
How to make a weekly plan of activities with your child. How to make a weekly lesson plan with your child Lesson plan from 2 3 years old October


Kind time of day to all members of the group). I am spreading a post about the plan of activities with children, which I will propose in the "Joint Activities" heading

I know from my own experience that it is not always possible and willing to deal with a child due to certain circumstances. I want to note right away that most often "certain circumstances" include - LAZY, LACK OF PLAN, LACK OF MATERIAL and LACK OF TIME. This is in my opinion. It's no secret that versatile activities are necessary for a child's development. For myself, I have identified such a list of activities that you must try to do every day. Divided such a list into PLAN MAXI and PLAN MINI.

Maxi plan

2. Reading aloud to a child
3. Developmental activities
4. Outdoor games
5. Independent play time
6. Finger gymnastics
7. Articulation gymnastics
8. Role-playing games

10. Smile, praise yourself and your child

Mini plan

1. Creativity (applications, drawing, modeling, etc.)
2. Reading
3. Subject-role-playing game
4.something to choose from points 3,4,5,6,7 from the Maxi plan
In principle, everyone can have their own mini plan, the main thing is that there are 4 main points from the maxi plan
And of course, the bonus is 9 and 10 points:
9. Hug and kiss the child at least 10 times a day
10. Smile, praise yourself and your child

At first glance, it may seem that this is a large volume per day. In fact, each lesson can last no more than 5-10 minutes, depending on the child. Because NOT TIME is an indicator of the productivity of classes, but the joy and desire of the child.
You need to remember for yourself - 10 fingers on your hands - 10 points of lessons. No, of course, I will not suggest bending your fingers when completing each item, but I really advise you to print the plan and mark it directly with ticks. And even if they borrow two minutes, that's enough. Don't overload yourself. May your day be calm and joyful. You don't have to devote yourself to your child all day. You don't have to impose your society on him. Only when needed. And if you also include warmth and affection here, if you speak in an affectionate calm tone and very often hug and kiss the child - that's all, you had a productive day)

Now, I would like to dwell on each point separately.


It is not necessary to do everything at once every day: draw, sculpt, glue, etc. One type of activity is enough, but thoroughly and slowly.

Drawing with paints or crayons, kneading plasticine or dough in the palms, tearing paper or drawing with an adhesive pencil on the sheet, the baby gains an incomparable experience. Through creativity, the child makes his first discoveries, learns about color and shape, gets acquainted with the properties of many materials. It's amazing how anything can turn out from an ordinary piece of plasticine, and then disappear again, turning into a shapeless lump. And mixing paints is generally real magic. Here is the yellow paint, here is the blue ... Where did the green come from? For a kid, creativity is both a tool for learning about the world, and a way to assert himself, to feel independent. At 1.5-3 years old, each baby is already a unique personality. Do not forget about this when offering your baby this or that activity. And if a neighbor's girl at 2 years old creates colorful masterpieces and is easily controlled with a brush, it is not at all necessary that your tomboy will behave in the same way with paints. It is very important not to limit the child in the choice of this or that material, not to set any goals in front of him, not to impose his vision of the world on him, but to give him the opportunity to feel the joy of his own creativity, to express YOURSELF in a drawing or application. And there are a great many ways for this self-expression.


The value of the book in the development of children
The value of books for a child is very great. Books serve to expand the child's understanding of the world, to acquaint him with things, nature, everything that surrounds him.
It is the parents who read the child his first books, influence the formation of his preferences and reading tastes.
You need to read with your child: take a book, sit next to it and read. When books are systematically read aloud, then over time the child begins to understand the structure of the work: where is the beginning and end of the work, how the plot develops. The child develops logical thinking... Thanks to reading, the child learns to correctly form sentences, his vocabulary expands, and his imagination develops. In addition, the child develops the ability to listen, and this is a very important quality.
Experience shows that those children to whom they read books in childhood, told fairy tales, becoming adults, read a lot. Reading helps the child to get to know their native language better, develops imagination.
Why read books to children?
Children have a great need for parents to read aloud to them. Family reading is very important for the child's successful development, and not only while the child himself cannot read, but also at a later age. Children are looking forward to when mom or dad will find time for them.
In order for a child to grow up mentally healthy, he needs full communication with his parents, personal communication, when attention is paid to him completely. And joint reading gives such an opportunity.


Games for children are a certain method of learning about the world around them, adapting to it and gaining various skills. That is why educational games for children are so important. With their help, you can teach children to read, write, count, draw and so on. Moreover, educational games for children can develop skills such as developing quick reactions, the ability to concentrate, differentiate pictures and objects, and so on. All educational and training programs, in fact, are the same educational games for children, only in a broader spectrum.

Educational games for children are divided by age category. This is understandable. After all, the psyche and intellectual abilities children in different ages are not the same. Various teaching aids and educational toys.


Why are outdoor games so important for preschoolers? Because at preschool age, the child has a complication of motor skills and coordination of movements. This process occurs as a result of the daily execution of such movements as walking, running, jumping, jumping, crawling. However, the repetition of the same movements in the course of an outdoor game can significantly speed up the formation of motor skills, contributing to early development the child both physically and mentally. Outdoor games will not only be of interest to the baby, they will also become an essential factor in the formation of the personality of a still small person. Doctors at all times say: movement is health. It has been proven that mobile children are less susceptible to all kinds of diseases, their sleep is sound and full (which is not unimportant in the formation of a healthy psyche and nervous system), such children grow stronger, dexterous and develop physically faster.
Psychologists have their own weighty argument in favor of outdoor games for children. So, according to them, a child who takes part in outdoor activities gets more positive emotions. Outdoor games can provide a child with psychological and nervous discharge, relieve him of anxiety and make him more sociable.


Free time should be
Firstly, so that the child gets used to independence, and secondly, so that he master the world. The development of the world has a number of functions that develop at this stage. How to teach a child to play independently?

First of all, you need to select toys and games that would dispose him to play. These can be cubes, dolls, nesting dolls, collapsible pyramids. And when the child grows up, you can give him a constructor, a mosaic, a desktop builder. It is best for the kid to play with them on their own. But toys by themselves do not solve matters. They need to be played together with the child, to suggest what and how to play. This is especially important for the smallest ones, since they do not yet have enough experience to play on their own.

Often the role of adults in organizing children's play comes down to what they say to the kid:
- Well, why are you following me? Here are how many toys you have, take any and play!

But this is not enough for the baby to start playing on his own. What is required is something completely different: it is necessary to prompt the child about the options for such a game. How much charm and charm even acquires for him old toy in the hands of an adult! For example, a doll "talking" to a baby, a ball deftly jumping to the beat to a simple song or counting-rhyme, nesting dolls lined up in a round dance ... Teach the baby such simple actions that he has a desire to play.
It is useful to encourage the child for independence: he seated the dolls, arranged the doll's dishes, folded cubes, laid out a pattern from a colored mosaic, assembled something from the designer - you can show everyone the results, praise for independence. Emphasize that he did it himself, without the help of adults. It is good to lead the child's independent play little by little, so that this guidance remains unnoticed by him.


Finger games "are a very important part of the development work fine motor skills... These games are very emotional and exciting. They contribute to the development of speech, creative activity. "Finger games", as it were, reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During the " finger games“Children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. Thus, dexterity, the ability to control their movements, to concentrate on one type of activity are developed.
When doing the exercise, first explain how this or that exercise is performed, show the pose of the fingers and hands. Gradually, they refuse to show, only verbal instructions remain. Only if the child is acting incorrectly, it is necessary to show him the correct posture again. All exercises are done slowly at first. If the child cannot independently take a pose and perform the required movement, you need to take his hand in yours and act with him. You can teach, if necessary, the child himself to support one hand with the other or help free hand actions of the working.


Gymnastics for arms and legs is a familiar and familiar thing to us. It is clear why we train muscles so that they become dexterous, strong, mobile. But why train the language, because it is already "boneless"? It turns out that the tongue is the main muscle of the organs of speech. And for him, as for any muscle, gymnastics is simply necessary. After all, the language must be well enough developed to perform subtle purposeful movements called sound pronunciation. Deficiencies in pronunciation aggravate the emotional and mental state of the child, prevent him from developing and communicating with peers. So that this problem does not arise in the child in the future, it is worth starting to engage in articulatory gymnastics as early as possible. For children of two, three, four years old, articulatory gymnastics will help to quickly "put" the correct sound pronunciation. Children of five, six years of age and beyond will be able, with the help of articulatory gymnastics, to overcome in many ways the already existing violations of sound pronunciation.


Play is the leading activity in children. Across role-playing games the child learns the world, learns to communicate. Through play, the child prepares for society, "trying on" adult life. The child himself will not be able to learn to play role-playing games, and if he can, then his games will be poor in content and short in time. This is due to the fact that the child has not yet mastered the world around him. The child has not yet developed an idea of ​​the world in which adults exist. The more you play and educate your child about adulthood, the more varied, the more interesting his games will be.
The role-playing game is not as easy as it sounds. The child needs to have certain knowledge and skills in order to enjoy this activity. Imagination and creativity in a child and so with interest. But attention, memory, the ability to analyze and cooperate will have to be developed. Therefore, the first role-playing games are created under the guidance of adults. Of course, the main role is the kid, but you propose the plot and develop it.

9. Hug and kiss the child at least 10 times a day

I have read for a long time that a child should be hugged and kissed at least 10 times a day. How more topics it is better. In this way, the child becomes self-confident, trust in parents and in the world as a whole arises. It's my opinion))))

10. Smile, praise yourself and your child

You definitely need to praise yourself and smile, it raises your mood and self-esteem. Provides a new stimulus for exercising. Praise and love yourself, you are the only one. Well, praising the baby and smiling at him is sacred. They say when a mother smiles at her baby, she radiates positive healing energy to the baby. I believe in it))))))

Something like that. Thanks to everyone who endured and read carefully to the end. As soon as I prepare the material with assignments for the points, I will lay it out for one day and I think that my idea will become clearer to many, and you will see that not much effort and time is needed for lessons with the child.

I'm worried about something ...

Oh, yes, I forgot to write, I propose to alternate such days with TD, TN and Montessori Days (let's all together ask Buchaku)

Let's take a look at what a 3-year-old baby can do, why a developmental crisis occurs at this age and how to cope with it, as well as with the help of what activities to develop a three-year-old child.

At the age of 3, a new round in the development of the child takes place, accompanied by a crisis

Age features

  • Motor development the child is improving. A kid at the age of 3 is good at controlling his own body. He walks evenly, without unnecessary movements, can change the pace of walking and is able to learn to ride a bicycle.
  • The performance of the nervous system of a three-year-old child is becoming greater. Baby over long time awake and ready to assimilate new information. He is already more patient and can do any one thing for longer than 2 years (up to 20-25 minutes).
  • Fine motor skills are also improved, allowing the baby to master buttoning, drawing with pencils, using cutlery and other household skills.
  • The vocabulary of a 3-year-old toddler already includes over 1000 words. The child uses almost all parts of speech in conversation, although sometimes it is wrong. The pronunciation of sounds improves, although children at 3 years old may not yet pronounce many sounds. Three-year-olds constantly talk over their actions, giving the impression that they are not silent at all. Also, a characteristic feature of the speech of children of this age is the presence of numerous questions.
  • The main activity of a three-year-old child is play. Now the kid most of all loves role-playing games. In the scenes played out by the child, there is a plot, since the crumbs develop abstract thinking and imagination.

Play with your child and come up with interesting stories

Many kids at this age want to play other people's toys at the first opportunity, while not paying attention to their own. Is this normal and how to react to this situation, see the video of Larisa Sviridova (Lara's mother).

Calculate the vaccination calendar

Indicate the date of birth of the child

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Generate calendar

What should a child be able to do?

Most children at the age of three already know how to:

  • Run fast, jump, step over obstacles.
  • Pronounce up to 1500 words and form complex sentences from them.
  • Listen to fairy tales for a long time.
  • Asking a lot of questions.
  • Complete the task without being distracted for at least 5 minutes.
  • Tell a familiar fairy tale from a picture.
  • Learn poetry and songs.
  • Pronounce your first and last name, know your age (points on fingers) and gender.
  • Show body parts and know their purpose.
  • Call yourself "I".
  • Greet, say goodbye and say "thank you".
  • Perform 2 actions at the same time, for example, clap and stomp.
  • Play with other children by exchanging toys.
  • Ride a 3-wheeled bike, sled, and swing.
  • Count to three.
  • Navigate in 7 colors (including white and black) and geometric shapes.
  • Collect toys from 4-6 parts.
  • Understand the difference in size, shape, and weight of objects.
  • Draw according to your own design.
  • Imagine in role-playing games and follow the rules in outdoor games.
  • Dress independently and undress and fold your own clothes.
  • Button up and laces.
  • Use a handkerchief.
  • Eat carefully (not only with a spoon, but also with a fork) and use a napkin.

Choose the "weakest" spots in the child's development and work on them

What is the "three-year crisis"?

The behavior of most children at 3 years of age changes dramatically, causing confusion and panic among parents. Mom begins to worry that she missed something in education, but in fact, these are absolutely normal changes for children of this age.

A child's development goes through several crises, among which the three-year-old is the most violent and difficult for parents. It gradually increases from 2 years of age. At its peak, such a crisis manifests itself in violent tantrums and conflicting behavior child, but soon passes, becoming a real school of life for the little one.

The main signs of the "crisis of 3 years" are:

  1. Child's negativism. The kid answers "no" to all proposals from adults.
  2. Stubbornness. The child insists on his own opinion and proposal.
  3. Refusal of actions that he previously did without any problems, for example, the child does not want to eat, wash or brush his teeth.
  4. The desire to do everything on their own, even if they don't know how. The child is in no hurry to ask for help.
  5. Conflicting behavior. The child rebelles and protests against almost everything the parents say.
  6. Depreciation. Formerly a calm, quiet kid may start to defiantly throw and break toys, spoil things, and swear.
  7. Jealousy. It is especially pronounced when there are other children in the family, but it can also be directed at the father.

The appearance of such changes in the behavior of a three-year-old baby is associated with the crumbs' awareness that he is already quite adult to influence circumstances and other people, and is also able to make decisions. The child considers himself big and wants to be respected. He rebelles against the command of his parents, so he becomes stubborn, screams, hysterics. However, conflicting behavior is no less difficult for a child than for his parents. The kid cannot understand what is happening to him, and also cannot control his own emotions.

The manifestation of a crisis at 3 years old must be taken for granted. At correct behavior parents, the crisis will eventually pass without a trace

The strongest manifestation of the three-year crisis is hysterics. In more early age they could occasionally occur due to overwork, and the main action of the parents was to calm the baby down. At the age of 3, tantrums become a way of manipulation. That is why they appear in places where there are spectators, for example, on the street or in a store.

How to respond to the child's tantrums and whether it is worth fulfilling his requirements, see the transfer of E. Komarovsky.

To get through such a crisis without too much difficulty, the following advice can be given to parents:

  • Change your communication strategy with your baby. Recognize that the child has grown up and can be independent. Stop doing for the kid what he can handle on his own.
  • Always offer a choice or an illusion. For example, if you have a walk, ask the baby how you will go down - by elevator or stairs, and if lunch is coming soon, ask which plate the child will eat - red or green.
  • Do not force the child to do something, but offer to help you. For example, you are about to cross the street. Do not tell your child that it is dangerous and that you must hold an adult's hand, but offer to take you across the road, as you are afraid of cars.
  • Give your child more time for any activity so that he or she is not in a rush.
  • If the child gives an ultimatum, say no and try to remain calm. Ignore the screams, falls to the floor, the glances of passers-by. If you follow the lead, this behavior will repeat itself more than once.
  • Pick up a child who has fallen on the roadway or into a puddle, take it to a safe place and leave it screaming there.
  • Do not criticize or scold your child after a tantrum. Better teach your baby to express his emotions in words.

If you have children with a small age difference, watch the following video by Larisa Sviridova (Lara's mother). Learn how to react to the older child's aggression towards the younger.

Height and weight

If we compare with the indicators of 2.5 years, the child adds about 1000-1200 g to his third birthday and grows 4-5 cm. physical development girls are usually slightly shorter than boys. For orientation, whether the pace of physical development of your three-year-old child is normal, we have collected in the table the average values ​​of the main parameters, as well as the boundary values ​​of the norm for each sex:

Most parents are not happy with their child's weight. Is it worth worrying about a deviation from the norm, watch the TV show E. Komarovsky.

Types of child development


This type of development is aimed at increasing the child's endurance, developing dexterity and coordination of movements. Activities affecting physical development should be daily for a three-year-old child and may include the following activities:

  • Charging with music, poetry or a video lesson.
  • Stepping over obstacles (spread the blocks on the floor).
  • Walking on an inclined board.
  • Jumping over the line drawn on the floor.
  • Walking on a rope spread out on the floor.
  • Jumping on two legs from a place forward.
  • Jumping off small hills.
  • Ball games - throw to each other, throw up, and then catch, kick, hit the box, run a race with a rolling ball, roll between the legs of a chair.
  • Outdoor games with simple rules.
  • Overcoming the obstacle course.
  • Dancing.
  • Fitness with mom.
  • Swimming.
  • Exercises on the sports wall (rope, rings, ladder, crossbar).
  • A ride on the bicycle.

The Swedish wall will help the child to spend time at home more actively


This type of development helps to study the crumb the world and different properties of objects. Classes with a cognitive goal will develop attention, logic, memory in the little one. In a playful way, the baby learns the first mathematical concepts, learns more about the world in which he lives. Classes at the age of three can be as follows:

  • We are looking for colors by name and pattern.
  • We consistently collect nesting dolls and molds of different sizes.
  • We select flat geometric shapes according to the sample.
  • We select volumetric geometric shapes for the holes and study their names.
  • Putting together a pyramid of 8-10 rings different color and size based on the picture or sample.
  • Exploring the differences between small-medium-large.
  • We add a picture from 2 parts.
  • We play with mosaics and lotto.
  • We remember the place where the toy was located, which was removed by the adult.
  • We are looking for a whole picture for its details.
  • We study the concept of right-left.
  • We generalize objects by some property, for example, floating, flying.
  • We study with the child the phenomena of nature, flora and fauna, labor actions.
  • We find an extra item in the group.
  • We select the opposite from the group of objects.
  • We study the numbers.
  • We are looking for the shadow of the picture.
  • We select patches.
  • Add missing items.

Activities should be interesting for the child

Parents can start, in a playful way, to acquaint the child with mathematical concepts... Lead the next Tsvetonik lesson shown by M. L. Lazarev (music development expert) in the next video.

At the age of three, it will be interesting for the baby to get acquainted with the days of the week. Conduct classes in a playful way and in a good mood.


This development involves the child's senses - touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing. During sensory exercises, the baby improves tactile sensitivity, learns to recognize objects by smell and taste. Such activities at age three may include:

  • Determination of the texture of objects.
  • Determination of geometric shapes by touch.
  • Guessing animals by the sounds they make.
  • Games with sensory sacs and boxes.
  • Guessing objects by smell.
  • Guessing food items to taste.

Development classes should be versatile


This type of development of a three-year-old baby not only affects the child's hearing, but also instills in him a sense of rhythm and musical taste.

You can develop your baby with the help of the following activities:

  • Singing.
  • Playing a musical instrument.
  • Listening to music with different rhythms.
  • Guessing the sounds of everyday objects.
  • Guessing songs.
  • Dancing.
  • Music backdrop.

The expert on musical development Lazarev ML shows how you can conduct a theatrical performance "Festival of Music" according to the "Tsvetonik" method. The child will become familiar with musical instruments and musical intervals.


For a child of 3 years old, it is very important to constantly expand vocabulary, so you should communicate more with the little one. Articulation classes also affect speech development. With a baby of this age, speech development can be done like this:

  • Learn songs and poems.
  • Discuss plot pictures.
  • Tell a fairy tale from pictures.
  • Discuss what you read.
  • Listen to a fairy tale read by an adult, as well as in audio recording.
  • Make a riddle for the kid, in which the last word of the quatrain is the answer.
  • Talk to your toddler about how the day went.
  • Discuss different situations on the topic “what if?”.
  • Perform articulatory gymnastics.
  • Study vowels.

Sing, learn poetry and talk more with your child for him speech development

Fine motor skills

Developing motor skills is extremely important for stimulating the speech development of the toddler, since the brain areas responsible for speech and hand movement are very close. If during the lessons the baby will use his fingers more, you will simultaneously stimulate the speech zone. Suitable fine motor activities for a 3 year old toddler include:

  • Finger gymnastics.
  • Games with sand and cereals.
  • Fastening of buttons, eyelets, different fasteners, buttons.
  • Stringing multicolored beads on a cord, including alternating colors and shapes of beads.
  • Games with nesting dolls, lacing, mosaics, inserts, clothespins.
  • Laying out patterns from pasta, shells or pebbles.
  • Water games.


Activities that will stimulate the child's creativity include different types drawing and applications, games with constructors, modeling and the like. With a baby of three years of age, you can do this:

  • Add details to drawings, for example, leaves to a branch or stems to flowers.
  • Draw lines, rectangles, ovals and circles.
  • Paint over the drawing.
  • Draw according to your idea and tell what he is drawing.
  • Roll out plasticine or dough in your palms and sculpt simple shapes (sausages, balls, bagels).
  • Make simple applications using paper, natural materials, pieces of fabric.
  • Build bridges, fences, houses from cubes, using speech instructions, your imagination, a sample or a drawing.
  • Cut with baby scissors.
  • Decorating cakes or sandwiches with mom.
  • To stage a fairy tale.
  • Play with a puppet show.

Cook and decorate with your child

For creative development teach the baby a lesson according to the "Little Leonardo" method, which is shown by O. Teplyakova, an expert on intellectual development.


A three-year-old child reaches out to peers and communicates a lot with other children. Many babies of this age are already attending Kindergarten so their social development goes at its own pace while communicating with children in a group. If the three-year-old does not go to the garden yet, it is important for parents to pay additional attention to the social development of the child. In addition, this type of development also includes the acquisition of skills that children will need in everyday life.

Classes aimed at the social development of the crumbs will be as follows:

  • Games with other children using substitute items.
  • Learning words of courtesy.
  • Folding clothes before bed.
  • Learning to tie shoelaces and button up.
  • Studying the rules of behavior at the table.
  • Feasible help around the house.

Many parents are faced with the difficulties of parting with a child, accompanied by tears and tantrums of the baby. Is this normal and is it worth taking the baby to kindergarten further, see Larisa Sviridova's video.

Sample exercise program for a week

Having drawn up weekly plan lessons for the development of a three-year-old child, you can evenly distribute classes over the days of the week, while not missing anything, but also not overloading the little one. For each child, such a lesson plan will be different. Its compilation should be based on the interests of the baby and mother, as well as the presence of certain skills in the toddler. The plan includes attending sports and developmental activities, massage and other mandatory activities.

When drawing up a plan for the first time, it is better to focus on a minimum list of activities. After one to two weeks, you will be able to analyze how the child is coping, whether it is necessary to add any activities, what the child likes best, and what is more difficult.

Classes should only be held if available Have a good mood and be a pleasure for both parents and child

We offer the following approximate weekly schedule of developmental activities for a 3-year-old child:








Physical development


Charging by video tutorial

Ball games

Charging with music

Fitball game

Outdoor games

Cognitive development

Studying the numbers

Studying birds

We are looking for a whole by detail

Study of natural phenomena

Exploring colors

Sensory development

Sensory bag games

We study tastes

We study smells

Guessing objects by touch

Fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics

Playing with clothespins

Playing with sand

Bead game

Playing with water

Rump game

Musical development

Learning musical instruments

Music background

Speech development

Reading a fairy tale

Articulation gymnastics

We tell a fairy tale from the picture

Learning a verse

Audio fairy tale

Discussing the plot of the picture

Creative development


Puppet show


Constructor games



Social development

Studying etiquette

Games with peers

Learning the words of courtesy

Care and regimen

In the development of 3-year-old children, attention should be paid to maintaining the health of babies, therefore, the importance of the daily regimen and caring for the toddler is beyond doubt:

  1. The kid should get enough rest. The approximate duration of sleep at 3 years of age is 12-13 hours a day. Many children can refuse to sleep in the daytime, but pediatricians note that preschoolers need rest during the day, so parents should try to put their child to sleep for 1-2 hours during the day.
  2. The morning of the three-year-old should begin with hygiene procedures. The child should wash himself, brush his teeth and comb his hair. Parents should constantly remind their baby to wash their hands before eating and after returning from a walk, as well as after using the toilet.
  3. Many parents continue to temper their children, carry out procedures after a nap. Such procedures include sunbathing, walking on fresh air, wiping with a dampened towel, dousing feet or the whole body, contrast shower, swimming in ponds.
  4. With a three-year-old child, it is advised to walk 1-2 times a day, dressing a toddler for the weather.
  5. In the diet of a child of this age, 4 meals are provided, between which 3-4 hours pass. The nutritional value of the daily diet of three-year-old children is 1500-1800 kcal.

And once again about the most important thing: what happens to a child at 3 years old and why it is important to behave correctly in this difficult period, see the video child psychologist Yulia Milovanova on the Open Channel.

  • At the age of three, it is important to ensure that the child has toys that will support locomotor activity baby (ball, bicycle, skittles and the like). Also, for the games of a three-year-old toddler, you need constructors and pyramids, loto and cubes, books and posters, sets for creativity and toys for role-playing games (dolls, animals, dishes, food, and others).

Friends, if you want to practice systematic developmental activities with a 2-3 year old child at home, but do not know where to start, we recommend that you carefully read this material, save the article as favorites or print its key points. Without going into details and without dwelling in detail on individual developmental games and exercises, we will tell you what you need to pay special attention to when working with kids of this age, and show you how to draw up an effective development plan.

Interesting? Then let's get started!

Physical development

Health is the main value at any age. Age-matched complex physical exercise- an effective tool for maintaining and promoting health. Active outdoor games - The best way physical development in preschool age. Is your baby 2 years old? Actively instill in him a love of sports, using all available methods for this.

  1. Walking on curved lines, on a board slightly raised above ground level, on hills and bumps.
  2. Running for a target (games of fishing, for example) and / or with obstacles.
  3. Jumping on one / two legs, in length and height, with raising the legs, over obstacles (from bump to bump, across an imaginary river or cliff, etc.).
  4. Obstacle courses in which you have to climb stairs, jump from object to object, walk on touch mats, climb through a tunnel.
  5. Active ball games: kick the ball with your feet, roll it, transfer it from one place to another, throw it at the target (the target must be large, and the distance to it must be small), catch and throw it.
  6. Morning exercises with poetry.
  7. Dances (rhythmic movements to music).

Fine motor skills

In addition to general motor skills, i.e. dexterity, coordination, strength, speed of movement of large muscles, it is important to develop fine motor skills of the hands. By training children's fingers to perform delicate work, you develop the intellectual abilities of the baby, stimulate the speech divisions of the brain, improve the properties of children's memory and attention. To develop fine motor skills at 2–3 years of age, you can still use hand massage and simple finger exercises for toddlers. But do not forget to include more complex tasks for classes with an older toddler.

  1. Games with fasteners: buttons, Velcro, laces, buttons, eyelets. They can be sorted out, folded from one jar to another, tied, strung, sorted.
  2. Games with a constructor.
  3. Dice games.
  4. Mosaic
  5. Modeling from plasticine, dough, special mass for the little ones.
  6. Crafts from improvised material: cones, leaves, sticks, beans, cereals, pasta.

Development of speech

By the age of two, a child's vocabulary is about 50 words. Naturally, we remind you that children are different, and if your baby at the age of 2 has not yet started talking, there is no reason for panic, but there is motivation for more diligent pedagogical work on the development of speech. It is important that the little one constantly hears the correct adult speech to be spoken to, to be stimulated in every possible way to express his thoughts, desires and needs through words. By the age of three, the baby should already learn how to correctly compose phrases of 4-5 words, learn rhymes and songs, maintain a simple conversation on everyday topics, understand well verbal instructions.

  1. Articulatory gymnastics.
  2. Finger gymnastics, exercises for the development of fine motor skills.
  3. Expanding vocabulary (reading, talking, watching educational cartoons and children's programs).
  4. Drawing up simple stories based on plot pictures.
  5. Development of phonemic hearing.
  6. Acquaintance with letters and sounds.
  7. Learn by heart nursery rhymes, simple verses for the little ones.

Development of imagination

In early childhood, kids are big dreamers. An attentive attitude to children's fantasies, competent work in directing them in a creative direction helps to educate a creative, creative personality with a developed imagination. It is important to understand that sometimes, carried away by the fictional world, kids give out their fantasies at face value. In this case, you cannot scold the child for lying: learn to distinguish deception from the fruitful work of the imagination. Teach your child to distinguish fiction from reality, but be tactful and patient for this. Create favorable conditions for the effective implementation of creative imagination.

  1. Drawing with pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons and crayons on the asphalt, finger paints and watercolors.
  2. Non-traditional drawing techniques: blotting, printing, drawing with crumpled paper, mat.
  3. Applications on set and free themes. Suggest to children of younger preschool age to create tear-off appliques and appliques from prepared fragments. Children are older three years you can already teach how to use safe baby scissors.
  4. Read - a lot, often and with pleasure. Change intonations, read the roles, come up with new plot twists in the well-known, favorite fairy tales of the kid.
  5. Consider the pictures, compose stories from them, come up with what the artist dreamed of when he painted this picture, or fantasize about what could have preceded the events depicted on it or what happened after them.
  6. Role-playing: Have your child put his favorite doll to bed, cook borscht from imaginary vegetables, or build a beautiful house by laying brick by brick.
  7. Home theater: Show your toddler theatrical performances using finger theater or toys. Engage your toddler in playing roles. Let him perform in front of the enchanted spectators to the best of his ability: baby dolls and dolls, plush hares and bears, brothers, sisters, parents ...

How to compose developmental activities for children 2–3 years old

  1. When talking with your child, abandon the term “activity” in favor of the concept of “play”. Educational games should be not only useful, but also fun. Without this, effective development in early childhood is out of the question.
  2. Have for yourself rough plan classes, but be ready at any time to change the planned course of events, obeying the interests and mood of the child. Do not force your toddler to do things that he is not interested in. this moment, and do not force him to abandon an occupation that fascinated him without good reason.
  3. At 2-3 years old, the memory and attention of the child are involuntary. The kid is simply unable to concentrate on anything that he is not interested in. If you manage to keep the child's attention on the object of study you planned for about 7-10 minutes, we can assume that the lesson was more than successful.
  4. Create conditions in which the child can switch from class to class, choose the most interesting type of activity for him at the moment, show cognitive activity in a safe, inviting environment. If possible, for the period while the child is awake, leave creative materials, books, educational aids, didactic materials... Of course, children's safety is a priority!
  5. In our proposed plan, in each direction of development of a child of 2–3 years old, we proposed 7 groups of classes. This means that you can borrow a group for each day. For example, on Monday you focus on walking on curved paths, lacing, articulatory gymnastics and drawing with colored pencils, on Tuesday you teach your baby to run, overcoming small obstacles, offer him games with clothespins, and finger gymnastics and draw with crumpled paper ... But, as a rule, throughout the day you will repeatedly return to the same activities, alternate them in no particular order, or come up with new activities based on familiar games and exercises. Get ready for this!

We wish you successful studies. May your parenting be happy! Until next time!

1. Sensory development:
- Color (4 main);
- Size (long-short, high-medium-low, large-medium-small);
- Shape (circle, ring);
- Sensations (soft-hard, sinking-not sinking);

2. Development of elementary mathematical concepts:
- Concepts ("the same", "a lot, a little", "the same", "equally");
- Development of spatial orientation on the plane (upper / lower right / left corner, center);
- Counting up to 2;

3. Development of speech:
- Singing Zaitsev's table;
- Breathing exercises;
- Articulation gymnastics;
- Auditory-speech development (loudly-quietly, distinguishing sounds, developing the ability to distinguish words similar in sound, developing the ability to repeat a rhythmic pattern);
- Onomatopoeia (pets and birds);
- Development of the ability to speak in sentences;

4. Development of fine motor skills:
- Lacing;
- Labyrinths;
- Winding threads on a ball;
- Using a spoon and sieve;
- 2-finger grip of objects;
- putting an object on a stick through a narrow hole;

5. Development of design skills:
- Plane (counting sticks);
- Volumetric (a tower of 2 cubes, a fence of bricks, a booth of 3 parts);

6. Development of ideas about the world around:
- Poultry and animals (duck, chicken, rooster, pig, ram);
- Wild animals (squirrel, crocodile, "who eats what");
- Musical instruments (metallophone, drum);
- Fruit (apple);
- Properties of paper;
- Air;
- Autumn;

7. Development of mental processes: perception, visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, memory, attention.

8. Development of creativity: The use of a variety of traditional and unconventional techniques drawing, application, modeling.


*** The program was tested on the basis of the "WunderkindikI" network of child development centers

*** When creating this program, more than 100 sources were used, which include both classical concepts of children's methods and innovative ones: Vygotsky, Zaporozhets, Zhukova, Kuznetsova, Kazakova, Gerasimova, Nikitin, Montessori, Zaitsev, the programs "Rainbow", "Childhood", "Development ”And many others, as well as our own developments by Shakarov, Luchin, Vereshchagin.

*** Send your feedback, questions and wishes to the address