the speech of children. SNNikolaeva "Young ecologist" p.51 Week 2: "Our bunny got sick" To give the children an idea that a mother takes care of her family, she is a doctor and a nurse in her house; To form respect for mom. OV Dybina "Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the 2nd junior group" p.233 week: "How Funtik and I carried sand" To give children an idea that dad takes care of his family; Dad knows how to drive a car, transport goods and people - he is a chauffeur in his house; To form respect for dad. OV Dybina "Classes on acquaintance with the outside world in the 2nd junior group" p. 314 week: "We congratulate our dads" Introduce public holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day; Foster a good attitude towards dad; Arouse pride in your father. TV Kovrigina, MV Kosyanenko, OV Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.168 March № Topic 1-2 weeks: "International Women's Day" 3 -4 weeks: "Man and the world of things" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "This is how mother, golden straight" Continue to acquaint children with the work of mothers and grandmothers, show their business qualities; To foster respect for mom and grandmother, the desire to talk about them. OV Dybina "Classes to familiarize yourself with the world around you in the 2nd junior group" p.292 week: "Adventures in the room" Continue to acquaint children with the work of the mother at home; Foster respect for mom, a desire to help her. OV Dybina "Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the 2nd junior group" p.293 week: "Find objects of the man-made world" Encourage children to identify, distinguish and describe objects of the natural and man-made world. OV Dybina "Classes on familiarization with the outside world in 2 ml. group "p. Week 214: "Which is better: paper or cloth?" Strengthen children's knowledge about paper and fabric, their properties and qualities; To teach children to establish relationships between the material from which the object is made and the way of using the object. 36 April № Topic 1,2,3 weeks: "Spring" 4-5 weeks: "Folk culture and traditions" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "Walk in the spring forest" To acquaint children with the characteristic features of spring weather; Expand understanding of forest plants and animals; To form elementary ideas about the simplest connections in nature. OA Solomennikova "FEP lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.17 2 weeks: "Acquaintance with indoor plants" coleus, aspidistra); Learn to distinguish between leaves, stems, flowers, know that the roots are in the ground; Give an idea that they need to be fed in the spring. SNNikolaeva "Young ecologist" p.54 3 weeks: "Ecological path (Trees and shrubs on our site)" Expand children's knowledge about plants; Form a respectful attitude towards them; Form labor skills. OA Solomennikova "Lessons on FEED in the 2nd junior group" p.17 T.V.Kovrigina, MV Kosyanenko, OV Pavlova "Complex classes in the 2nd junior group" p.217 4 weeks: " Clay plate "To acquaint children with the properties of clay, with the structure of its surface. Dybina "Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the 2nd junior group" p. 365 weeks: "Funny drawing" To acquaint children with the properties of paper, with the structure of its surface; Give knowledge about what can be drawn on paper; To acquaint with the work of some artists. OV Dybin "Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the 2nd junior group" p. 26 May № Week Topic 1-2 weeks: "Fairy tales" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support Week 5: "Gifts for the bear" To consolidate the knowledge of children about the properties of materials, the structure of their surface; To improve the ability to distinguish between materials, to perform different actions with them. OV Dybina "Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the 2nd junior group" p. Week 382: "Golden Mom" ​​Continue to acquaint with E. Blaginina's poem "That's what kind of mother": To acquaint children with the properties of fabric, with the structure of its surface. Week 303: Monitoring Filling in maps for monitoring the acquisition of necessary skills and abilities by children in the educational field "Cognition" section - forming a holistic picture of the world 4 weeks: Conducting monitoring Filling in maps for monitoring the acquisition of necessary skills and abilities by children in the educational area "Cognition" Section - forming a holistic picture of the world Explanatory note. Educational area "Communication". "The content of the educational area" Communication "is aimed at achieving the goals of mastering constructive ways and means of interacting with people around them through solving the following tasks: development of free communication with adults and children; development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech ; coherent speech - dialogical and monologic forms) in different forms and types of children's activities; practical mastery of pupils' speech norms "*. Development of free communication with adults and children. Promotion of communication of children with familiar adults and peers through assignments (ask, find out, offer help, thank, etc.). to the group ("Say:" Please come in "," Suggest: Do you want to see ... "," Ask: "Did you like our drawings?") In everyday life, in independent games, helping children to interact and establish contacts with each other through speech ("Advise Mitya to transport the cubes in a big car", "Suggest Sasha to make the gate wider", "Say: It's a shame to fight! You are already big." from life. Formation of the need to share their impressions with educators and parents. Encouraging the desire to ask questions to the educator and peers. Development of all components of oral oh speech, practical mastery of the norms of speech. Formation of the dictionary. Expansion and activation of the vocabulary of children based on the enrichment of ideas about the immediate environment. Clarification of the names and purpose of items of clothing, footwear, hats, dishes, furniture, modes of transport. The development of the ability to distinguish and name essential details and parts of objects (for a dress - sleeves, collars, pockets, buttons), quality (color and shades, shape, size), surface features (smooth, fluffy, rough), some materials and their properties (paper breaks easily and gets soaked, glass objects break, rubber toys, after squeezing, restore their original shape), location (outside the window, high, far, under the cabinet). Drawing the attention of children to some objects similar in purpose (plate - saucer, chair - stool, fur coat - coat - sheepskin coat). Development of the ability to understand generalizing words (clothes, dishes, furniture, vegetables, fruits, birds, etc.); name parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night); call pets and their babies, vegetables and fruits. Sound culture of speech. Improving the ability of children to clearly pronounce in words the vowels a, y, u, o, e) and some consonants (p - b - t - d - k - g; f - v; t - s - z - c). Development of motor skills of the speech motor apparatus, auditory perception, speech hearing and speech breathing, clarification and consolidation of the articulation of sounds. Development of the correct tempo of speech, intonational expressiveness. Formation of the ability to pronounce words clearly and short phrases, speak calmly, with natural intonations. Grammatical structure of speech Improving the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case; use nouns with prepositions (in, on, under, for, about). Helping children in the use of singular and plural nouns in speech, denoting animals and their babies (duck - duckling - ducklings); plural forms of nouns in the genitive case (ribbons, nesting dolls, books, pears, plums). The attitude to the word-creation of children as to the stage of active mastering of grammar, prompting them correct shape the words. Formation of the ability to receive from uncommon simple sentences (they consist only of a subject and a predicate), common by introducing definitions, additions, circumstances into them; make sentences with homogeneous members ("We will go to the zoo and see an elephant, a zebra and a tiger"). Coherent speech. Development of the dialogical form of speech. Involving children in conversation while looking at objects, paintings, illustrations; observations of living objects; after watching performances, cartoons. Formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly, speak at a normal pace, without interrupting the speaking adult. Reminders to say thank you, hello, goodbye, " Good night"(in a family, group). Providing children with pictures, books, sets of objects for independent examination in order to develop initiative speech, enrich and clarify ideas about objects in the immediate environment. Development of initiative speech of children in interactions with adults and other children. Explanatory note. Educational area "Reading fiction" "The content of the educational area" Reading fiction "is aimed at achieving the goal of forming interest and the need for reading (perception) of books through the solution of the following tasks: the formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas; development of literary speech; familiarization with verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste. "The formation of interest and the need for reading. Reading familiar works of art, loved by children, recommended by the Program for the first junior group. Development of the ability to listen to new fairy tales, stories, poems, follow development of the action, empathize with the heroes of the work. Explanations of the actions of the characters and the consequences of these actions. Development of the ability, with the help of a teacher, to stage and dramatize short excerpts from folk tales and songs. Repetition of the most interesting, expressive passages from a read work (giving children the opportunity to finish words and phrases). Development of the ability to read nursery rhymes and small author's poems. Formation of interest in books. Regular examination of illustrations with children. and "Reading fiction" September No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Hello kindergarten"; 3-4 weeks "Autumn" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "We play with blocks" Encourage children to compose a short story about the picture together with the teacher; Answer the teacher's questions with simple sentences; To develop visual perception, observation. NA Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group from week 432: "Come visit us" To acquaint children with the genre variety of small folklore forms: songs, nursery rhymes; Encourage children to guess descriptive riddles; Practice pronunciation vowels a, y, oh, I. N. A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group from 433 weeks: "Tell about vegetables" educational areas "in the 2nd junior group from 634 weeks:" Reading poems about the fall. speeches in the 2nd junior group "p.36 October No. Weeks Topic 3-4 weeks" Autumn "Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Monitoring Filling out the maps for monitoring the mastery of children with the necessary skills and abilities in the educational field" Communication "and" Reading fiction "Week 2: Conducting monitoring Filling out the monitoring cards of the mastery of children with the necessary skills and abilities in the educational field" Communication "and" Reading literary letters atura "3 weeks:" Visiting the hostess's grandmother "Encourage children to compose a story of 3-4 simple sentences on a set of subjects together with the teacher; Develop visual perception, observation; To form in children the skill of using prepositions in, on, under, about, before, to expand the active vocabulary. N.A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group from 434 weeks: "Reading the poem by A. Blok" Bunny ". poems by A. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come" Help children remember the poem by A. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come"; Arouse sympathy for a hare who is cold, hungry and scary in an uncomfortable autumn time. V. V. Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group "p.35 November No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks:" My home, my city "3,4,5 weeks:" Me and my family "Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week:" Trolleybus and toys "Encourage children to compose a short story according to the picture; Form a generalizing word - transport; Encourage to pronounce clearly words and short phrases. N.A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group from 1392 week: "Knizhkin house" Encourage children to reproduce short stories close to the text; Develop auditory perception, intonational expressiveness; To cultivate diligence, the desire to listen and retell literary texts. N.A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group from 1183 weeks: "Who is good here, who is nice here. children sympathy for peers with the help of the teacher's story; Help the kids to believe that each of them is a wonderful child, and adults love them. VV Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group" p. 244 Russian folk tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox" To acquaint children with the fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox"; Using the example of the heroes of a fairy tale to show how family members care for each other. VV Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group" p.275 week: "Good and bad deeds of Masha and Oyka" To form in children a holistic perception of the literary text; Develop intonational expressiveness; Encourage children to convey their impressions, evaluate the actions of the heroes. N.A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group from 153 December No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Man and the animal world" 3-4 weeks: "New Year "Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week:" Cat with kittens "Encourage children to compose a short story about the picture together with the teacher; Learn to highlight the main thing in the picture by answering questions; To develop visual perception, observation. N.A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group with 178 T.V. Kovrigina, M.V.Kosyanenko, OV Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.692 week: "Reading poems from the cycle S Marshak" Children in a cage "To acquaint children with vivid poetic images of animals from poems by S. Marshak. VV Gerbova" Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group "p.41 T. V. Kovrigina, M. V. Kosyanenko, O. V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.873 week: "Visiting the Snow Maiden" Continue to acquaint children with Russian lyrics; Encourage children to emotionally convey their feelings; children's speech adjectives and verbs. N.A. Karpukhin "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group from 434 weeks: "Memorizing E. Ilyin's poem" Our Christmas tree "Help children remember a poem; To develop intonational expressiveness, to convey joy, triumph in speech. N.A. Karpukhina "Software development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group from 89 January No. Weeks Topic 2,3,4 weeks "Winter" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Vacation 2 weeks: "Reading the fairy tale" The Snow Maiden and the Fox "To acquaint children with the Russian folk tale" The Snow Maiden and the Fox "; Exercise in the expressive reading of the excerpt - the lamentations of the Snow Maiden. VV Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group" p.44 NA Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group p. Week 923: "Reading L. Voronkova's story" Snow is Coming ", A. Boseev's poem" Three "Introduce children to L. Voronkova's story" Snow is Falling "; Help remember A. Boseev's poem" Three "by V. Gerbov" Development classes speeches in the 2nd junior group "p. 46 4th week:" Examining the picture "Walking in the winter" Teach children to consider the plot picture; Answer the educator's questions, make simple conclusions. VV Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group" p.50 NA Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group p. 177 February No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "I will grow up healthy" 3-4 weeks: "Defender of the Fatherland Day" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "Conversation on the topic" What is good and what is bad "Improve children's dialogical speech ; To teach to express their judgments. N.A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group with 160 T.V. Kovrigina, M.V. p.2562 week: "Memorizing a poem by V. Berestov" To learn to read it expressively. VV Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group" p.56 TV Kovrigina, MV Kosyanenko, OV Pavlova "Complex classes in the 2nd junior group" p.1833 week: "Reading poems by B. Zakhoder" Builders ", O. Driz" We are men ", L. Lagzdyn" I am jumping "To form children's emotional perception and understanding of the content of the plot of a poetic text. areas "in the 2nd junior group from 119-1204 weeks:" Song of friends "To form in children the perception of the figurative basis of poetic works; To develop creative activity; To foster love for the poetic word. N.A. Karpukhina" Program development of educational areas "in 2 ml. group from 120 March № Topic 1-2 weeks: "International Women's Day" 3-4 weeks: "Man and the world of things" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "Reading I. Kosyakov's poem" All of her ". Didactic exercise "I love my mother very much, because ..." To acquaint children with the poem; Improve dialogic speech; To cultivate a kind, attentive attitude towards mother VV Gerbov "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group" p.58 TV Kovrigina, MV Kosyanenko, OV Pavlova "Complex classes in 2 ml .group "with. 189 Week 2: "Reading the Russian folk tale" The Wolf and the Seven Kids "Introduce the children to the fairy tale; Arouse the desire to listen to the work again and remember the song of the goat; Raise love for animals, using the example of a fairy tale to show the mother's love for her children. , M.V.Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.159 N.A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group from 1193 weeks: "Wonderful bag (compilation of descriptive stories about the toy) "To form a coherent speech of children; Encourage them to compose a descriptive story about a toy together with the teacher; To fix in the active dictionary the names of objects on the topic" Toys "by N.A. Karpukhin" Program development of educational areas "in the 2nd junior group from 1004 weeks:" Visiting Masha's doll (composing descriptive stories on a set of objects) "Encourage children to compose a story on a set of objects from 3-4 sentences together with a teacher; Develop visual perception, observation; consume nouns in the form of singular and plural in speech. N.A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group from 158 April № Topic 1,2,3 weeks: "Spring" 4-5 weeks: "People's culture and traditions "Tasks of the program content of the theme Methodological support 1 week:" Spring trills "To form children's creative activity when listening to the text and retelling it; To teach the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher; Clearly and distinctly pronounce the vowels: a, y, and, o, E. N. A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group p. 2002week: "Reading A. Pleshcheev's poem" Spring ". Didactic exercise" When does it happen? " classes in the 2nd junior group "p.221 VV Gerbov" Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group "p.58 3 weeks:" Repetition of poems. Memorizing the poem by I. Belousov "Spring Song" To help children remember the poems that they learned earlier; Remember a new poem. VV Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group" p.71 4 weeks: "The magic chest of grandmother Arina" Introduce preschoolers to the heritage of world literature; Develop intonational expressiveness of speech; To foster love and interest in the poetry of world literature and the work of A.S. Pushkin.N.A.Karpukhin "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group with. 2005week: "Sandman visiting children (small folklore forms)" To acquaint children with semantic meaning the content of nursery rhymes and songs; Develop an active vocabulary; To promote the development of arbitrary memory. N. A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group with. 47 May No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Fairy tales" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 5 weeks: "Tales about the cockerel" To form emotional perception in children literary genre- fairy tales; Encourage preschoolers to actively participate in staging and dramatizing individual passages; To consolidate the clear pronunciation of sounds З-Зь, to highlight these sounds in words. N.A. Karpukhina "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group with. 1712 week: "Tales of the Fox" To form in children the image of the heroes of fairy tales; Develop observation skills; To consolidate the correct pronunciation of words with iotated sounds i, e, yu.N.A. Karpukhin "Program development of educational areas" in the 2nd junior group with. 1313 weeks: Conducting monitoring Filling out the monitoring cards of the acquisition of necessary skills and abilities by children in the educational field "Communication" and "Reading fiction" 4 weeks: Conducting monitoring Filling out the maps for monitoring the acquisition of necessary skills and abilities by children in the educational area "Communication" and "Reading fiction" Explanatory note. Direction "Artistic and aesthetic development". Educational area " Artistic creation"." The content of the educational area "Artistic creativity" is aimed at achieving the goals of forming interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, meeting the needs of children for self-expression through solving the following tasks: development of the productive activity of children (drawing, modeling, application, art work); development of children's creativity; familiarization with the fine arts. "Development of children's creativity. Development of aesthetic perception; drawing children's attention to the beauty of surrounding objects (toys), objects of nature (plants, animals), promoting a sense of joy from their contemplation. Formation of interest in classes visual activities... The development of skills in drawing, modeling, application, depicting simple objects and phenomena, conveying their figurative expressiveness. Inclusion in the process of examining the object of the movement of both hands on the object, covering it with your hands. Promoting the emergence of a positive emotional response to the beauty of nature, works of art (book illustrations, handicrafts, household items, clothing). Development of the ability to create both individual and collective compositions in drawings, modeling, applications. Introduction to the fine arts. Leading children to the perception of works of art. Acquaintance with the basic means of expressiveness in different types arts (color, sound, form, movement, gestures), leading to the distinction of art through artistic image... Preparing children for the visit puppet theater , an exhibition of children's works, etc. Development of interest in works of folk and professional art, in literature (poetry, songs, nursery rhymes, prose), in listening and performing musical works, highlighting the beauty of seasonal changes in nature, objects of the surrounding reality (color, shape, size: house, carpet, dishes, etc.). Aesthetic developmental environment. Contributing to the emergence of a feeling of joy from the design of the group: light walls, beautiful curtains on the windows, comfortable furniture, new toys, books with bright pictures are neatly arranged in the book corner. Fostering the desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the group, so that it is cozy and beautiful. Examining drawing materials with children, drawing attention to their diversity, color, the opportunity to get beautiful drawings. Creation of a joyful mood when examining images created by children in drawings, modeling, applications (individual, collective). Acquaintance with the equipment and design of the site, drawing attention to its beauty, convenience for children, cheerful multi-colored coloring of buildings, sports facilities. Drawing the attention of children to various plants, their diversity and beauty. Explanatory note. Development of productive activities. Painting. Ensuring the relationship of drawing with other educational areas in order to enrich the impressions of children, expand the impressions of objects and phenomena of reality. The urge to convey in the drawings the beauty of the surrounding objects and nature (blue sky with white clouds; colorful leaves swirling in the wind and falling to the ground; snowflakes, etc.). Improving the ability to properly hold a pencil, felt-tip pen, brush, without straining muscles or squeezing your fingers tightly. Formation of free movement of the hand with a pencil and brush while drawing. Formation of the ability to draw paint on a brush: gently dip it with all the nap into a jar of paint, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar with a light touch of the nap, rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color. Formation of the habit of drying the washed brush on a soft cloth or paper towel. Consolidation of color names (red, blue, green, yellow, white, black), acquaintance with shades (pink, blue, gray). Drawing the attention of children to the selection of a color that matches the depicted subject. Involvement of children in decorative activities: decorating with Dymkovo patterns silhouettes of toys carved by the teacher (bird, goat, horse, etc.) ), and various items (saucer, mittens). The development of the ability to rhythmically apply lines, strokes, spots, strokes (leaves fall from the trees, it is raining, "snow is spinning, the whole street is white", "rain, rain, drip, drip, drip ..."). The urge to depict simple objects, draw straight lines (short, long) in different directions, cross them (stripes, ribbons, paths, a fence, a checkered handkerchief, etc.). Bringing children up to the image of objects of different shapes (round, rectangular) and objects consisting of combinations of different shapes and lines (tumbler, snowman, chicken, trolley, trailer, etc.). Formation of the ability to create simple plot compositions, repeating the image of one object (Christmas trees on our site, tumblers walking) or, depicting various objects, insects, etc. (bugs and worms crawl in the grass; the bun rolls along the path, etc.). Development of the ability to arrange images throughout the sheet. Complex thematic planning for the section on the development of productive activities - drawing, educational area "Artistic creativity" September No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Hello kindergarten"; 3-4 weeks "Autumn" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "Acquaintance with pencil and paper" Teach children to draw with pencils; Learn correctly, hold a pencil, guide them along the paper, do not press too hard on the paper; To draw the attention of children to the traces left by a pencil on paper. TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2nd junior group." With. 26 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.34 Week 2: "Beautiful ladders" Teach children to draw lines from top to bottom; Learn to draw paint on a brush, dip it with all the nap; Continue to acquaint with tsvety.T.S.Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2nd junior group." With. 30 3 week: "It is raining" Teach children to distinguish between carrots and turnips; Name the names of root crops, their sensory characteristics; To develop various sensations of children, their speech TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2nd junior group." With. 27 TVKovrigina, MVKosianenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.43 4week: "Colored balls" Teach children to draw continuous lines in circular movements without lifting the pencil; In the process of drawing, use pencils of different colors; To draw the attention of children to the beauty of multi-colored images. TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2nd junior group." With. 34 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p. 68 October No. Weeks Topic 3-4 weeks "Autumn" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Monitoring Filling in the monitoring cards of the mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in the educational field "Artistic creativity" in the educational area "Artistic creativity" 3 weeks: "Colorful carpet of leaves" To develop aesthetic perception; Form figurative representations; Teach children to hold the brush correctly; To teach how to draw the leaves by applying the brush pile to the paper. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2 mln group." With. 33 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.62 4week: "Trees on our site" To teach children to create an image of a tree in drawing; Draw objects consisting of straight vertical and oblique lines; To arrange images all over the sheet of paper. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 50 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.120 November No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "My home, my city" 3,4, 5 weeks: "Me and my family" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "Beautiful balloons" Teach children to draw objects round shape ; Learn correctly, hold a pencil; To develop interest in drawing. TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2nd junior group." With. 41 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.90 2 week: "Multicolored wheels" To teach children to draw round objects with a continuous continuous movement of the brush; Strengthen the ability to wash the brush; To develop the perception of color. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 43 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.95 3 weeks: "Rings" Teach children to hold a pencil correctly; Practice a circular motion of the hand; To consolidate knowledge of flowers. TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2nd junior group." With. 36 TVKovrigina, MVKosianenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.754 week: "Blow up the bubble" To teach children to transfer images of outdoor games in a drawing; To consolidate the ability to draw objects of a round shape of different sizes; To form the ability to draw with paints. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. Week 375: "Draw something round" Exercise children in drawing round objects; Strengthen the ability to use paints; Teach to enjoy your drawings. TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2nd junior group." With. 45 December No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Man and the animal world" 3-4 weeks: "New Year" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "Saucer for milk" To teach the correct techniques of painting with paint, without leaving the contour, to recognize the color and name it; Teach to enjoy your drawings. TV Kovrigina, MV Kosyanenko, OV Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.101 2 week: "Who lives in the forest?" To consolidate the ability to work with pencils or a brush; Develop creative imagination. TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.107 3week: "Snowballs, large and small" To reinforce children's ability to draw round objects; Teach the correct painting techniques; To learn to repeat the image, filling in the free space of the sheet. TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2 mln. Group." With. 48 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.113 4week: "Herringbone" To teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in drawing; Continue to learn to use paints and a brush. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 51 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.134 January No. Weeks Topic 2,3,4 weeks "Winter" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week : Holidays 2 weeks: "New Year tree with lights and balls" To teach children to convey the image of an elegant Christmas tree in a drawing; Learn to draw a Christmas tree large, in the entire sheet, decorate it; Introduce pink and blue flowers. TSKomarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 55 TVKovrigina, MVKosianenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.140 3week: "We made snowmen on a walk" To induce in children the desire to create images of funny snowmen in the drawing; Exercise in drawing objects of a round shape. TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2nd junior group." With. 62 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.160 4week: "Trees in the snow" To teach children to convey a picture of winter in a drawing; Exercise in drawing trees; Develop aesthetic perception. TSKomarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 66 February No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "I will grow up healthy" 3-4 weeks: "Defender of the Fatherland Day" Objectives of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "The sun is shining" To teach children to convey the image of the sun in a drawing; Learn to supplement the picture with images that match the topic; To develop independence. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 63 TVKovrigina, MVKos'yanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.172 Week 2: "Sunny bunny" Teach with a color spot, convey the character of the image; To develop skills in working with a brush. T. V. Kovrigina, M. V. Kosyanenko, O. V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.191 3 weeks: "Airplanes are flying" To strengthen the ability to draw objects consisting of several parts ; Learn to convey the image of an object in a drawing; To develop aesthetic perception. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 65 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.178 4 weeks: "Our legs walk along a flat path" images with the content of the action, to notice the nature of the traces applied, to perform movements in a general tempo for everyone. T. V. Kovrigina, M. V. Kosyanenko, O. V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.210 March No. Topic 1-2 weeks: "International Women's Day" 3-4 weeks: "Man and the world of things" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: "Draw who wants what is beautiful for mom" Develop aesthetic perception; Learn to see and highlight beautiful objects, phenomena; Strengthen the ability to draw with different materials; To bring up the desire to please the mother. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 71 2nd week: "Books - babies (as a gift)" Teach the formative movements of drawing quadrangular shapes by continuous movement of the hand from left to right, from top to bottom, etc. ; Refine the technique of painting by moving the hand from top to bottom or from left to right; Develop imagination. TSKomarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 71 3rd week: "My cheerful, ringing ball" Form children's ideas about the round shape of objects and their size; Consolidate knowledge about color; To teach to paint over drawings with a brush. TV Kovrigina, MV Kosyanenko, OV Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.216 4 weeks: "Beautiful flags on a string" Teach children to draw rectangular objects with separate vertical and horizontal lines; Introduce a rectangular shape; Continue to work out the techniques of drawing and painting over drawings with colored pencils. TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2nd junior group." With. 69 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosianenko, O.V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p. 222 April № Topic 1,2,3 weeks: "Spring" 4-5 weeks: "People's culture and traditions "Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week:" All the icicles were crying "Teach rhythmically, apply strokes, placing them on a sheet of paper in accordance with the direction of the icicles; To develop brushwork skills. T. V. Kovrigina, M. V. Kosyanenko, O. V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.222 Week 2: "Dandelions in the grass" To induce in children the desire to convey the beauty of a blooming flower meadows, flower shape; Practice drawing techniques; Strengthen the ability to gently wash the brush. TSKomarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 85 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.228 3week: "Birdhouse" To teach children to draw an object consisting of a rectangular shape, a circle, a straight roof; correctly convey the relative size of the parts of the object; Consolidate painting techniques. TSKomarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 78 4th week: "Acquaintance with Dymkovo toys. Drawing patterns" To acquaint with folk Dymkovo toys; Arouse joy from looking at a bright, elegant painted toy; To learn to highlight and name the individual elements of the pattern, their color. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 53 5week: "Let's decorate the Dymkovo duck" Continue to acquaint children with the Dymkovo toy; Learn to highlight the elements of the painting, apply them to a duck cut out of paper; Arouse joy from the resulting result. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 58 May No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Fairy tales" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support Week 5: "Let's decorate a mitten - a house" Teach children to draw based on the fairy tale "Mitten", create a fabulous image; Develop imagination, creativity; Form the ability to decorate an object. TSKomarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 56 Week 2: "Matryoshka Russian round dance" Learn to draw points and lines of different thickness with a brush; Develop the ability to work with gouache; To educate an aesthetic taste. T. V. Kovrigina, M. V. Kosyanenko, O. V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p. 233 3 weeks: Conducting monitoring Filling out the monitoring cards of children's mastering of the necessary skills and abilities in the educational field " Artistic creativity "Week 4: Conducting monitoring Filling out the monitoring cards of the mastery of children with the necessary skills and abilities in the educational field" Artistic creativity "Explanatory note. Educational area "Artistic creativity". Modeling. Formation of interest in modeling. Consolidation of ideas about the properties of clay, plasticine, plastic mass and modeling methods. The development of the ability to roll the lumps in straight and circular movements, connect the ends of the resulting stick, flatten the ball, crushing it with the palms of both hands. The urge to decorate sculpted objects using a stick with a sharpened end. Formation of the ability to create objects consisting of 2-3 parts, connecting them by pressing them together. Reinforcement of the ability to accurately use clay, put lumps and sculpted objects on the board. Incentive to sculpt simple objects consisting of several parts (tumbler, chicken, pyramid, etc.); combine sculpted figures into a collective composition (tumblers lead a round dance, apples are on a plate, etc.). Maintaining a sense of joy arising from the perception of the result of one's own and common work. Explanatory note. Educational area "Artistic creativity". Application. Introducing children to the art of applique, the formation of interest in this type of activity. Formation of the ability to pre-lay (in a certain sequence) on a sheet of paper finished parts of various shapes, sizes, colors, composing an image (conceived by the child or given by the teacher), and stick them. Formation of the ability to carefully use glue: spread it with a brush with a thin layer on reverse side the figure to be pasted (on a specially prepared oilcloth); apply the side smeared with glue to a sheet of paper and press firmly with a napkin. Formation of skills for accurate work. Maintaining the sense of joy that comes with creating a successful image. Development of the ability to create object and decorative compositions from geometric shapes and natural materials , repeating and alternating them in shape and color. Consolidation of knowledge of the shapes of objects and their colors. Development of a sense of rhythm. Complex thematic planning for the section on the development of productive activities - modeling and application, of the educational area "Artistic Creativity" September No. Weeks Topic 1 - 2 weeks: "Hello kindergarten"; 3-4 weeks "Autumn" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Modeling. "Acquaintance with plasticine clay" To give children the idea that clay is soft, you can sculpt from it, you can pinch off small lumps from a large lump; Learn to put clay and sculpted items only on the board, work carefully; To develop the desire to sculpt. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 27 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.29 2nd week: Application. "Big and small balls" Teach children to choose large and small round objects; To consolidate ideas about objects of a round shape, their difference in size; To learn to carefully stick the images. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 28 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.37 3 week: Sculpting. "Various colored crayons" Exercise children in stick molding by rolling clay with straight palms; Learn to work carefully with clay, plasticine; To develop the desire to sculpt, to enjoy the created. TS Komarova "Classes in fine art in the 2nd junior group." With. 30 TVKovrigina, MVKos'yanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.43 4th week: Application. "Vegetables (fruits) are on a round tray" To acquaint children with round objects; Encourage you to trace the shape along the contour with the fingers of one and the other hand, naming it; To teach the techniques of sticking. TS Komarova "Classes in fine art in the 2nd junior group." With. 32 October No. Weeks Topic 3-4 weeks "Autumn" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Monitoring Filling in the monitoring cards of the mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in the educational field "Artistic creativity" in the educational area "Artistic creativity" 3 weeks: Modeling. "Bagels (Bagels)" Continue to acquaint children with clay; Learn to roll a stick into a ring; Strengthen the ability to roll clay with straight movements, sculpt neatly. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2 mln. Group. "p. 32 4 weeks: Application." Large and small apples on a plate "Teach children to glue round objects; Reinforce ideas about the difference in size of objects; Reinforce the correct gluing techniques. TS Komarova" Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 35 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V. Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova" Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group "p.63-64 November No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks:" My home, my city "3,4,5 weeks:" Me and my family "Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Modeling." Balloons "Develop the ability to sculpt balloons; Maintain the desire to depict an object; Foster the desire to be creative. T.V. Kovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.83 Week 2: Application. "Colored lights in the houses" Teach children to glue round images; Teach to alternate circles by color; Exercise in neat gluing .T.S.Komarova "Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 42 3 weeks: Sculpting." group. "p. 42 4week: Application" Berries and apples on a platter. Canning fruits "To consolidate the knowledge of children about the shape of objects; To teach to distinguish objects by size; Exercise in the careful use of glue. TS Komarova" Classes in fine arts in 2 ml. group. "p. 38 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova" Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group "p.695 week: Modeling." Gingerbread "To reinforce the ability to sculpt balls; squeezing it with your palms; Develop a desire to do something for others. TS Komarova "Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 44 December No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks:" Man and the animal world "3-4 weeks:" New Year "Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Application" Chickens in the meadow "Teach children to compose a composition of several objects; Depict an object consisting of several parts; Continue to practice the skills of neat gluing. TS Komarova "Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 87 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova" Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group "p.2412 week: Sculpting." A gift for a beloved kitten " develop imagination; Teach children to use previously acquired skills and abilities in modeling; Raise a good attitude towards animals. TS Komarova "Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 36 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova" Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group "p.693 week: Application." Pyramid (New Year's gifts) "Teach children to transfer in applications the image of a toy; Depict an object consisting of several parts; Reinforce the knowledge of flowers. TS Komarova "Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 51 TV Kovrigina, MV Kosyanenko, OV Pavlova" Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group "p.128-130 4 weeks: Sculpting" Rattle "Teach children to sculpt an object consisting two parts: a ball and a stick; Learn to connect the parts, pressing them tightly to each other; Exercise in rolling clay with straight and circular movements of the palms. TS Komarova "Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 49 January No. Weeks Topic 2,3,4 weeks" Winter "Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Holidays 2 weeks: Application. image from parts; Exercise in neat gluing. TS Komarova "Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 60 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova" Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group "p.115-116 3 weeks: Modeling. create an image of a doll in sculpting; Learn to sculpt an object consisting of two parts; Strengthen the ability to roll clay between the palms in straight and circular movements. TS Komarova "Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 61 4 weeks:" Stick, what kind of toy you want "Develop imagination, creativity of children; Reinforce knowledge of shape and size; Exercise in the correct techniques of sticking. TS Komarova" Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 54 February No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks:" I will grow up healthy "3-4 weeks:" Defender of the Fatherland Day "Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Modeling." Sparrows and a cat (based on an outdoor game) " Continue to form the ability to reflect the images of an active game in sculpting; Develop imagination and creativity; To consolidate the previously acquired skills and abilities. TS Komarova "Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 63 2 week: Application." Truck "To consolidate knowledge about the form and size; Develop imagination. T.V. Kovrigina, M.V. .156 Week 3: Modeling. "Airplanes are at the airfield" To teach children to sculpt an object consisting of two parts of the same shape; To consolidate the ability to divide a lump of clay by eye into two equal parts; To cause joy from the created image. TS Komarova "Classes on ISO in 2 ml. group. "p. 64 4week: Application." Flags "" Festive panorama "To consolidate the ability to create an image of a rectangular object in the application; To distinguish and correctly name colors; Carefully use glue. TS Komarova" Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 68 TV Kovrigina, MV Kosyanenko, OV Pavlova" Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group "p.168 March № Topic 1-2 weeks:" International Women's Day "3- 4 weeks: "Man and the world of things" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Modeling "Treats for the grandmother (dolls)" To develop the ability of children to choose the content of their modeling from the named objects; To foster independence; To consolidate the techniques of modeling. TS Komarova " Art classes in 2 ml. group. "p. 72 TV Kovrigina, MV Kosyanenko, OV Pavlova" Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group "p.186 Week 2: Application." Flowers as a gift for mom, grandmother "Teach children to compose the image from the details; To cultivate the desire to make beautiful thing(present); Develop aesthetic perception. TSKomarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 67 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.193 3 weeks: Modeling. "Teddy bear - tumbler" To exercise children in the image of objects, consisting of parts of a round shape of different sizes; Practice the ability to fasten parts of an object, tightly pressing them together. TSKomarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 74 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosianenko, O.V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.1994 week: Application. "Beautiful napkin" Teach children to make a pattern on paper square shape; Develop compositional skills, color perception. TSKomarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 58 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosianenko, O.V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.142 April № Topic 1,2,3 weeks: "Spring" 4-5 weeks: "People's culture and traditions "Tasks of the program content of the theme Methodological support 1 week: Modeling. "Big and small birds at the feeder" Continue to form in children the desire to transfer images of birds in modeling; To consolidate sculpting techniques; To develop the ability to talk about what was blinded. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 67 Week 2: Application. "Birdhouse" Teach children to depict objects in the applique, consisting of several parts; Clarify knowledge of colors; Develop color perception. TSKomarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 76 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.218 3 weeks: Modeling. "Chickens walk" Continue to build two-piece sculpting skills; Learn to depict details with a pinching technique; Include children in the creation of a collective composition. TSKomarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 82 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.212 4 weeks: Application. "Napkin" Learn to make a pattern of circles and squares on paper napkin square shape; Develop a sense of rhythm; To consolidate the ability to glue the details neatly. TS Komarova "Classes in fine art in the 2 mln. Group." With. 73 T.V.Kovrigina, M.V.Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.205 5 weeks: Modeling. "A beautiful bird (based on a Dymkovo toy)" Learn to sculpt an object consisting of several parts; Reinforce the pinching technique with your fingertips; To learn to sculpt on the model of folk (Dymkovo) toys. TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2nd junior group." With. 77 May No. Weeks Topic 1-2 weeks: "Fairy tales" Tasks of the program content of the topic Methodological support 1 week: Application. "House (Teremok)" Teach children to compose an image from several parts; To consolidate knowledge of geometric figures. TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the 2nd junior group." With. 88 TVKovrigina, MVKosyanenko, OVPavlova "Complex lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.254 Week 2: Modeling. "Bowls of three bears" Teach children to sculpt bowls of different sizes; Learn to flatten and pull the edges of the bowl up; To consolidate the ability to sculpt neatly. TS Komarova "Art classes in the 2nd junior group." With. 79 3week: Conducting monitoring Filling out monitoring maps of children's mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in the educational area "Artistic creativity" 4week: Conducting monitoring Filling out monitoring maps of the acquisition of necessary skills and abilities by children in the educational area "Artistic creativity" Explanatory note. Educational area "Music". "The content of the educational area" Music "is aimed at achieving the goal of developing the musicality of children, the ability to emotionally perceive music through the solution of the following tasks: the development of musical and artistic activities; introduction to the art of music" *. Development of musical and artistic activities, introduction to the art of music. Hearing. Introducing children to folk and classical music. Acquaintance with three musical genres: song, dance, march. Formation of emotional responsiveness to a piece, the ability to distinguish between funny and sad music. Formation of the ability to listen to a piece of music to the end, to understand the nature of the music, to determine how many parts are in the piece. Development of the ability of children to distinguish musical sounds in pitch within an octave - septims, to notice changes in the strength of the melody sound (loudly, quietly). Improving the ability to distinguish between the sound of musical toys, children's musical instruments (musical hammer, barrel organ, rattle, drum, tambourine, metallophone, etc.) ). Singing. Formation of the ability to sing expressively. Development of singing skills (singing without tension in the range of re (mi) - la (si), at the same pace with everyone, pronounce the words cleanly and clearly, convey the character of the song (cheerfully, drawn out, tenderly, melodiously)). Song creativity. Development of the desire to sing and finish singing melodies of lullabies to the syllable "bayu-bayu" and cheerful melodies to the syllable "la-la". Formation of skills in composing funny and sad melodies based on the pattern. Musical-rhythmic movements Formation of the ability to move in accordance with the two-part form of music and the strength of its sound (loudly, quietly); react to the beginning of the sound of music and its end. Developing the ability to march with everyone and individually, run easily, at a moderate and fast pace to the music. Improving the performance of dance movements: stamping alternately with two feet and one foot. The development of the ability to spin in pairs, perform a straight gallop, move rhythmically to the music and in accordance with the tempo and nature of the piece of music, with or without objects, toys. Development of skills for expressive and emotional transmission of playful and fairy-tale images: a bear is walking, a cat is sneaking, mice are running around, a bunny is galloping, a cockerel is walking, chickens are pecking grains, birds are flying, etc. Development of dance and play creativity. Encouragement of independent performance of dance movements by children to dance melodies. Formation of skills for more accurate execution of movements that convey the nature of the depicted animals. Playing children's musical instruments. Acquaintance with some children's musical instruments: pipe, metallophone, bell, tambourine, rattle, drum, as well as their sound. Formation of the ability to play along with children's percussion musical instruments. Planned intermediate results of the development of the Program. The intermediate results of the development of the Program are formulated in accordance with the Federal State Requirements (FGT) through the disclosure of the dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities of pupils in each age period of the development of the Program in all areas of child development. By the age of four, with the successful development of the Program, the next level of development of the child's integrative qualities is reached. Integrative quality "Physically developed, having mastered the basic cultural and hygienic skills." Anthropometric indicators (height, weight) are normal. Owns age-appropriate basic movements. The need for physical activity is formed: it shows positive emotions when physical activity , in independent motor activity. Shows an interest in participating in joint games and physical exercises. He uses exercise equipment in his free time. Performs age-appropriate hygiene procedures on his own. On his own or after a reminder, an adult observes the elementary rules of behavior while eating, washing. Has elementary ideas about the value of health, the benefits of hardening, the need to comply with the rules of hygiene in everyday life. Integrative quality "Inquisitive, active". Shows interest in various types of games, joint games. He is interested in himself (who am I?), Information about himself, about his past, about the changes taking place with him. Interested in objects of the immediate environment, their purpose, properties. Shows interest in animals and plants, in their features, in the simplest relationships in nature; participates in seasonal observations. Asks questions to an adult, an older child, listens to the teacher's stories about funny incidents in life. Likes to listen to new fairy tales, stories, poems; participates in discussions. Participates in conversations while examining objects, paintings, illustrations, observing living objects; after watching performances, cartoons. Active in the creation of individual and collective compositions in drawings, modeling, applications; takes part in exhibitions of children's works with pleasure. He tries to sing, sing along, move to the music. Shows interest in participating in holidays, performances, joint leisure and entertainment. The integrative quality "Emotionally responsive". Knows how to show benevolence, kindness, friendliness towards others. Reacts to the emotions of loved ones and friends. Makes attempts to take pity on a peer, hug him, help. Emotionally interested follows the development of the action in dramatization games and puppet shows, created by the forces of adults, and older children. Listening to new fairy tales, stories, poems, follows the development of the action, empathizes with the characters of Fairy Tales, stories, stories, tries to recite nursery rhymes and small poems with expression. Shows emotional responsiveness to works of fine art, to the beauty of surrounding objects (toys), objects of nature (plants, animals), feels a sense of joy; tries to depict simple objects and phenomena in drawing, modeling, application, betraying their figurative expressiveness. Shows emotional responsiveness to age-appropriate musical compositions, distinguishes between funny and sad melodies, tries to expressively convey playful and fairy-tale images. Attempts to reflect received impressions in speech and productive activities. Integrative quality "Who has mastered the means of communication, ways of interacting with adults and peers." Knows how in everyday life, in independent games through speech, to establish acts, to interact with peers. Knows how to unite with peers to play in a group of 2-3 people based on personal sympathy, choose a role in role-playing game; shows the ability to interact and get along with peers in a short joint game. Knows how to share his impressions with educators and parents. In the event of a problematic situation, he may turn to a familiar adult and respond adequately to the comments and suggestions of an adult. Addresses the teacher by name and patronymic. Integrative quality "Able to manage his behavior and plan his actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior." Has a positive attitude towards adherence to basic rules of conduct in kindergarten and on the street; on the correct interaction with plants and animals; reacts negatively to obvious violations of the rules learned by him. Knows how to act together in outdoor games and physical exercises, to coordinate movements. I am ready to follow the elementary rules in joint games. Can communicate calmly, without yelling. Situationally shows a benevolent attitude towards others, the ability to share with a friend; has a track record of correctly assessing good and bad deeds. He understands that he must live together, use toys, books together, help each other. Observes the rules of elementary courtesy. On his own or after a reminder, he says "thank you", "hello", "goodbye", "good night" (in a family, in a group). Knows how to notice disorder in clothes and fix it with a little help from adults. Knows that it is necessary to observe order and cleanliness in the room and on the site of the kindergarten, after the game, put toys and building materials in place. After explaining, he understands the actions of the characters (works, performances) and the consequences of these actions. Integrative quality "Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems), adequate to age." She strives to independently carry out elementary assignments, shows a desire to participate in caring for plants and animals in a corner of nature and on a site. Able to independently complete an elementary assignment (remove toys, arrange materials for classes). Can independently select attributes for a particular role: complement the game environment with missing objects, toys. Uses different ways examination of objects, including the simplest experiments. Able to establish the simplest connections between objects and phenomena, to make the simplest generalizations. Shows a desire to construct buildings according to his own design. Knows how to occupy himself with games, independent artistic activities. Integrative quality "Having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, world and nature" Has primary ideas about himself: knows his name, age, gender. Has primary gender ideas (men are brave, strong; women are gentle, caring). Calls his family members, their names. Knows the name of his hometown (village). Familiar with some professions (educator, doctor, salesman, cook, driver, builder). Integrative quality "Having mastered the universal prerequisites of educational activity." Has the simplest skills of cultural behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street. Able to independently carry out elementary assignments, overcome minor difficulties. In case of a problematic situation, he asks for help. Experiencing positive emotions from correctly solved cognitive tasks, from cognitive-research and productive (constructive) activities. In dialogue with the teacher, he knows how to hear and understand the question asked, does not interrupt the adult speaking. Shows interest in books, in viewing illustrations. Integrative quality "Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities." The child has formed the skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of various types of children's activities. Planned results of children's mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in educational areas. Educational area "Health". Accustomed to neatness (notices disorder in clothes, eliminates it with a little help from adults). Possesses the simplest behavior skills while eating, washing. Educational area "Physical culture". Knows how to walk straight without shuffling, maintaining a given direction. Knows how to run, maintaining balance, changing direction, pace of running in accordance with the instructions of the teacher. Keeps balance when walking and running on a limited plane, when stepping over objects. Can crawl on all fours, climb a ladder, a gymnastic wall in an arbitrary way. Vigorously pushes off in jumping on two legs, jumps in length from the spot at least 40 cm. Can roll the ball in a given direction from a distance of 1.5 m, throw the ball with both hands from the chest, from behind the head; hit the ball on the floor, throw it up 2-3 times in a row and catch it; throw objects with the right and left hand at a distance of at least 5 m. Educational area "Socialization". Can take on a role, briefly interact with peers in the game on behalf of the hero. Knows how to combine several game actions into a single storyline ; to reflect in the game actions with objects and relationships of people. Able to adhere to game rules in didactic games. Able to monitor the development of theatrical action and respond emotionally to it (puppetry, drama theaters). At the request of an adult and independently plays out small excerpts from familiar fairy tales. Imitates movements, facial expressions, intonation of the characters portrayed. Can take part in conversations about the theater (theater - actors - spectators, behavior of people in the auditorium). Educational area "Labor". Knows how to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence. May help set the table for dinner. Knows how to feed fish and birds (with the help of a teacher). Educational area "Security". Observes the elementary rules of conduct in kindergarten. Observes the elementary rules of interaction with plants and animals. Has a basic understanding of the rules of the road. Educational area "Cognition". Productive (constructive) activity. Knows, names and correctly uses the details of the building material. Knows how to place bricks, plates vertically. Modifies buildings by adding or replacing some parts with others. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Knows how to group objects by color, size, shape (select all red, all large, all round objects, etc.). With the help of an adult, he can compose a group of similar objects and single out one object from the group. Knows how to find one and many identical objects in the environment. Correctly determines the quantitative ratio of two groups of objects; understands the specific meaning of the words: "more", "less", "the same". Distinguishes between a circle, a square, a triangle, objects with corners and a round shape. Understands the meaning of designations: top - bottom, front - back, left - right, on, above - below, top - bottom (strip). Understands the meaning of the words: "morning", "evening", "day", "night". Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Names familiar objects, explains their purpose, highlights and names features (color, shape, material). It is oriented in the premises of the kindergarten. Names his city (village, village). Knows and names some plants, animals and their babies. Highlights the most characteristic seasonal changes in nature. Shows respect for nature. Educational area "Communication". Answers a variety of adult questions regarding the immediate environment. Examines toys, plot pictures. Uses all parts of speech, simple uncommon sentences and sentences with homogeneous members. Educational area "Reading fiction". Retells the content of the work based on the drawings in the book, on the questions of the educator. Names the work (in free form) after listening to an excerpt from it. Can recite a short poem with the help of an adult. Educational area "Artistic creativity". Painting. It depicts individual objects, simple in composition, in plots that are uncomplicated in content. Matches colors that match the depicted objects. Uses pencils, markers, brushes and paints correctly. Modeling. Knows how to separate small lumps from a large piece of clay, roll them out with straight and circular movements of the palms. Sculpts various subjects, consisting of 1-3 parts, using a variety of sculpting techniques. Application. Creates images of objects from ready-made shapes. Decorates paper blanks of various shapes. Selects colors that match the depicted objects and as desired; knows how to use materials carefully. Educational area "Music". Able to listen to a piece of music to the end. Recognizes familiar songs. Distinguishes sounds by pitch (within an octave). Notices changes in sound (soft - loud). Sings, not lagging behind and not ahead of others. Knows how to perform dance movements: spinning in pairs, stamping alternately with your feet, moving to the music with objects (flags, leaves, handkerchiefs, etc.). Distinguishes and names children's musical instruments (metallophone, drum, etc.).

Kozhukhar Tatiana Alexandrovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU d \ s number 16
Locality: Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod region
Material name: long-term plan
Topic: advanced planning in the second junior group on the topic "Friends"
Date of publication: 05.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Theme of the week "Friends". 13.11.-17.11.
Day of the week Mode Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents. Group, subgroup Individual Educational activity in regime moments

Morning Morning exercises # 1. Finger gymnastics. "Fingers woke up in the morning." A conversation about friendship. Who are friends? What are friends for? How many friends should there be? - to foster a sense of collectivism, is kind to comrades. Conversation "My friend" to develop the ability of children to compose a short story about their friend, the ability to answer questions with a complete answer with Alexei, Kostya, Vanya P, Sonya, VanyaYerm, Maxim. Situational conversation about the rules of behavior at the table. Learn to hold a spoon correctly, eat carefully and independently. Children's games with board games (mosaic), put together a whole from parts (4 parts). Free play activity of children; creation of conditions for independent play activity of children. Remind parents of timely payment for kindergarten. Classes
1.Motor activity.
(physical education instructor's plan)
2. Research and cognition. Topic: "Friends".
Objectives: To develop a sense of self-confidence, a sense of collectivism, emotional responsiveness. To instill the ability to improve oneself as a person through communication with people. Foster a desire to be kind to adults and peers in kindergarten. (Conversation "Who are friends", the game "Name your friends", "Tell a friend a kind word" _) Walk Observing the wind Objectives: to continue observing the wind with the help of a wind blower, Teaching children to dress correctly and quickly Situational conversation "You need to yourself be able to Portable material Children's rake, cubes for
develop the ability to determine the weather (windy or calm). An outdoor game "Cats and Mice" to promote the formation of positive emotions in children, activity in independent motor activity. for a walk, neatly put things in your locker before and after a walk. With Lisa. Varya, Artem, Dasha, Masha, Ksyusha. Alyosha. dress. ”Fasten the dressing and undressing sequence. Remind children to keep their clothes clean. outdoor games, toys for playing with sand, dolls dressed for the weather, cars. Encourage independence in game selection. Work before bedtime Listening to a fairy tale: "A cat, a rooster and a fox." Purpose: to encourage emotional responses to the content of the fairy tale, to help children understand what "friendship" is. Evening Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Reading fiction: "Song of Friends" S. Mikhalkov. Role-playing game: "Bus". Purpose: to promote the formation of friendly relationships between children. Game "Guess what is gone?" for mastering the genitive plural form of nouns with Liza, Dasha, Alla, Vanya E, Darina, Timofei. "Give in to each other." Purpose: Explain to children how important it is in the game and in serious matters not to be rude, to yield to each other. Suggest coloring pages on the theme of "toys", paint a toy that a friend liked. Self-guided play corners encourage play groupings.

Morning Morning exercises # 1. Finger gymnastics "Fingers woke up in the morning." Didactic game “Let's dress Tanya to Summarize the knowledge of children on the topic of friendship. Suggest a role-playing game situation "К
Conversation "Fight or negotiate": to develop children's communication skills in various life situations. Didactic game: "House of Friendship". Purpose: to arouse children's sympathy for the game characters, to be able to help them. walk ". Purpose: To teach children to choose items of clothing suitable for the weather with Varya, Dasha, Alena, Masha, Vladislava. Continue to teach children the ability to negotiate, help each other, expanding children's ideas about friendship. guests have come to us "- to continue to develop interest in joint games, to use substitute items in the game.
1. Musical activity
(according to the plan of the music director.
2. FEMP. Topic: Acquaintance with the concept of "wider-narrower". Count to three. Acquaintance with the arrangement of figures. Tasks:
develop the ability in children to compare two objects, highlight the width parameters (wider - narrower), find similarities and differences; consolidate the count to three, develop Creative skills... (game "Help the chickens", "Hen and chickens", "I am a cow") Walk Observing the sun. Objectives: to develop the idea that when the sun is shining, it is warm outside; Labor activity: Collection of dry twigs on the site. Purpose: to continue to foster the desire to participate in the work of the "Ball in the basket" Department to develop the ability to throw the ball right on target with Kostya, Ira, Vanya Ef, Sonya, Dasha, Alena. Strengthen the skill to politely seek help from an adult and peers; foster a respectful attitude towards adults and peers. Self-guided walking activities. Games with portable material. Spatulas, cubes and molds for each child for playing with snow, a doll,
Outdoor games: "Mice in the pantry." Purpose: to teach to run easily, without bumping into each other, move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement. cars. Work before going to bed Teach to undress on your own: take off your sandals, socks, shorts, with the help of an adult, take off your T-shirt and put your things neatly on the highchair. Evening Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Conversation "Friendship is a wonderful word" to acquaint with the rules of friendship; show the importance of true friends in a person's life; teach goodwill, the desire to understand each other, teach to share the joys and sorrows of friends. Game "Call a friend" Control "Color the picture" continue to develop the ability to hold the pencil correctly. Paint over carefully with Artem, Alla, Timosha, Ksyusha, Varya. Situational conversation about being polite and caring towards a friend fostering a desire to take care of your friend. Help him. Invite the children to bake a cake for a friend. To form the ability to sculpt according to the plan, to consolidate familiar sculpting methods. Arouse the desire to make a nice gift to a friend.

Wednesday 15.11.
Morning Morning gymnastics. № 1. Finger gymnastics. "Fingers woke up in the morning." Д / и "Say kindly" Purpose: To enrich the children's vocabulary with words with diminutive-affectionate suffixes. Watering the plants Involving children in watering the plants in a group. To form an understanding that plants need light and water, they need to be looked after. Together with the teacher, teach how to prepare equipment: bring watering cans, pour water into watering cans. Foster a desire to care for plants. FEMP work - to fix the main features of objects: color, shape, size with Sonya, Ira, Artem, Maxim, Varya, Masha. The game "Find a toy" in subgroups. Purpose: to develop the ability to navigate in a group. Reading fiction. Purpose: to awaken interest in Russian folk tales.
1.Motor activity.
(physical education planner) 2
... Painting. Topic: "The chicken and the kitten made friends."
Objectives: to continue to develop the desire in children to work with gouache. Develop the ability to smear paint with your hand, draw small details with a felt-tip pen. Develop imagination and imagination with blotography. Develop a desire to be friends with each other, to rejoice friendly relations others. Walk Observation of people's clothing (raincoats, jackets, boots, umbrellas in their hands). Why are people dressed like that. Individual work with Sonya P, Varya, Vanya, Nastya K, Anya N. -development Situational conversation “Do I need to be able to dress myself?” Reinforce the sequence Suggest a game situation “We are going to visit” Purpose: to promote the formation
An outdoor game "Blow up, my ball!" continue to develop the ability to form a circle. Act on signal. Labor assignments "sweep the path" foster a desire to work. movements. Purpose: the formation of the ability to perform walking and running without bumping into each other, with coordinated, free movements of the arms and legs. dressing and undressing. friendly relationships between children., the ability to use substitute items in the game. Work before bedtime Reading the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut" Evening Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths. Reading a poem: “You need to live together in the world.” Purpose: to teach to understand the meaning of the word “amicably”. Individual work with Timofey, Maxim, Katya, Vanya P - game "Who hid?" Purpose: to develop memory, attention. Formation of the ability with the help of an adult to put oneself in order; use individual items (handkerchief, towel, comb). Board games: "Puzzles"; "Lotto". Independent play activities in activity centers develop independence in choosing a game, encourage play groups.


... Morning Morning gymnastics # 1. Finger gymnastics. "Fingers woke up in the morning." Conversation "Hello!" Purpose: to acquaint with the elementary rules of conduct, ethics of communication and greetings; develop communication skills in relation to peers and adults; to educate a culture of behavior. Didactic game "Find an object" Purpose: to teach to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns. Individual work with Maxim, Vanya E, Anya, Nastya, Liza, Timofey and Varya. develop the ability to properly hold a spoon exercise "Katya's doll will not know how to hold a spoon correctly, let's teach her." Formation of the ability to greet and say goodbye, express your own requests calmly, using the words "thank you", "please." Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents Lesson
1. Musical activity
(according to the music director's plan.)
2. Application. The theme "We smile at each other."
Tasks: Clarify what is the most good gift each other is a smile. To develop the ability to draw with pencils, use glue, a glue brush, a cloth, navigate the contour (left, right, middle), educate children to be friendly to each other. Walk Observation of the flora. Purpose: to acquaint with the structure of a tree; to bring up a respect for nature. An outdoor game "Along an even path." Purpose: to develop the consistency of movement of the arms and legs; Game exercise "Rabbits". Purpose: - to develop the ability to jump on two legs, moving forward; to develop dexterity, confidence in Labor assignment: collecting fallen leaves to bring up the desire in children to perform labor actions, to maintain order on the site. children to carry out role-based interaction, to play up their
-to teach to walk freely in a column one by one; develop a sense of balance, orientation in space for oneself. role, assign roles with the help of a caregiver. Work before bedtime Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: teach yourself to take off your clothes, put shoes in your locker. Learning a nursery rhyme: "Voditsa, voditsa, wash my face." Evening Gymnastics after sleep. A game based on the fairy tale "Teremok". Purpose: to develop the ability of children to play independently with figures of a tabletop theater. Play activities: d / and “Dress the doll for a walk”, “Guess by touch”, “Collect the whole”, “Collect the beads”. Individual drawing work with Vanya p, Nastya K, Anya N, Vanya E, Alexey. Purpose: to develop the ability to hold a pencil correctly, sit at a table, and maintain posture. Situational conversation "We are in order" to foster a desire in children to collect toys after games, to put each toy in their house. Play corner: construction set of various types. Enriching the corner of creativity: coloring books, pencils, wax crayons.


Morning Morning exercises # 1. Finger gymnastics. “In the morning my fingers woke up.” A conversation about the importance of hygiene procedures: brushing teeth, hair care, nails. Purpose: to foster a desire to take care of your health. Individual work with Vova F, Irina, Alena, Alla, Maxim. Continue to introduce the names of the utensils. D ball game "Magic words" to instill a desire in children to use kind and polite words in active speech. Acquaintance with oral folk art, reading fairy tales. Purpose: to awaken interest in oral creativity. Class
1. Development of speech. Topic: "Like a chanterelle with a bull-calf quarreled." Tasks:
Coherent speech: develop the ability in children to answer questions and restore the content of a fairy tale; Sound culture of speech: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds (b), (l); Vocabulary and grammar: activate the adverbs "hurt, sad, offensive" in children's speech
2. Recreational game hour (for a walk). Tasks:
walking along the path (imitating the step of a bear), running, game exercise "Get into the circle" to develop the ability to throw bags into a hoop. Exercise game exercise "Through the brook" in maintaining balance, and "Tram" exercise in walking and running in pairs.
Walk Observing a puddle - how did it appear, what is it, where does it disappear, what are they (large, deep, etc.)? Elementary work assignments - to collect toys in a basket after a walk. exercise "Dexterous couple" Purpose: to develop dexterity, the ability to perform the exercise in pairs with boys. To foster a desire in children to walk, trying not to get dirty, take good care of their clothes, put their shoes to dry after a walk. Children's games with portable material. Role-playing games at the choice of children. P \ game "Shaggy dog" - learn to move in accordance with the text. Work before bedtime Learning a nursery rhyme: "Voditsa, voditsa, wash my face." Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: to educate the ability to properly hold a spoon, eat carefully, over your plate, wash your hands before and after meals. Evening Finger gymnastics. Walking on ribbed paths. D / N: "Matryoshka". Purpose: exercise in shape correlation. Individual modeling work with Varya, Lisa, Alena, Katya to develop the ability to roll plasticine on the palms, to do - exercise "Treat for a friend" Situational conversation "Say goodbye to a friend." foster a desire in children to say goodbye when they go home. Offer to organize a creative workshop "Make cookies" to continue to acquaint children with plasticine, to develop the ability to roll plasticine in a circular motion between the palms.

Forward planning in the 2nd junior group "Development of speech"
N / a
Educational activities
Content of work (activities of children, taking into account their age characteristics
Conditions for individual needs

pedagogical situation


Retelling of the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken"

2. To clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound "a".
3. To cultivate a love for tabletop theater.
1.Retelling a fairy tale with the help of table theater.
2. Game "Chickens and cockerels".
3.Game "Guess who is singing a song"
Independent retelling of a fairy tale by children using a table theater.
R / I "Make it right"

page 16

Examining toys - trains, cows, cuckoos, rooster
1. Develop observation skills.
2. Teach to correctly name objects, their individual parts, qualities.

1. Description of the locomotive.
2. Game "Finish the sentence"
3. Game "Train"
Acquaintance with guests - toys: a cow, a cuckoo and a cockerel.
3. Description of toys.
4. Learning a song about a cock.
Definition of the sound "U" in words
D / I "Family"
Ushakova O.S.
"Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 18

Description of toys - kitten, foal, mouse.
1. To develop coherent speech.
2.To learn to form the names of baby animals.
3. Nurturing emotional responsiveness.
1. Acquaintance with animals and their babies.
2. Game "Cars"
3. Game "Who will see more"
4. Imitation of the voices of animals.

Drawing up a story about a kitten (foal, mouse)
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 20

Examination of the painting "We are playing with blocks, building a house"
1. Develop attention.
2. Teach the correct use of singular and plural forms of nouns and verbs.
3. To cultivate friendliness.
1. Conversation on the picture.
2. Drawing up a story about the children in the picture.
3. Game "The breeze is blowing"
4 mimicking sounds
P / N "One - many"
Repetition of the teacher's story according to the picture.
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 23

Description of the appearance of the doll Oli
1. Develop observation skills.
2. To learn to determine the color of an object, use antonyms, coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number.
3. To cultivate the desire to communicate.
1. Speech communication.
2.Description of the doll.
3.R / I "Donkeys"
4 repeating sounds
Comparison of two different dolls
D / I "Dress the doll"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 25

Drawing up a plot story on a set of toys together with a teacher
1. To develop the ability to use words with the opposite meaning.
2. Learn to compose a short descriptive story with the help of an adult.
3. To cultivate respect for objects.

1. Description of toys.
2. Imitation of the sounds of animals.
3. A story about a favorite toy.
4.P / A "Cubs and a she-bear"
D / I "Animals"
Musical and didactic game "Whose mother's voice"

Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 29

Drawing up a story about toys - kitten, hare
1. To develop coherent speech.
2. To teach to form diminutive names of young animals.

1. Reading a Russian folk song about a kitten.
2. Drawing up a story about a kitten with the children.
3. Drawing up a story about a hare.
3. Reading a poem about a hare.
4.P / I "Frog"
5. Learning a clean phrase.
D / And "Find a picture"
D / I "Family"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Description of toys - goat, donkey, steamer
1. To develop speech breathing.
2. Show the formation of the imperative mood of the verbs: jump, ride, introduce antonyms.
2. To cultivate emotional responsiveness.
1. Description of toys.
2.P / A "Wind and Leaves"
3. Narration of a poem about smoke and a pipe.
4. Guessing animals by their voices.
5. Guessing the riddle.
6. Game "What confused Buratino?"
R / S "Find the mistake"
R / I "Guess who it is"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
p. 35.

Retelling of the tale "Turnip"
1. To develop speech breathing.
2. Teach retelling together with an adult.
3. To cultivate a love for tabletop theater.
1.Retelling a fairy tale using table theater.
2.P / A "Let's plant a turnip"
3. Guessing riddles about animals.

Playing out a fairy tale using table theater.
D / And "Pick a pair"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
p. 38.

Description of Olya doll clothing items
1. To develop the ability to focus on the characteristics of the subject.
2. To learn to correctly use adjectives denoting color.
3. To cultivate politeness.
1.Description of the appearance of the doll.
2. Children dress dolls for a walk.
3.R / I "Guess what is drawn"
Find objects in the group that start with the sound "p"
R / S "Find an object"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
p. 40.

Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a bear and a mouse

2. Learn to use prepositions in, on, under, about, before.
3. To cultivate love for animals.
1. Drawing up a descriptive story together with the teacher.
2. "Ask politely" game
3.P / I "Bear and Bear Cubs"
R / S "Find by description"
Guess by the sound game
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 43

Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a cat, a bear, a mouse.
1. Develop observation skills.
2. To learn to use words denoting qualities, actions.
3. To cultivate politeness.
1. Description of toys.
2. Guessing animals by their voices.
3. C / R game "Shop"
Find an item by description
Description of the picture with the image of the animal.
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a story based on the painting "Sledding"
1. To develop attention.
2. To learn to pronounce the sound combination at different tempo, with different volume.
3. To cultivate sociability.
1. Description of the painting.
2. Self-storytelling.
3. Game "Snowballs".
4. Playing the drum.
5. Guessing animals by sound combinations.
R / I "What do we see in the yard"
R / S "Finish the word"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Description of dolls Dasha and Dima
1. To develop coherent speech.
2.To learn to compose a story on the teacher's questions.

1.Description of the dolls.
2. Game "Ball".
3. Playing the pipe.
4. Playing the bell.
5.R / I "What toy is gone"
R / N "What our doll loves"
D / And "What has changed"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Conducting the game "What's in the bag at Buratino"
1. To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.
2.Exercise in the formation of genitive plural forms of nouns.

1. Description of Pinocchio.
2. Game "What's in the bag at Buratino."
3. Description of toys.
The game "Everything is so different"
Describe the toy
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
p. 52.

Drawing up a descriptive story about animals from pictures.
1. To develop the correct pronunciation of sounds.
2. To reinforce the names of familiar animals, toys, and their qualities in speech.
3. To educate attention to the intonation side of speech.
1. Sound imitation of musical instruments.
2. Playing the drum.
3. Description of pictures.
4. Game "Horse".
5. Exercise for a long exhalation.
Game "Guess What I'm Talking About"
Description of animals according to the picture.
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Retelling of the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Chicken"
1. To develop speech, attention.
2. To learn to reproduce the content of the tale on questions.
3. Fostering the desire and ability to listen to works of art, to follow the development of the action.
1. Repetition of sounds made by animals.
2. Game "Chicken and Chickens".
3. Reading the fairy tale "Chicken".
4. Retelling of a fairy tale.
R / I "Loud - Quiet"
P / N "Guess by the voice"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a story based on the painting "Trolleybus and Toys"
1. To develop auditory perception.
2.To learn to compose a story based on the picture, focusing on the sample proposed by the educator.
3. To educate the sound culture of speech.
1. Children answer the teacher's questions about the picture.
2. Description of the trolleybus.
3. Game "Goose and goslings".

The game "Wonderful bag"
Game "How the cock walks and sings, how the dog runs and barks"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a steamer, a fox, a rooster
1. To develop imaginative thinking.
2. Activate the use of adjectives.
3. To educate the sound culture of speech.
1. Description of the steamer.
2. Description of the rooster.
3. Description of the fox.
4. Game "What is gone"
D / I "Toys scattered"
Find a house game
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Carrying out the game "Katya's birthday"
1. Develop observation skills.
2. Learn to pronounce words loudly - quietly, quickly and slowly.
3. To cultivate respect for toys.
1.Description of the doll.
2. Game "Katya's birthday".
3. Game "Dolls draw and walk".
4. Narration of the Russian folk nursery rhyme.
Game "Turn away and guess"
R / I "Loud - Quiet"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a fox, a teddy bear.
1. To develop the correct pronunciation of words with sound (s).
2. To learn to compare different animals, highlighting opposite signs.
3. To cultivate love for wild animals.
1. Description of animals.
2. Description of the fox.
3. Game "Compare different animals."
4. Game "Compare different animals".
D / And "Find the Difference"
Game "Hedgehog - father, hedgehog - mother"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a plot story based on a set of toys.
1. Develop speech skills.
2. Learn to name the garments correctly.
3. To cultivate neatness.
1.Description of the doll.
2. Description of the dog.
3. Game "Snowflakes".
Infinite Classification Game
D / And "Find a picture"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Description of vegetables and fruits
1. To develop attention.
2. Learn to write a description of the subject.
3. To educate the sound culture of speech.
1. Description of a bunny with a carrot.
2. Description of vegetables and fruits.
3.P / I "Bunnies and the Wind"
4. Guessing riddles.
The game "How are they similar?"
Game "Whether in the garden"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a story about the Faya and Fedya dolls
1. Develop observation skills.
2. Learn to use words with the opposite meaning in speech.
3. To cultivate respect for dolls.
1. Compilation of a short story about dolls.
2. Game "Doll is funny and sad".
3. Game "Call in one word."

D / And "How to tell them apart"
R / S "Fast-Slow"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Retelling of the tale "Little kids and the wolf"
1. To develop the correct pronunciation of sounds.
2.To teach to retell a fairy tale together with the teacher.
3. To cultivate interest and love for reading fairy tales.
1.1. The story of the tale "Little kids and the wolf."
2. Theatralization of a fairy tale.
3. Game "Goats".
R / I "What happens"
R / I "What looks like what"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Description of utensils
1. To develop the correct pronunciation of sound (s).
2.To learn to correctly name individual items of utensils.
3. To cultivate respect for dishes.
1. Description of utensils and what they are for.
2. Game "Who will name more actions."
3. Game "Where can I do what."
4. Game "Finish the sentence".
R / I "I know"
Game "What, where, when"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

The naming of pieces of furniture. Use of spatial prepositions.
1. Develop memory.
2.Exercise in understanding and using spatial prepositions in, on, for, about.
3. To cultivate respect for furniture.
1. Composing a story using prepositions.
2. The game "Who knows how to do what."
Game "Where was the ball"
Game "Useful hide and seek"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Composing a story on a topic from personal experience
1. Develop the ability to listen carefully.
2. Activate adjectives in speech.
3. educate respectful attitude to other people.
1. Guessing riddles.
2. Description of the dog.
3. Game "Pilots and Airplanes".
4. Reading the poem "Fir-trees"
R / I "Shop"
Game "Who came to us"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a story based on the painting "Cat with kittens"
1. To develop attention.
2. Activate adjectives and verbs in speech.
3. To educate the ability to pronounce sounds in words correctly and clearly.
1. Description of the painting.
2. Game "Cat and kittens"
3. Reading a pure clause.
D / And "Describe the subject"
Tell me game
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a story based on the painting "Chickens"
1. To develop speech.
2.To learn to correctly name what is depicted in the picture.
3. To cultivate curiosity.
1. Description of the painting.
2.P / I "Chickens"
3. Game "Tell me about the walk"
Game "You've got a letter"
Tell me game
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a descriptive story about animals from pictures
1. To develop a clear pronunciation of sounds.

3. To cultivate love for animals.
1. Description of animals.
2. Game "Repeat sounds"
P / S "Correct the error"
Find the Difference Game
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a description of the subject picture
1. To develop the correct sound pronunciation.
2. Learn to compose short stories from the picture.
3. Nurturing cognitive interest.
1. Guessing riddles.
2. Children tell from pictures.
3. Sound imitation of animal voices.
4. The game "Expand the pictures"
D / And "Remember and Show"
Game "Who is there"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Final educational activity
Tracking the results of the development of children OD "Speech Development"
Travel game "Visiting Dunno"
OP DO MBDOU No. 159 p.19




Edited by

N. Ye. Veraksy,

T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva)

2017-2018 UCH.G.

Educator: Barabanova E.B.


A week



1 Week

2 - week


4 - week

common topic

"Me and kindergarten"

Topic of the week



"My group"


Cognitive development

Child and env. peace

Topic:"Who lives in the house?"

Purpose: to teach children to memorize the names of comrades, to pay attention to their character, behavior.

O.V. Dybina str. 25


Purpose: to clarify and expand the vocabulary of children on the topic. To acquaint them with the generalizing concept of "toys".

M.V. Karpeeva, building 4


Lesson number 1 Reinforcement of the ability to distinguish and name a ball (ball) and a cube (cube) regardless of the color and size of the figures. I. A Pomoraeva p. 11

Lesson number 2 ... Consolidation of the ability to distinguish objects contrasting in size, using the words large, small. I.A. Pomoraeva str. 12

Development of speech

Topic: " Who's good, who's good-looking. Reading verse. S. Black "Prefix".

Purpose: To arouse sympathy in children for peers with the help of the teacher's story (games); help toddlers believe that each one is a wonderful child and that adults love them.

V.V. Gerbova p. 28

Topic: “Sound culture of speech: sounds a, y. Di. "Make no mistake."

Target: Exercise children in the correct and distinct pronunciation of sounds (isolated, in sound combinations, words). Activation of generalizing words in the speech of children.

V.V. Gerbova st. 32

Artistic creation


Topic: "Acquaintance with pencil and paper"

Purpose: to teach children to draw with pencils. Learn how to hold a pencil correctly, guide them along the paper, without pressing too hard on the paper.

T.S. Komarova str. 26

Topic: "My cheerful, ringing ball"

Purpose: to teach how to draw round two-color objects: create contour drawings, close the lines into a ring.

I. A. Lykova p. 18


Topic: “Acquaintance with clay, plasticine”.

Purpose: to give children the idea that soft clay can be sculpted from it, you can pinch off small lumps from a large lump. Learn to put clay products only on the board. Develop a desire to sculpt.

T.S. Komarov str. 27


Lesson number 1. "Air balloons obedient to the breeze"

Purpose: to create applicative pictures; rhythmically lay out ready-made forms (the same size, but different in color) and carefully stick them on a colored background.

I. A. Lykova p. 20

Physical development

Lesson number 1 ... "Orientation in space".

L.I. Penzulaeva str. 23

Lesson number 2 ... "Walking and running with the whole group in a forward direction for the teacher"

L.I. Penzulaeva str. 24


A week



1 Week

2 - week


4 - week

common topic

"Me and nature-autumn"

Topic of the week



"What's in my basket"

"Autumn walks along the paths"

Cognitive development

Topic: "Vegetables from the garden"

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish in appearance and taste and name vegetables (cucumber, tomato, carrot, turnip). Expand understanding of the cultivation of vegetable crops.

O.A. Solomennikov str. 25


Purpose: to clarify and activate the children's vocabulary on the topic. To acquaint them with the generalizing concept of "fruit". Learn to select signs for the subject.

M.V. Karpeeva str. 21

Topic:"Mushrooms. Berries"

Purpose: to clarify and expand the vocabulary of children on the topic. To acquaint children with the structure of the mushroom, the names of forest berries.

M.V. Karpeeva st. 33

Topic : "Autumn"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the signs of autumn. Refine and expand their vocabulary on the topic.

M.V. Karpeeva st. 9

Lesson number 3 .

Purpose: consolidation of the ability to distinguish the number of objects using wordsone, many, few .

I.A. Pomoraeva str. 12

Lesson number 4 .

Purpose: acquaintance with the compilation of a group of objects from separate objects and the selection of one object from it; learn to understand wordsmany, one, none .

Pomoraeva str. 13

Lesson number 5 .

Purpose: acquaintance witharound ; examination of its form by the tactile-motor way.

I.A. Pomoraeva str. 14

Lesson number 6 .

Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the circle. Comparison of the largest and the smallest circle in size.

I.A. Pomoraeva str. 15

Development of speech

Topic : "Reading the Russian folk tale" Kolobok ". Didactic exercise "We play with words."

Target:to acquaint with the fairy tale "Kolobok" (processed by K. Ushinsky). Exercise children in the formation of words by analogy.

V.V. Gerbova st. 38

Topic: “Reading verse. A. Blok "Bunny". Memorizing verse. A. Plescheeva "Autumn".

Target: help children remember L. Pleshcheev's poem "Autumn has come". When perceiving L. Blok's poem "Bunny", evoke sympathy for the hare, who is cold, hungry and scary in an uncomfortable autumn season.

V.V. Gerbova str. 40

Topic: Consideration of plot pictures.

Target:teach children to look at the picture, answer the teacher's questions, listen to his explanations. Exercise in the ability to conduct a dialogue.

V.V. Gerbova str. 43

Topic: Reading verse. About autumn.

Purpose: to introduce children to poetry, to develop poetic ear.

V.V. Coat of arms p. 41

Artistic creation


Topic: "Mouse and turnip"

Purpose: creating a simple composition: pasting grass, drawing a large turnip and a small mouse, drawing a tail with a colored pencil

I.A. Lykov str. 38

Topic: "Apple with a leaf and a worm"

Purpose: drawing objects, consisting of 2-3 parts of different shapes. Working out the technique of painting with gouache paints.

I.A. Lykov str. 26

Topic: "Berry by berry (on the bushes)"

Purpose: creating a rhythmic composition. A combination of fine techniques: drawing twigs with colored pencils and berries with cotton swabs.

I.A. Lykov str. 30

Topic: "Leaves are falling, falling."

Purpose: drawing autumn leaves with warm colors. Development of feeling and rhythm.

I.A. Lykov str. 40


Topic : "Turnip in the garden"

Purpose: to arouse children's interest in creating images of familiar fairy tales. Learn to sculpt a turnip: create the basic shape by rolling the ball in a circular motion with the palms, slightly flatten and pull the tail.

I. A. Lykova p. 32

Topic: "Mushrooms on a tree stump"

Purpose: to teach how to sculpt mushrooms in a constructive way from 2-3 parts (9 leg, hat, clearing or moss).

I.A. Lykov str. 44


Topic: "Apple with a leaf"

Purpose: to teach how to make a whole applicative image from 2-3 ready-made silhouettes (apple and 1-2 leaves).

I.A. Lykov str. 24

Topic: "Leaf fall"

Purpose: to teach to draw autumn leaves reception of a rhythmic "adjoining".

I.A. Lykov st. 42

Physical development

Lesson number 3 ... "Balance when walking."

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 28

Lesson number 2. "Jumping with a landing on bent legs"

L. I. Penzulaeva p. 29

Lesson number 4. "Walking and running with stops on signal."

L. I. Penzulaeva p. 30

Lesson number 5. "Walking and running in circles"

L.I. Penzulaeva st. 31


A week



1 Week

2 - week


4 - week

common topic

"I am nature-autumn" (continued)

Topic of the week


"Hats. Shoes"



Cognitive development

Topic : "Cloth"

Purpose: to clarify and activate the children's vocabulary on the topic. To acquaint them with the generalizing concept of "clothing". Learn to compare clothes for boys and girls.

M.V. Karpeeva st. 58

Topic: "Shoes"

Target:clarify and activate the children's vocabulary on the topic. To acquaint them with the generalizing concept of "shoes". To acquaint with the purpose of shoes, to explain the concept of "pair of shoes".

M.V. Karpeeva str. 115

Topic: "Caring for indoor plants"

Purpose: To expand children's ideas about indoor plants (about clivia). Strengthen the ability to water plants from a watering can. Learn to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Maintain interest in and care for indoor plants. O.A. Solomennikov str. 37

Topic : "Changing the water in the aquarium"

Purpose: To expand the knowledge of children about ornamental fish. Give basic ideas about caring for ornamental fish. Form a good attitude towards the world around you.

O.A. Solomennikov str. 26


Lesson number 7 ... Comparison of two objects in length and denote the result of the comparison with wordslong - short, longer - shorter E. I. A. Ponoraeva p. 16

Lesson number 8 ... Finding one or many objects in a specially created environment, answer the question "how much" using words aboutdean , lot ... I.A. Ponoraeva p. 17

Lesson number 9. Continuation of finding one and many items in specials. created environment, the designation of the aggregate with the words one, many. Acquaintance with the square. The difference between a circle and a square. I.A. Ponoraeva str. 18

Lesson number 10 ... Continuation of finding one and many items in specials. a given setting, denote the aggregates with wordsone, many ... I. A. Pomoraeva p. 19

Development of speech

Topic: "Sound culture of speech: sound I"

Target:exercise children in clear and correct pronunciation of soundand (isolated, in phrases, in words).

V.V. Gerbova str. 42

Topic: "The didactic game" Whose thing? "

Target:Exercise in reconciling possessive pronouns with nouns and adjectives. Help children understand the plot of the picture, characterize the relationship between the characters.

V.V. Gerbova st. 36

Topic : "Acquaintance with a houseplant - geranium"

Purpose: To acquaint children with a houseplant with a typical structure (geranium), in order to clarify and fix the name of the parts of the plant: leaves, stem, twigs, flowers. Introduce the rules for watering plants. Learn to make a model of a houseplant from separate parts. (Acquaintance with the game "Florist")

(Internet resources)

Topic: « Aquarium fish "

Purpose: Cognitive-speech: to form a representationchildren about aquarium fish(goldfish, torso, head, tail, fins, gills, scales) continue to expand and refine the vocabulary on the topic.

(Internet resources)

Artistic creation


Topic: "Plaid dress for a doll"

Purpose: to teach children to draw a pattern consisting of vertical and horizontal lines. Observe the correct position of the hand and hand, achieving a solid, continuous movement.

T.S. Komarova str. 87

Topic: "Boots for matryoshka".

Target:Strengthen the ability to draw in an unconventional way, draw with a cotton swab, continue to develop the ability to hold the stick correctly, learn to make a whole from parts, group (child-adult). Develop the ability to distinguish and name a color (red, yellow, green, blue); size (large-small). Promote the development of auditory perception. Create a joyful mood, satisfaction with the results of work.

(Internet resources)

Topic: « Examining indoor plants "

Target:to acquaint children with indoor plants, with methods of caring for them; expand knowledge about meadow, garden flowers; introduce children to unconventional technique drawing with fingers;

(Internet resources)

Topic: « Let's change the water in the aquarium "

Target:to teach how to hold a brush correctly, perform sweeping strokes, distinguish blue color, arouse interest in working with gouache, contribute to the emergence of a feeling of joy from the result, continue to teach how to walk in a column with a snake, run, and perform general developmental exercises.

(Internet resources)


Topic: "Buttons for a dress"

Target:Coordinate the work of the eyes and hands. Measure the pressure of the fingers on the lump of clay, giving it the shape of a disk. Learn to sculpt with your fingers: circular motions for instructionspherical, alignment, smoothing. Improving the sensory experience of children. Skill development: use a decorative stack to decorate buttons, reflect simple objects in sculpting.

(Internet resources)

Topic: "Cactus"

Purpose: to teach children to sculpt objects in the shape of an oval. Arouse interest in modeling cacti of different heights. Encourage to independently combine different techniques to enhance the expressiveness of the image: rolling, stretching. Develop a sense of form. To cultivate an interest in nature and the transfer of their impressions in creative activity. Learn to stick needles into the finished flower shape.

(Internet resources)


Topic: "Beautiful napkin" (Application)

Purpose: to teach children to make a pattern on square paper, placing large circles of the same color in the corners and in the middle, and small circles of a different color in the middle of each side.

T.S. Komarov str. 58

Topic: « Aquarium fish»

Purpose: to develop skillteamwork, teach to help each other, respect the opinions of others, instill a love for the natural world, teach to care forfish.

(Internet resources)

Physical development

Lesson number 9 ... "Walking on a limited support area"

L.I. Penzulaeva str. 33

Lesson number 10 ... "Walking in a column one by one, completing assignments"

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 34

Lesson number 11. "Actions at the signal of the teacher"

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 35

Lesson number 12 ... "Walking assignments"

L.I.Penzulaeva p.37


A week



1 Week

2 - week


4 - week

common topic

"Me and nature-winter"

Topic of the week


"Winter. Continuation"

"Soon soon New Year»

"New Year"

Cognitive development

Theme: "Winter"

Target:expand the children's vocabulary on the topic. Develop their verbal hearing.

M.V. Karpaeva p. 85

Topic: "Let's feed the birds in winter"

Target:Strengthen children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena. Show the children the bird feeder. Form a desire to feed the birds in winter

O.A. Solomennikov st. 32

Topic: "New Year holiday"


M.V. Karpaeva p. 79

Topic: "New Year holiday"

Target:to clarify and expand the vocabulary of children on the topic "New Year". To form their ideas about the generalizing concept of "New Year"

M.V. Karpaeva p. 79


Lesson number 14 ... Improving the ability to compare two objects in length, denote the results of comparison with wordslong - short, longer - shorter, equal in length. I.A. Pomoraeva str. 19

Lesson number 15 . Improving the ability to find one and many objects in the environment. Fixing the difference between a circle and a square. I.A. Pomoraeva str. 20

Lesson number 16 a lot, equally. The difference between right and left hand.

I.A. Pomoraeva str. 21

Lesson number 17 ... Comparison of two equal groups of objects, the way of superposition, understanding the meaning of wordsa lot, equally, as much - how much .AND. A. Pomoroev str. 22

Development of speech

Topic: "Reading the fairy tale" The Snow Maiden and the Fox. "

Target:to acquaint children with the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden and the Fox" (processed by M. Bulatov), ​​with the image of the fox (different from the foxes from other fairy tales). Exercise in expressive reading of the passage - the lamentations of the Snow Maiden

V.V. Gerbova str. 50

Topic: “Repetition of the fairy tale“ The Snow Maiden and the Fox ”.

Target:help children remember the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden and the Fox". Practice pronunciation of words with soundeh (game "Echo"), in determining the qualities of objects by touch (game "Wonderful bag").

V.V. Gerbova p.51

Topic: “Reading of the story by L. Voronkova“ It is snowing ”, poem by A. Bosev“ Three ”.

Target:introduce children to the storyJT... Voronkova "It is snowing", reviving in the memory of children their own impressions of the heavy snowfall. To help memorize A. Bosev's poem "Three" (translated from Bulgarian by V. Viktorov).

V.V. Gerbova p. 52

Topic: "Consideration of plot pictures (at the choice of the teacher)"

Target: Teach children to look at the picture, answer the teacher's questions, listen to his explanations. Exercise in the ability to conduct a dialogue.

Artistic creation


Topic: Snowballs Big and Small.

T.S. Komarov str. 48

Topic: "Blizzard-zaverukha"

Purpose: to show children the possibility of creating an expressive image of a winter blizzard.

I.A. Lykov str. 64

Topic: "Herringbone"

Target:To develop the ability of children to draw a Christmas tree in the way of jabbing, to expand children's knowledge about the holidays. T.S.Komarova p.51

Topic: « Christmas tree with lights and balls. "

Target: develop the ability of children to draw a Christmas tree in a poke way, expand children's knowledge about the holidays.

T.S. Komarova str. 55


Topic: "We blinded snowmen on a walk"

Target:Encourage children to create images of funny snowmen in the drawing. Exercise in drawing objects of a round shape. To consolidate the skill of painting a round shape with solid lines from top to bottom T.S. Komarova str. 62

Topic: « Christmas toys»

Purpose: to teach to model different Christmas decorations from salted dough.

I. A. Lykova p. 68


Topic: "Magic snowflakes"

Purpose: to teach children to glue strips of paper in the shape of a snowflake based on a finished circle or hexagon.

I.A.Lykova p. 66

Topic: "Festive Christmas tree"

Purpose: to teach children to compose an applicative image of a Christmas tree from ready-made shapes (triangles), with a partial overlay of elements on top of each other.

I.A.Lykova p. 74

Physical development

Lesson number 13 "Walking and running in random order"

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 38

Lesson number 14 "Walking and running with assignments"

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 40

Lesson number 15 "Walking and running with a stop at the signal of the teacher"

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 41

Lesson number 16. "Walking and running in random order"

L.I.Pezulaeva p. 42


A week



1 Week

2 - week


4 - week

common topic

"Me and my home"

Topic of the week

"Me and my family"



Cognitive development

Topic: "Dad, Mom, I am a family"

Target: form initial ideas about the family. Raise a child's interest in their own name

O.V. Dybina str. 21

Topic: "Furniture"

Purpose: to teach children to identify and distinguish between furniture, types of furniture, highlight the main features of pieces of furniture.

O.V. Dybina str. 20

Topic: "Dishes"

Target: clarify and activate the children's vocabulary on the topic. To acquaint them with the generalizing concept of "dishes". Expand knowledge of cookware functions. Learn to name parts of utensils.

M.V. Karpeeva p. 130


Lesson number 11 .Comparing two objects contrasting in width using overlay techniques and applications; mark the comparison results with wordswide - narrow, wider - narrower ... I.A. Ponoraeva, page 23

Lesson number 12. Comparing two items in width using overlay techniques and applications; mark the comparison results with wordswide - narrow, wider - narrower ... I.A. Ponoraeva, page 24

Lesson number 13 . Acquaintance with the triangle. I. A. Pomoraeva p. 26

Development of speech

Topic: "Reading the Russian folk tale" Geese-Swans "

Target:to acquaint children with the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" (arr. M. Bulatova), arouse the desire to listen to it again, to play a fairy tale

V.V. Gerbova str. 54

Topic: "Sound culture of speech: sounds M, M"

Target:exercise children in clear pronunciation of soundsm, m in words, phrasal speech; contribute to the education of intonational expressiveness of speech. Continue to learn to form words by analogy.

V.V. Gerbova p.57

Topic: "Sound culture of speech: sounds P, P".

Target:exercise in a clear and correct pronunciation of soundsp, p. Via didactic game encourage children to engage in dialogue, use words with soundsp, p.

V.V. Gerbova str. 58

Artistic creation


Topic : "My mum"

Purpose: To form elementary ideas aboutfamilyas a phenomenon of social life; introduce children to the words denoting kinship(Mother, dad, grandmother, grandfather, daughter, son, grandson, granddaughter); foster love and respect for family members; develop emotional responsiveness, thinking, speech. Teachsketchy personusinggeometric figures(circle, triangle, straight lines)

(Internet resources)

Unconventional drawing with cotton swabs

Topic: "Furniture"

Purpose: To develop children's observation, a holistic visual perception of the world around them.

( Internet resources)

Topic: "Tableware"

Purpose: Expand ideas about the surrounding objects. To develop in children an aesthetic perception of the world of objects, to bring up accuracy when working with paint, to help create a joyful emotional mood in children.

(Internet resources)


Topic: "Table and stool for a cat."

Purpose: to learn how to cut elongated plasticine posts into pieces using a stack and attach them to cardboard, depicting pieces of furniture; develop fine motor skills fingers.

(Internet resources)


Topic: "My family"

Target:Continue to shape children's ideas about the family and its members. To learn to keep the necessary condition in memory when performing mathematical actions, to develop the ability to compare, to arrange objects in decreasing order.

(Internet resources)

Topic: « Let's decorate a spoon for Antoshka» .

Purpose: To teach - to carefully stick all the prepared parts, to make a beautiful composition. DevelopCreative skills, support in children the desire to bring the work started to the end, following the game motivation of the lesson. Consolidate knowledge about the geometric shape of the circle; red, green and blue... To foster in children responsiveness, kindness, the ability to empathize with the characters, the desire to help them.

(Internet resources)

Physical development

Lesson number 17 "Repeat walking with the task"

L.I. Penzulaeva str. 43

Lesson number 18 "Exercise children in column walking one at a time, scattering"

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 45

Lesson number 19 "Exercise in the ability to act on a signal from the teacher in walking around objects"

L.I. Penzulaeva str. 46

A week



1 Week

2 - week


4 - week

common topic

"I am human"

Topic of the week




Defender of the Fatherland Day. Military professions.

Cognitive development

Topic: "Healthy food"

Purpose: forming a habit in childrenhealthy eating, eating foods useful for the body. Expansion of children's ideas about vegetables, their taste and significance for the human body;

(Internet resources)

Topic: "Pets"

Target: to give an idea to children about pets, about the benefits they bring to people. Introduce them to the generalized concept of "pets"

M.V. Karpaeva p. 46

Topic: "Poultry".

Purpose: to expand and clarify the vocabulary on the topic. To form their ideas about the generalizing concept of "poultry".

M.V. Karpayev str. 74

Topic: "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day", to give initial ideas about the Russian army, military branches.

M.V. Karpayev str. 112


Lesson number 18. Continuation of acquaintance with a triangle, comparing it with a square. I.A. Pomoraeva str. 27

Lesson number 19. Improving the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle). I.A. Pomoraeva str. 28

Lesson number 20 ... Acquaintance with the methods of comparing two objects in height(high - low, higher - lower) ... I.A. Pomoraeva str. 29

Lesson number 21 ... Continuation of acquaintance with the methods of comparing two objects in height(high - low, higher - lower) ... I.A. Pomoraeva str. 30

Development of speech

Topic: "Reading the Russian folk tale" The Fox and the Hare "

Target:to acquaint children with the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare" (processed in Dal), to help understand the meaning of the work (a little daring, but a brave one).

V.V Gerbova p.59

Topic: "Sound culture of speech: Sounds B, B"

Target: train children in the correct pronunciation of sounds6, bb (in sound combinations, words, phrases).

V.V. Gerbova p. 60

Topic: "Memorizing a poem by V. Berestov"»

Target: help children memorize V. Berestov's poem "The cockerels are fluffed up", teach them to read it expressively.

V.V. Gerbova p. 62

Topic: “Conversation on the topic“ What is good and what is bad ”.

Target: talking with children about good and bad, improve their dialogical speech (the ability to enter into a conversation; express a judgment so that it is understandable to others; grammatically correct to reflect your impressions in speech).

V.V Gerbova p. 63

Artistic creation


Topic: "Bagels-bagels"

Purpose: to arouse children's interest in drawing bagels and bagels. Learn to draw rings9 bagels and bagels).

I.A. Lykov, p. 82

Topic: "Puppy"

Target: Continue to develop poke skills. Expand knowledge about animals, enrich children's vocabulary, consolidate the ability to select colors.

Topic: "Let's decorate the Dymkovo duck."

Purpose: T.S. Komarov. Page 58

Topic: "Planes are flying"

Target:learn to draw objects consisting of several parts. Strengthen the ability to draw straight lines in different directions. Learn to convey the image of the subject. Develop aesthetic perception.

T.S. Komarov str. 65


Topic: "Bagels-bagels".

Purpose: to arouse interest in sculpting bagels and bagels. To form the ability to roll out columns (cylinders) of different lengths and thicknesses.

I. A. Lykova p. 80

Topic: "Uchi-uchi!"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the sculptural modeling method. Learn to pull off the entire piece of plasticine or clay as much material as is needed for modeling.

I.A. Lykov str. 128


Topic: « Chick"

Target: fix namespets, answer questions with words and sentences, enrich vocabularychildren, promote the development of imagination inchildren, outlook, to be able to compose a plot composition.

(Internet resources)

Topic : "A boat for dad"

Purpose: to create conditions for the development of creative activity. Create conditions for the ability to pre-spread(in a specific sequence)ready-made parts of various shapes, sizes, colors on a sheet of paper, stick them. Draw waves.

(Internet resources)

Physical development

Lesson number 21. "Walking and running around objects"

L.I.Penzulaeva p.50

. Lesson number 22 "Walking and running with assignments"

L.I. Penzulaeva str. 51

Lesson number 23 ... "Walking with a variable step"

L.I.Penzulaeva p.52

Lesson number 24 ... "Climbing under the arc".

L.I. Penzulaeva str. 53


A week



1 Week

2 - week


4 - week

common topic

"I am human"

Topic of the week

Mother's day

Folklore (nursery rhymes, songs, finger games, etc.)

Russians folk tales

Folk toy

Cognitive development

Topic: "Day of March 8".

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the holiday on March 8. Develop a desire to help mom. Learn to respond in full sentences.

M.V. Karpaeva p.124

Topic : "Folklore for Kids"

Goals:Introducing children to cultural values ​​and folk traditions Central Siberia. Develop children's interest in folklore, and the desire to learn it.

(Internet resources)

Topic: "Give children a fairy tale"

Target: Introduce children to Russian folk tales. Evoke a positive emotional response to Russian folk tales. Learn to recite various types of literary works by heart.

Topic : "Folk toy"

Target: To form children's ideas about Russian folk toys: Tumbler, Petrushka, Matryoshka, Dymkovo toy. Promote the development of voluntary memory and selectivity when choosing a folk toy for certain game situations... To foster interest and respect for folk crafts. (Internet resources)


Lesson number 22 . "More or less", "So much, how much." I.A. Pomoraeva str. 31

Lesson number 23 . "More or less, so much, equally." I. A. Pomoraeva p. 33

Lesson number 24 . "Equally, as much as, more - less." I. A. Pomoraeva p. 34

Lesson number 25. "Comparison of two groups of objects by means of superposition and application using wordsso much, more, less. " I.A. Ponoraeva str. 35

Development of speech

Topic: "Reading the poem by I. Kosyakov" All of her "

Purpose: to acquaint children with the poem by I. Kosyakov "All of her". Improve the dialogic speech of kids.

V.V Gerbova p. 64

Topic: "Sound culture of speech: sounds T, P, K."

Target: Reinforce the pronunciation of the soundm in words and phrasal speech;

teach children to clearly pronounce onomatopoeia with soundsn, n, k; practice pronouncing onomatopoeia at different speeds and volumes

V.V Gerbova p. 66

Topic: “Reading the Russian folk tale“ Fear Has Big Eyes ”.

Target: remind children of Russian folk tales known to them and introduce them to the fairy tale "Fear Has Great Eyes" (processed by M. Serova). Help children correctly reproduce the beginning and end of the tale.

V.V. Gerbova str. 68


Target:continue to teach children to look at the plot, helping them define its theme and flesh out the actions and relationships of the characters. Practice the correct and distinct pronunciation of onomatopoeic words (learn to characterize the location of objects).

V.V. Gerbova str. 69

Artistic creation


Topic: "A flower for mommy"

Target: mastering the technique of drawing tulips in a vase.

I. A. Lykova p. 106

Topic: "Sunshine, sunshine, throw out the rings!"

Purpose: to arouse interest in drawing a cheerful sun playing with rings.

I.A. Lykov str. 118

Topic: "Books - babies".

Target: teach the formative movements of drawing quadrangular shapes by continuous movement of the hand from left to right, from top to bottom, etc. (you can start the movement from any side). Refine the technique of painting by moving the hand from top to bottom or from left to right. Develop imagination.

T.S.Komarova p. 73

Topic: "Filimonovskie toys".

Target: acquaintance with the Filimonov toy. Modeling of figurines in the style based on folk plastics.

I.A. Lykov str. 138


Topic : "Teddy bear - tumbler"

Purpose: to train children in the image of objects consisting of round parts of different sizes.

T.S. Komarov str. 74

Topic: "Filimonov Whistle Toys".

Purpose: to acquaint children with the Filimonov toy as a kind of folk decorative and applied art, which has its own specificity and figurative expressiveness. Form an initial understanding of the craft of toy makers. To create conditions for the creativity of children based on the Filimonov toys. Learn to draw patterns on paper-cut silhouettes. Give an idea of ​​the character

I.A. Lykov str. 136


Topic: "Flowers as a gift for mom, grandmother"

Purpose: to teach children to compose an image from parts. To cultivate the desire to do a beautiful thing. T.S. Komarova str. 67

Topic: "Gingerbread man on the window".

Purpose: to teach children to create an expressive image of a kolobok using the applique technique: to glue the finished shape and paint the details with felt-tip pens.

I.A. Lykov str. 84

Physical development

Lesson number 25 ... "Walking and running in circles"

L.I. Penzulaeva str. 54

Lesson number 26 ... "Long jump from the spot"

L.I. Penzulaeva str. 56

Lesson number 27 ... "Throwing the ball on the floor"

L.I. Penzulaeva str. 57

Lesson number 28 ... "Repetition of Crawling Exercises"

L.I. Penzulaeva str. 58


A week



1 Week

2 - week


4 - week

common topic

"Me and my planet"

Topic of the week

"My city"

"Transport. SDA "

"Spring. Spring signs "

"Wild animals with cubs"

Cognitive development

Topic: "My native town".

Purpose: to teach children to name their hometown. Give basic ideas about your hometown. Lead children to understand that there are many streets, multi-storey buildings in the city.

O.V. Dybina st. 38

Topic: " Transport".

Purpose: to teach children to identify and distinguish transport, modes of transport, highlight the main features. O. V. Dybina str. 19

Topic: "Walk in the spring forest".

Purpose: to acquaint children with the characteristic features of spring weather. Expand understanding of forest plants and animals.

OV Solomennikova p. 39

Topic: Wild Animals and Their Babies.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the cubs of wild animals. Introduce them to the concept of "wild animals".

M.V. Karpayev str. 153


Lesson number 26. "Reproduction of a given number of objects and sounds according to the sample (without counting and name of the number) I.A. Pomoraeva p. 37

Lesson number 27. "Comparison of two objects in size:big small. ... I.A.Pomoraeva p. 38

Lesson number 28. "The distinction between one and many movements and the designation of their number in wordsone, many. Distinguishing spatial directions from oneself: in front - behind, left - right " ... I.A.Pomoraeva p. 39

Lesson number 29. "Reproduction of a given number of movements and naming them with wordsmany and one. Name of the parts of the day:morning evening ". I.A.Pomoraeva p. 40

Development of speech

Topic: "Sound culture of speech: sound F"

Target:teach children to pronounce an isolated sound clearly and correctlyf and onomatopoeic words with this sound.

V.V. Gerbova p. 72

Topic : "Sound culture of speech: sound Z"

Target:exercise children in clear pronunciation of sounds

V.V. Gerbova str. 77

Topic: "Reading the poem by A. Pleshcheev" Spring ".

Purpose: to acquaint children with A. Pleshcheev's poem "Spring". Learn to name the signs of the seasons.

V.V. Gerbova str. 71

Topic: "Consideration of plot pictures."

Target:continue to teach children to look at the plot, helping them define its theme and flesh out the actions and relationships of the characters. Practice the correct and distinct pronunciation of onomatopoeic words (learn to characterize the location

V.V Gerbova p. 73

Artistic creation


Topic: "Tall new house"

Purpose: to teach how to independently select a combination of colors for houses, when drawing a house to convey its main parts.

T.S. Komarova str. 87

Topic : "Traffic light" (TS Komarov's version, page 80)

Topic: "Buds and leaves"

Purpose: to teach children to convey the changes in the image: to draw a branch with buds and stick the leaves on top of the buds

I.A. Lykov str. 124

Topic: "Drawing by design"

Target:continue to develop the ability to independently determine the content of your drawing. To teach the techniques of drawing with paints. Consolidate knowledge of colors. Develop a sense of color in children, aesthetic perception.

T.S. Komarov str. 81


Topic: "Wheels for a truck" (TS Komarov's version, page 79).

Topic: " Bunny "

Purpose: to develop children's interest in sculpting familiar objects, consisting of several parts.

T.S. Komarova str. 75


Topic: "House" T.S.

Purpose: to teach children to compose an image from several parts, observing a certain sequence; place it on the sheet. Komarova str. 88

Topic: "Stream and boat"

Purpose: to teach children to compose an image of a boat from ready-made forms and draw a trickle according to representation.

I.A. Lykov str. 120

Physical development

Lesson number 29 ... "Jumping over the lines"

L.I.Penzulaeva p.60

. Lesson number 30 ... "Exercises with the ball"

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 61

Lesson number 31. "Exercises with the ball"

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 62

Lesson number 32. "Repetition of crawling between objects."

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 63


A week



1 Week

2 - week


4 - week

common topic

Me and nature - autumn

Topic of the week





Cognitive development

Topic: "Ecological trail"

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about plants, to form a respectful attitude towards them. Give an idea of ​​planting trees. Form labor skills

O. A. Solomennikova p. 42

Topic: "Insects"

Purpose: to clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic. To acquaint them with the concept of "incisional"

M.V. Karpayev str. 169


Lesson number 30. "So much, more - less." I.A. Pomoraeva str. 41

Lesson number 31 . "Circle, square, triangle, ball, cube "I.A. Pomoraeva str. 42

Development of speech

Topic: “Repetition of Poems. Memorizing the poem by I. Belousov "The Spring Guest"

Target:help children remember the verses they learned during the year; memorize a new poem.

V.V. Gerbova str. 79

Topic: "Sound culture of speech: sound C"

Target:practice clear pronunciation of soundc, simultaneously exercising children in the intonationally correct reproduction of onomatopoeia; learn to change the tempo of speech.

V.V. Gerbova p. 80

Artistic creation


Topic : "Dandelion in the Grass."

Target:teach to convey in the picture the beauty of a flowering meadow, the shape of flowers. Practice drawing techniques. Strengthen the ability to gently rinse the brush, dry it on a cloth. To cultivate the ability to enjoy your drawings. Develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination.

T.S. Komarova str. 85

Topic: " Ladybug"

Target:teach children to draw bright expressive images of insects. Show the possibility of creating a composition based on a green leaf cut out of paper by a teacher (integration of drawing and applique). Evoke an emotional response to beautiful natural sites. Improve the technique of drawing with paints (repeat the curves of a rounded shape, combine two tools - a brush and cotton swab). Develop a sense of shape and color.

I.A. Lykov str. 130



Topic: "Flowers in a vase"

Purpose: To continue to learn to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a piece and roll balls 5-7 mm in diameter out of them, press the plasticine ball with your index finger, attaching it to the base, smear the plasticine on the cardboard with a pressing movement of the index finger; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

(Internet resources)


Topic: "Insects in the meadow"

Purpose: To teach children to compose a composition of several objects, freely arrange them on a sheet; depict an object consisting of several parts. Continue to practice neat sticking skills.

(T.S.Komarov's version, p. 87)

Physical development

Lesson number 33. "Repetition of the task in balance and jumping"

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 66

. Lesson number 34 "Throwing the ball up and catching it"

L.I.Penzulaeva p. 67

Prospective (approximate complex-thematic) work planning in the 2nd junior group was drawn up on the basis of the educational program edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva "From birth to school." In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, such planning allows to ensure the formation of the child's personality and to reveal the individual capabilities of each baby.

According to modern trends in the education system, the teacher has the opportunity to creatively organize the process of education and training. In this regard, the long-term plan in the 2nd junior group contains a list of tasks corresponding to a certain thematic period, as well as program content implemented in the course of educational activities.

Building the educational process around one topic for 2-3 weeks allows you to maximize the potential of children and achieve the best results, as well as introduce a regional component.

Amount of educational load

According to the program "From birth to school" the volume of educational load per day does not exceed 30 minutes, the teacher has the opportunity to organize educational activities at a convenient time for him and the children, focusing on the program content and the theme of the period. Perspective planning in the 2nd junior group reflects the tasks of educational activities:

  • physical culture 2 times a week indoors, 1 time outdoors,
  • acquaintance with the outside world once a week (subject environment, acquaintance with nature),
  • formation of elementary mathematical concepts once a week,
  • speech development once a week,
  • drawing once a week,
  • modeling once every two weeks,
  • application once every two weeks,
  • music 2 times a week.

When planning work in the 2nd junior group, it is necessary to take into account that the block of interaction between an adult and children in various types of activity contains constructive-model, play, cognitive-research activities and reading fiction.

Activities aimed at consolidating the material proposed in the course of educational activities are reflected in the calendar plan for the 2nd junior group and correspond to five educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic, aesthetic and physical development. Topics of the weeks calendar plan correspond to the themes of the weeks and thematic periods presented in the long-term planning for.

The long-term plan is approximate and can be changed in accordance with the characteristics of the region, the preschool institution and the specifics of the educational program.

When drawing up the plan, the following literature was used:

  • Approximate complex thematic planning for the program "From birth to school" junior group, for classes with children 3-4 years old. Complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, ed. 2016 year.
  • Approximate general education program preschool education"From birth to school" edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard, ed. year 2014.

Check out a snippet of the roadmap

Topic of the weekPeriod objectivesSoftware content implemented in the course of educational activitiesWorking with parents
September, 1 weekMake children happy
from returning to kindergarten.
Continue acquaintance with children's
garden as the closest social
the environment of the child: profession
kindergarten staff (educator,
educational assistant, musical
head, doctor, janitor), subject
environment, rules of conduct in the nursery
garden, relationships with peers.
Continue acquaintance with the environment
group environment, children's rooms
garden. Introduce children to each other
during games, to form friendships,
friendly relationship between children
(collective art work,
songs and poems about friendship, joint
communication games).
Familiarization with the outside world
To teach children to navigate in some premises of the preschool institution, to cultivate a benevolent attitude, respect for the employees of the kindergarten.
Development of speech
To form in children sympathy for peers with the help of the teacher's story and play exercises, the consciousness that every child is wonderful and that adults love him.
Introduce pencil and paper. Form the ability to draw with pencils: hold the pencil correctly, guide it along the paper, without pressing too hard. Draw the children's attention to the pencil marks on the paper. To form the ability to see the similarity of strokes with objects, to develop the desire to draw.
Introduce clay and plasticine. Form the idea that clay is soft, you can sculpt from it, pinch off small pieces from a large piece. To develop the ability to put clay and sculpted items on the board, to work carefully. Develop a desire to sculpt.
Form the ability and desire to listen to music. Emotionally react and answer questions about the content of the song. Develop emotional responsiveness to songs of a different nature. Learn to distinguish sounds in pitch, teach to sing melodiously, without tension.
Physical culture indoors
Develop orientation in space when walking in different directions, teach walking on a reduced support area, while maintaining balance.
Physical culture in the air
Exercise in running with the ball, jumping.
Acquaintance with the families of pupils,
questioning. Informing parents
on the course of the educational process: days
open doors, individual
counseling. Parent-teacher meeting,
acquaintance with wellness activities
in the preschool educational institution. Recommendations for home reading.
Involving Parents in Planning
interaction between family and kindergarten.
September, 2 weekExpand children's ideas about autumn
(seasonal changes in nature, people's clothing,
at the kindergarten site), about the collection time
harvest, about some vegetables. Introduce with
the rules safe behavior Outdoors.
Develop the ability to notice the beauty of autumn
nature, to observe the weather.
Getting to know nature
To form the ability to distinguish the names of vegetables in appearance and taste (cucumber, tomato, carrot, etc.), to expand the understanding of the cultivation of vegetable crops, to induce the staging of the "Turnip" fairy tale.
Clarify children's knowledge of mathematics through didactic games.
Development of speech
To acquaint children with the fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox" in M. Bogolyubskaya's processing.
To form the ability to convey in the drawing the impressions of the surrounding nature, the image of rain. To consolidate the ability to draw short strokes and lines, to hold the pencil correctly. Develop a desire to paint.
To develop the ability to choose large and small round objects (tomatoes). To consolidate ideas about round vegetables, their differences in size. Form the ability to accurately paste the image.
To form the ability to show the movement of the melody upward with the help of hands. To develop the ability to find intonations for onomatopoeia of funny and calm songs in the "la - si" range.
Introducing parents to events,
held in kindergarten. Informing
parents about the facts affecting the health of children.
Involvement in joint observations of autumn
changes in nature, to the treatment of vegetables.
Involvement of parents in the design of the group,
holding joint competitions.