
Fairy tales are a means of developing the speech of speech therapy children. Logopedic story. The proposed fairy tales were invented to work out sets of exercises that develop the correct one. You can tell a story and do exercises at the same time


Relevance of the topic. The possibilities of fairy tales. What tasks are solved when using fairy tales in the system of speech therapy classes. The text of fairy tales by G. Yudin, which can be used in literacy classes to highlight a given sound from the text.



The use of fairy tales in speech therapy classes.

At the present stage, one of the topical issues of pedagogy is the search for new forms and methods of teaching and educating children. Along with the search for modern models of education and upbringing, it is necessary to revive the best examples folk pedagogy. Fairy tale as a treasury of the Russian people finds its application in various areas of work with children preschool age with speech disorders.

The possibilities of fairy tales are enormous:

When telling a fairy tale, an adult has the opportunity to offer the child tasks related to the plot of the fairy tale, at first simple, and then more complex; these tasks are aimed at the development of speech, thinking, attention, orientation in space. The motivation to perform "fabulous" tasks in a child is much higher than to unplayed exercises;

Plots folk tales uncomplicated and vital, there are a lot of repetitions, stable turns in the texts - all this greatly facilitates the understanding of the text by those children who are inattentive when reading author's books due to the underdevelopment of the ability to perceive a coherent text;

If a child hears a new word for the first time in the text of a fairy tale, accessible to his understanding, this contributes to a better assimilation of the new word, since it is in the text that the meaning of the word, its possible connections with other words are more fully reflected. Detailed instructions for tasks that play out the actions of characters and plot moves of a fairy tale are also easier to understand in connection with the text of the fairy tale, even if in everyday life it is difficult for a child to complete a task according to a multi-step instruction.

A fairy tale in the system of speech therapy classes solves the following tasks:

  • The communicative orientation of each word and statement of the child in the classroom.
  • Improving the lexical and grammatical means of the language.
  • Improving the sound side of speech in the field of pronunciation, perception and expressiveness.
  • Development of dialogue and monologue speech.
  • The effectiveness of game motivation of children's speech.
  • The relationship of visual, auditory and motor analyzers.
  • Cooperation of a speech therapist with children and with each other.
  • Creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom, enriching the child's emotional and sensory sphere (the ability to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale, the ability to convey the emotional state of the hero of a fairy tale, the development of facial expressions, pantomime, general motor skills).
  • Introducing children to the past and present of Russian culture, folklore.

Playing out the plots of favorite fairy tales, the child will learn to distinguish and correctly pronounce the sounds of speech, do entertaining gymnastics for the lips and tongue, make sentences, and receive basic reading skills.

speech therapy classes- the main form of correctional education, contributing to the gradual development of all components of speech and preparation for


The entertaining form of the lesson, game techniques, changing the types of tasks, the reward system allow you to maintain the interest of children over a certain period of time.

The possibilities of a fairy tale, subject to a creative approach to it, are so great that they allow offering "fabulous" activities to children of the most different ages with different levels of speech and intellectual development.

The main thing is to choose an activity of such a level of complexity that it is feasible, interesting and exciting for children. The system of classes based on Russian folk tales for children of different ages is recommended in the book by O.B. Sizova “Six Steps to the Development of Speech”.

Classes based on fairy tales for children 6-7 years old are developed in the book by A.A. Guskova "Development of monologue speech of children 6-7 years old."

Due to the specific state of mental processes in children with OHP, the development of memory, attention, thinking, and imagination is an obligatory component of speech therapy classes.

For example: for middle-aged children, you can use a fairy tale

"Little Red Riding Hood" with game tasks included in it.

To isolate a given sound from a text in literacy classes, G. Yudin's fairy tales "Poets", "Diver Mouse", "General Gena", etc. are used.

You can include "fabulous" tasks in classes: the child will always be happy to switch to a fabulous way (for example: children receive a letter from Dunno, help the Cockerel, etc.). For some children, it is best to present the material in “small portions”.

For the development of coherent speech, imagination, creative thinking

didactic games are used: “Continue the joke with a fairy tale”, “Salad from fairy tales”, “Fairytale tasks”, etc.

In the course of telling and visually demonstrating a fairy tale familiar to the child onindividual speech therapy sessionthe speech therapist offers to help the characters by completing various tasks (knead the dough with grandmother,

“run” with Kolobok along the path, outwit the fox, etc.). In the classroom, an author's fairy tale can also be used, which the speech therapist comes up with himself and plays out with the child using pictures or toys.

The child not only watches and listens, but is also an active participant in the fairy tale, completing the tasks proposed by the speech therapist.

For example: a lesson on automation [l] in syllables and words can be carried out on the basis of the fairy tale "Turnip" (see abstract).

To develop the height and timbre of the voice, you can invite the child to portray how a bear, a bear, a bear cub growls in the fairy tale "Three Bears" or turn into a hare, a bear, a fox from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" and say: "Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you!" - different voices.

In children with OHP, there are features in the formation of fine motor skills of the hands, manifested primarily in insufficient coordination of the fingers, accuracy and dexterity of movements. Purposeful work on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers accelerates maturation speech areas and stimulates the development of the child's speech, allows you to quickly correct defective sound pronunciation. Therefore, a speech therapist should include exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills in his classes. You can use excerpts from Russian folk tales well known to children and illustrations for them with unusual tasks. Some of the images are given in the form of overlapping contours. The child should look at the contour figures and circle the desired image (for example, a round bun, not a square one) or choose an image for tracing as they wish (for example, circle boots or bast shoes for grandfather). This task is extremely useful for all children, because, by training in distinguishing contour images, they will be less likely to confuse similar letter styles when learning to write.

Small copybooks under illustrations, focused on a fairy tale plot, unlike traditional ones that require greater concentration of attention, will attract children who remember well the fairy tale they have read more than once.

Small exercises in drawing symmetrical figures and patterns with both hands at once will train children in the ability to coordinate their movements.

The main thing is for an adult to remember: a fairy tale for a child is a game, magic. In the game, with a smile, with a joyful attitude to the world, the results will not keep you waiting.

Tales of G. Yudin:

Remember the words with the sound [a] that you will meet in G. Yudin's fairy tale “Why A is the first?”.


Standing in the room with terrible noise. All letters are out from the alphabet and argued loudly: Why is A the very first letter of the alphabet?

Down with impostor A! - shouted vowels letters . - Yes long live "Abra-kadabra" (i.e., confusion).

What is it doing, huh? - the hissing ones hissed. - The letter that starts with angina and shark, put at the head of the alphabet! Wow sh-things.

That's right, the consonants thought silently, it's not for nothing that the most delicious things - watermelon, orange, apricot, pineapple - start on A.

But the letter Y screamed loudest of all. I don’t understand why the weight is the first And not I?!

And therefore, - said A, who had been silent until now, - that the very first word of the baby begins with A.

What is this word? - I did not let up

Agu,” A said, “and besides, I look like * an admiral standing on the captain's bridge. And everyone knows that the admiral must always be ahead!

So! said the firm sign.

Reading a fairy tale G. Yudin "About the little spider." (Memorize as many words with the [y] sound as possible.)


On the bank of the pond in dill lived a little, little spider, which was more than anything afraid of flies,

All the bugs, snails, snakes, frogs, ducklings and even the flies themselves laughed at him, and his brothers - big spiders - scolded and called him a quitter.

“We must prove to everyone that I am not a quitter,” the little spider decided. And one night he picked a large bouquet of red poppies and painted all the cobwebs in the garden with them. “The brothers will be delighted in the morning,” thought the satisfied spider, “it’s so beautiful - the red web!”

But alas! The next morning, evil, nasty big spiders, cursing terribly, washed their cobwebs.

The flies immediately noticed the red nets, and none of them were caught.
And the little spider was so frightened that he ran far, far away. And now no-
who doesn't know where he lives

Remember the words with sounds [n, n "], which you will meet in G. Yudin's story "Pinocchio's nose".


On the New Year guys in kindergarten they had to dress up as someone. Nikita decided to make himself a long nose and smear his cheeks with paint, as if he were Pinocchio.

Nikita sat down on the floor, cut the paper with scissors, smeared it with glue and rolled it into a tube. I looked, and this is not a nose, but a whole nose turned out.

I'm tired of making this Pinocchio's nose, - Nikita mutters, - I'd rather tie it with threads to my head and be a rhinoceros.

Started winding threads. Wound, wound - nothing happens!

Nikita pouted.

I'll put it right on my head. He smeared glue on his head and attached his nose. Her hair was stuck together, and her nose fell to the side.

I'm tired of this rhino. I’d better come after the New Year and say that I was dressed as an invisible person, because they didn’t see me.

Remember words with sounds [m, m" ], which you will meet in the fairy tale of G, Yudin"Poets".


Little mouse Mouse and bear cub Misha lay in the clearing and ate raspberries. Mouse and says:

Let's write poetry. Listen to what I composed: Every day and every hour

We insist stubbornly:

There is no one in the world

Better than our...

Raspberries! Misha yelled.

Yes, what does "raspberry" have to do with it! I wanted to say: "Better than our mother."

It's great too! And now I'll compose... And about what?

Well, at least about this fly agaric.

Don't eat white pasta

And eat red mushrooms! ,

What are you, what are you! - the little mouse was frightened. - Amanitas can not be eaten, you will end up in the hospital. Here, listen to the verse about the doctor:

There is no more important doctor in the forest than a lively redhead...

Aibolit! - the bear cub yelled.

Yes, not Aibolit, but an ant - Aibolit heals animals, and an ant - a forest,

How do you know so much?

Who reads a lot, gapes a lot! - the little mouse answered importantly.

Remember the words with the sound [l, l "], which you will meet in G. Yudin's fairy tale "The Little Fox and the Frog».


In the forest, in a large puddle, lived a small frog, who was very fond of sculpting from clay. He will crawl out of the puddle, pick up clay and sit and sculpt. At first he sculpted only cakes. Then he began to sculpt koloboks and lemons. Then he blinded an elephant, and after that- a lion on skis and a horse in a boat. The animals watched, laughed and affectionately stroked the frog on the back. Only one little fox (was he envious, or what?) Came, broke everything, and even teased:

The greenest of all the greens is the pop-eyed frog!

And this continued until the fox grew up. One day he came to a puddle, sat down next to the frog, watched him sculpt for a long time, and said sadly:

After all, I also sculpted before, but it just didn’t work out for me ...

Nothing! - said the frog. - Don't be upset! But you dig the most cunning holes.

Reading the fairy tale by G. Yudin "Forest Musicians". Remember the words with the sound [b, b "], which will meet in a fairy tale.


I bought a ram at the bazaar, sat down on a log under a birch and, well, beat: boom! boom! boom! A badger came up with a button accordion: Can I play with you?

Of course you can! - the ram rejoiced.

There was also a beaver with a balalaika and a chipmunk with a tambourine arrived in time. We sat down next to a log and let's play who is louder. Such a ramble was raised - all the animals fled.

Can't you be quiet? - ask the animals.

And the musicians played even louder. Here comes the squirrel:

If you don't play, we'll give you bagels.

This is how a ram, a badger, a beaver and a chipmunk began to walk through the forests and demand bagels and bagels from all.

- If you don’t bring it, they threaten, we’ll play it - it will be worse for you. The musicians did well. But one day they came up to the hippopotamus and let's play and yell.

Well, - they think, - let's eat bagels now! And the hippopotamus has a thick fur coat.

Bis, - grumbles, - bravo, bravo! Beat louder guys.

Already the guys beat, beat and even went deaf. They threw away their tools, and since then there has been silence in the forest...

Remember the words with the sound [in, in "], which you will meet in
fairy tale by G. Yudin "Mouse - diver".


As soon as mom and dad left, the mouse Mouse decided that it was time to become a diver. He poured a full bath of water, plugged his nostrils and ears, tied an iron to his belt so as not to float up, took a long pasta to breathe through, took a deep breath and dived. Putting pasta out of the water, the Mouse walked freely along the bottom, admiring his invention. “Well, it’s time to surface,” the mouse finally decided and tried to push off from the bottom, but the iron was so heavy that it was not possible to surface. He tried to untie it, but the rope swelled and would not untie. ,

"What to do?" - the “diver” thought in despair and suddenly saw a cork in the bottom of the bath. Somehow the Mouse pulled it out, and the water rushed out of the bath with a noise, picking up the poor "diver" in a whirlpool and instantly sucking him into the hole.

And so, putting out the macaroni, half sucked into the hole, the Mouse sat under water until the evening, until dad and Mom came. They quickly poured out all the water in buckets, took out the "diver", and then sat in the kitchen and drank valerian from the kettle.

Reading G. Yudin's fairy tale "The Greedy Toad". Remember the words with the sound [g] that you will meet in G. Yudin's fairy tale "The Greedy Toad".


Once upon a time there was an important Beetle, a cautious Already and a greedy Toad. Once an important Beetle says to Uzh: We should paint the roof.

You can paint, - says the cautious Oh. - What kind of paint? “Yellow,” said the Beetle importantly. But we don't have yellow paint. - Well, then orange! And no orange either.

Let's go ask the greedy Toad, she has a whole barrel of orange paint. And the greedy Toad at that time was eating jam from a jug.

She saw that Beetle and Already were coming to her, quickly hid the jam and sat waiting.

Hello, Toad! Will you give us orange paint to paint the roof?

I'm not giving it! - replies the Toad. - It's a pity for the paint.

Beetle and Already with nothing left, and Toad again began to jam. Then the Bumblebee flew in and buzzes:

Give me a little j-gem, J-toad.

I don't have any jam!

Oh, you greedy! - Bumblebee got angry and how he stings the Toad. Frightened Toad - Jump into the orange paint barrel! All orange came out and cries orange tears:

Have pity on me, unfortunate-yu! But no one felt sorry for the greedy orange Toad.

Reading the fairy tale "Flightless Umbrella" by G. Yudin. Remember the words with the sound [z, z "] that you will meet.


The hare walked through the forest and found an umbrella. Suddenly he sees - right from the thicket a wolf looks at him with angry, deceiving eyes.

3-z-trap, - the hare shook, - it's too late to run away. I’ll stand on a stump under an umbrella, maybe the wolf will take me for a g-mushroom.

And so he did. He stands on a stump under an umbrella, closes his eyes, chatters his teeth in fear, but does not move himself. And the wolf slowly comes up behind ...

And then, fortunately, a strong wind blew!

He picked up the umbrella along with the hare and raised it high into the sky.

A hare flies over the forest, laughs, floods, and the wolf runs along the ground below, snaps its teeth, suffocates.

Come on, come on! Press! - shouts the hare. - Charging should be done - I would run faster!

The wolf spat. He sees - do not catch up with him a hare.

I ran to the store, bought an umbrella from a goat, stood on a stump and waited for it to take off like a hare.

It stayed that way until sunset. Terribly angry! - Ah, the goat! - growls. - The non-flying umbrella sold! And he tore the whole umbrella with his teeth.


1.Kabachkova Zh.V. A fairy tale as a means of developing speech and raising children.// Speech therapist No. 6, 2009 p. 64 - 71

2. Fesyukova L.B. Education with a fairy tale: for working with children of preschool age.- Kharkov, 1997


"Speech Therapy Tales"

1. Introduction

"A fairy tale is a grain,

from which will grow

emotional evaluation

child of life phenomena"

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

For the first time in the history of our country, pre-school education has become the first level of education. The main idea of ​​the Federal State Educational Standard is to support the diversity of childhood through the creation of conditions for the social situation of the assistance of adults and children for the development of the abilities of each child. It sets out conditions and development programs that take into account the diversity of preschoolers. The preschool standard will give all children the opportunity to show their individuality. Each child will develop at the pace that is characteristic of him. Modern children are different from us, therefore, it is more and more difficult to establish interaction between a child and a parent, a child with a teacher, a child with society.

Implementing the priority areas of the federal state educational standard preschool education, we, as representatives of the young generation of Modern Speech Therapy, have to constantly look for ways to improve and optimize the process of teaching and developing children. Innovative technologies that we use in speech therapy practice, namely fairy tale therapy, are based on the priority areas of the Federal State Educational Standard, serve as an effective complement to the formation of the sound culture of speech of preschoolers and are relevant today.

The ability to speak correctly and beautifully is of great importance for the full development of a person's personality. Currently in preschool institutions there are more and more children with speech disorders.Modern speech therapy is in a constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions that are typical for children with speech disorders.One of the most important qualities is sound pronunciation. It is known that working on sound pronunciation for preschoolers is hard work.

The fairy tale as a treasury of the Russian people finds application in various areas of work with preschool children with speech disorders.

When using fairy tale therapy in the development of speech, a communicative orientation of each word and statement of the child is created, the lexical and grammatical means of the language are improved, the sound side of speech in the field of pronunciation, perception and expressiveness, the development of dialogic and monologue speech, there is a relationship between visual, auditory and motor analyzers.

The development of speech through fairy tale therapy will contribute to the development of an active, correct, emotionally rich speech of a preschooler.

Project "Speech therapy fairy tales"has become one of the most important components in the organization of continuous educational activities in our group. Its most important advantage is the independent "acquisition" of knowledge by children. “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand” - this is how Eastern wisdom says. Indeed, only by acting independently, by trial and error, the child acquires - "appropriates" knowledge and experience.

Knowledge, skills that a child acquires in the process of practical activities are absorbed faster, easier and give better results; complex and sometimes uninteresting speech therapy exercises become fun for the child.

2. Purpose: Correction of sound pronunciation and speech development of older children speech therapy group through the use of speech therapy fairy tales and fairy tale therapy.


    Awaken children's interest in the correct sound pronunciation through a fairy tale.

    To develop coherent speech of children.

    Improve: vocabulary - grammatical means language; the sound side of speech in the field of sound pronunciation, perception and expressiveness.

    To create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom, to develop the cooperation of a speech therapist with children and with each other.

    Strengthen children's faith in their own abilities, smooth out negative experiences associated with speech inferiority.

    develop speech and Creative skills children.

    Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory.

    To increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes, to involve children in the process of active learning.

    To unite the efforts of teachers and parents in joint activities to correct speech disorders, to widely use parental potential.

    Encourage joint productive activities of children and parents.

Project Implementation Methods

1. Visually effective method:

Examination of book illustrations;

Conducting didactic, outdoor games;

Reading by the teacher of fiction;

The embodiment of the impressions of children in creative manifestations;

2.Verbal-figurative method:

Reading fairy tales with subsequent dramatization;

Advice for parents, explanations, instructions, verbal instructions.


Answers to the questions of the teacher, children;

Conducting various games;

Messages additional material educator;

3.Practical method:

Automation of sounds in independent speech

Organization of productive activities: writing fairy tales, drawing illustrations for fairy tales;

Making characters for fairy tales for the table theater;

Making a book based on fairy tales and drawings of children.

Expected results of the project:

In children:

    Automation of delivered sounds in independent speech;

    improvement of the sound side of speech;

    successful mastery of competent and coherent speech;

    mastering the skills of expressive, correct speech;

    development of creative potential, culture of speech, cognitive activity of the child through a fairy tale (theatrical activity);

    increased interest in activities.

Parents :

    Participation with children in the preparation of speech therapy fairy tales

    active participation of parents in the educational process of preschool educational institutions from the standpoint of cooperation

    increasing the interest of parents not only in the results, but also in the very process of correctional and educational work.

    Pride for the participation of parents in a joint project.

For teachers:

    Assistance to teachers of preschool educational institutions in determining the main directions and content of work on the development of a sound culture of speech.

    development of methodological and practical material for the project.

3. Theoretical justification of the project

Fairy tale therapy is a form of knowledge and treatment of the soul. Thanks to fairy tale therapy, a person develops a creative attitude to life, it helps to see the variety of ways to achieve a goal, develops hidden abilities to solve life problems, self-confidence appears, a person is also freed from negative emotions, orients himself in the environment, realizes his strengths and weaknesses, develops self-esteem and self-control.

Grishina I.I. and Dalkheeva A.M. considered the influence of fairy tale therapy on the formation of a self-sufficient personality in childhood. When getting acquainted with a fairy tale, the child enters a virtual world that does not come into contact with reality. The world of fairy tales, in their opinion, is filled with a variety of events and situations, and when a child encounters similar situations in life, he is able to find a solution to the problem. The fairy tale forms in the child the ability to make decisions independently (1).

The study of fairy tales begins in the 17th century, when scientific interest in this genre arose, especially in the field of philology, ethnology, and history. One of the first scientists who saw in fairy tales a reflection of the history and life of the Russian people and spoke about their value was the historian V. N. Tatishchev. Many writers of the 18th and 19th centuries also showed interest in fairy tales, who saw in them a reflection of the “soul of the Russian people”. They not only found echoes of antiquity in the fairy tale, but also understood their vital significance. Belinsky especially appreciated satirical tales, which, in his opinion, were very important for the study of folk concepts, attitudes and language (4).

Both foreign and domestic psychologists turned to the analysis of fairy tales in their work: E. Fromm, E. Garden, A. Meneghetti (3), E. Lisina, E. Petrova, R. Azovtseva, and others. The method of fairy tale therapy appeared at the turn of the 60-70s of the twentieth century, justified by M. Erickson and further developed by his student V. Rossi. In Russia, the method of fairy tale therapy began to be used from the beginning of the 90s by I.V. Vachkov (6), D.Yu. Sokolov, S.K. Nartova-Bochaver.

But not so long ago, fairy tale therapy arose as an independent direction in practical psychology, and immediately gained immense popularity. (eight). In the scientific world, fairy tale therapy has existed for only 12 years. Attempts to explore fairy tales, to look at them from an unusual angle, to see something hidden, completely unreal at first glance, have been made by scientists more than once. Psychologists say that fairy tales evoke intense emotional resonance in both children and adults.

For a child, a fairy tale is a guide to "adult" life with its sometimes harsh moral laws; fairy-tale events become the first “school of life”, and the actions of the heroes become a measure of good and evil and a guiding thread leading to independent decision-making (3). In these complex processes of personality formation, the form of metaphor in which fairy tales are created is the most accessible to the perception of the child. A fairy tale teaches a child not only to understand the situation, but also to act in a certain way, thanks to the solution of fairy tales.situations, the child receives intuitive selection criteria and freedom of action (4).

In working with children with speech disorders, a fairy tale is an effective developmental and corrective tool for the development of all aspects of speech. E.N. Vinarskaya notes that emotional discomfort negatively affects the development of all aspects of speech. Therefore, a speech therapist and educator in joint activities need to ensure a positive attitude and maintain interest in the exercises performed, consolidate and improve in a new situation. A fairy tale is a good helper in this work.
Methodical work with a fairy tale has a long history. For the first time the term "fairy tale" occurs in the seventeenth century. The fairy tale was "one fun", worthy of the lower strata of society. Later, based on the studies of B. Bettelheim, R. Gardner, K. Jung, V. Propp, modern concept fairy tale work.
At the present stage, the method of working with a fairy tale is being actively developed by many well-known teachers and psychologists (T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva (10), T.M. Grabenko, V.A. Gnezdilov, G.A. Bystrova, E.A. Sizova, T.A. Shuiskaya, M.A. Povalyaeva, etc.). The Institute of Fairy Tale Therapy, which was opened in St. Petersburg, is developing a methodology for complex work with a fairy tale for children who have developmental disabilities.
K. I. Chukovsky noted that adults think in words, verbal formulas, and young children think in things, objects. According to D. Rodari, "Fairy tales can help educate the mind, give the keys to enter reality in new ways, can help the child to know the world and endow his imagination."
Speech therapy fairy tales are such fairy tales that provide significant assistance in working with children who experience difficulties in speech development.
Logotales - this is a holistic pedagogical process that contributes to the development of all aspects of speech, the education of moral qualities, as well as the activation of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, imagination).
Logotales can be used by speech therapists and educators in their work with children with speech disorders. Fairy tales are held as a whole lesson, a didactic game, a theatrical performance. Logopedic fairy tale requires the active participation of children in the course of the story.

There are the followingtypes of logotales :
1. Articulatory (develop speech breathing, articulatory motor skills)
2. Finger (develop fine motor skills, graphic skills).
3. Phonetic (clarify the articulation of a given sound, automate, differentiate sounds).
4. Lexico-grammatical (enrich vocabulary, consolidate knowledge of grammatical categories).
5. Fairy tales that contribute to the formation of coherent speech.
6. Fairy tales for teaching literacy (introduce sounds and letters).
Also distinguished:
1. Didactic logo tales with the inclusion of various exercises, tests, trials, etc. (T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva) (10):
- Articulation.
- Phonetic.
- Fairy tales for teaching literacy.
2. Logotales aimed at developing the polysensory nature of a child with speech impairment (“fairy tale” plus “objective activity”) (O. G. Ivanovskaya, E. A. Petrova, S. F. Savchenko), (11):
- Finger.
3. Logo fairy tales-trainings, saturated with certain phonemes, word forms, lexical and grammatical categories (author's fairy tales of teachers of speech therapists G. A. Bystrova, E. A. Sizova, T. A. Shuiskaya)
- Lexico-grammatical.
4. Logotales with simulated content (T. A. Tkachenko).
- Fairy tales that contribute to the formation of coherent speech.

4. Content of the project

Stages of project implementation:

I stage preparatory - organizational work

II main stage - project implementation activities

Stage III final - summarizing, analysis of the expected result of the project implementation

IV project presentation - The final event, theatricalization of a mini-fairy tale, compiled by children with a speech therapist teacher.

Preparatory stage:

Examination of the speech of preschool children.

Determining the theme of the project.

A plan of movement towards the goal is outlined, which is discussed with children and parents. The tasks of children at this stage of the project implementation are: entering into the problem, getting used to game situation, acceptance of tasks and goals, completion of tasks by children. Children are involved in solving the problem “What do fairy tales teach us?” through the game situation and didactic games, which contributes to the emergence of motivation for creative activity.

Acquaintance with the literature on the topic "Education by a fairy tale."

Preparation of the articulation apparatus for the formation of articulation structures.

Preparation of consultations, master classes for parents and teachers

Disclosure of the meaning and content of the forthcoming work, development

necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the project, taking into account modern requirements and speech capabilities of children.

main stage

The tasks set for all activities of the project are being solved.

Conducting classes, conversations with children.

Team work teachers, children and parents.

Making exhibitions of children's drawings.

Preparing and conducting workshops for parents.

Announcement of a competition of speech therapy fairy tales for parents and their children.

Ways to implement the project:

- Design and replenishment of the center of the book with fairy tales.

Drawing illustrations for fairy tales.

Organization of an exhibition of drawings.

Dramatizations, theatrical productions, games - dramatizations.

Involving parents in the project.

Creation of a book of fairy tales.

The final stage

The final event, theatricalization of a mini-fairy tale, compiled by children with a speech therapist teacher.

Summing up the results of the competition of family fairy tales. (Graduations).

Presentation of the book of fairy tales.

- Presentation of the project "Speech therapy fairy tales" for speech therapists of the Poronaysky district and teachers of MBDOU.

5.Practical significance

Practical significancethe project isthat the proposed system for the use of speech therapy fairy tales, fairy tale therapy in correctional speech therapy The process can be used in the speech development of children and without speech disorders, as a prevention of speech development disorders at preschool age, as well as dysgraphia and dyslexia at school age.

The project allows children to develop public speaking skills, gives confidence in their abilities, and increases the child's personal status in the group. Contributes to the development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection.

This form of interaction with parents makes them active participants educational process(requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education on the interaction of the Organization with parents) and leads to a positive resolution of the tasks set.

Degree of application of the project:

Presentation of the project in kindergarten;

Expansion of the project, adding new fairy tales for various sounds, new forms of work;

The possibility of using the project in the preparatory, senior, possibly middle groups various preschool educational institutions;

Participation in the municipal competition innovative projects;

Placement on the electronic portfolioMAAM. EN

6. Performance:

Children successfully mastered competent and coherent speech.

Improved sound pronunciation.

There was an interest in the lessons.

Parents are involved in a single space "family - kindergarten".

Distribution of experience:

    presentation of the project at the methodical association of teachers-speech therapists of the district;

    participation in the municipal competition of innovative projects.

    posting on an e-portfolioMAAM. EN

Project product: "Kiga of logopedic fairy tales"

Project Demand: the project can be used in kindergartens, schools, speech centers.

Possible risks and compensatory measures to eliminate them:

1. Weak interest of children and parents.

Ways to overcome: Joint activities with children and parents. Informing parents with information boards.

2. The inconsistency of the composition of children during continuous educational activities.

Ways to overcome: Individual work with absent children, making memos for parents, informing children and parents at the end of the week.

7. Financial and economic feasibility study of costs for the implementation of the Project

Use of extrabudgetary funds:

Personal funds.

Ludmila Lyutova
The use of a fairy tale as an effective means of speech therapy correction of coherent speech in children with ONR

Given the limited speech capabilities children with OHP and their mental characteristics, in speech therapy work use such forms and methods of teaching children, which will purposefully stimulate their speech activity, develop vocabulary, positively influence the emotional-volitional sphere.

In the system of traditional and non-traditional methods correction of speech disorders in children with ONR, it is increasingly important to work with fairy tale. The fairy tale is an effective educational, corrective and psychotherapeutic tool in speech therapy working with children with speech underdevelopment. Story close and interesting to the child of preschool age. Characters fairy tales well known to children, the character traits of the characters are pronounced, the motives of actions are clear. Through perception fabulous works form the psychological security of the child, faith in the positive resolution of problems. Language fairy tales are very expressive, rich in figurative comparisons, has simple straight lines speeches. Figurative language fairy tales develop speech, interesting story fairy tales activates the imagination and evokes emotions. All this allows you to involve the child in active work and provides effective assimilation of information.

All children with disabilities speeches are quickly distracted, get tired, do not keep tasks in memory. Such children often do not have access to logical and temporary connections between objects and events. At children with speech problems revealed serious developmental disorders coherence of the statement. It is these features children with OHP dictate the main purpose of using techniques fairy tales: all-round, consistent development speech of children and related with her mental processes.

Appropriateness of use fairy tale works in correctional-educational work with children with disabilities speeches many authors: N. V. Nishcheva, M. A. Povalyaeva, G. G. Chebotanyan, A. A. Guskova, L. N. Shamanskaya, L. Yu. Kozina, N. A. Pogosova, T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva and etc.

Numerous studies by these authors prove that the method of working with fairy tale occupies a central position in corrective work with preschool children with general underdevelopment speeches, since no other type of activity can provide such a complex impact on the speech sphere of the child.

Currently in speech therapy practice is used a large number of diverse fairy tales.

Didactic fairy tales are fairy tales that teachers come up with to create positive motivation for the learning process. This category fairy tales conveys in an accessible metaphorical form didactic material, as well as study tasks and instructions. Psycho-corrective fairy tales are fairy tales composed by psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, teachers and parents. They metaphorically reflect the problems child: emotional and behavioral difficulties, relationship difficulties, anxieties, resentments, fears.

One of the types of innovations in pedagogical practice are logo tales. This fairy tales that carry a certain lexical or grammatical load. Such fairy tales are used various ways to work on the production of sounds and phonemic hearing, vocabulary enrichment, on the laws of word formation and inflection, on the development coherent statement. speech therapy impact occurs in fabulous game form and is the most versatile.

Speech therapists M. A. Pavalyaeva, G. G. Chebotanyan use in their work with children with speech problems a series of copyright fairy tales called« Tales of the Quiet Don» . The authors emphasize that the dignity fairy tales are undeniable in correctional work. While working on fairy tale, children enrich their vocabulary, work is underway to automate the set sounds and introduce them into independent speech. Texts fairy tales expand vocabulary, help build dialogues correctly, influence development liaison, logical speeches. Dramatization fairy tales contributes to the development of the prosodic side speeches: voice timbre, its strength, tempo, intonation, expressiveness. The authors argue that the construction of words, phrases and sentences will become much more interesting for children, if you use for this verbal material from fairy tales.

N. A. Pogosova developed a collection for speech therapy activities with children with disabilities speeches and emotional instability under the program "Immersion in fairy tale» . Fairy tale means the author uses to form children's sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and coherent speech.

N. V. Nishcheva proposed teaching aid with copyright fairy tales"Developing fairy tales» for children, senior and preparatory to school age with speech disorders. Based fairy story, the author developed didactic games to familiarize children with the environment, exercises for the formation of sound pronunciation and grammatical side speeches, game tasks for the development of visual and auditory attention, coherent speech. The author emphasizes that in order to maintain sustainable attention children illustrations, a variety of demonstration materials, elements of design, modeling and drawing should be used in the classroom.

O. G. Ivanovskaya, E. A. Petrova, S. F. Savchenko, offer several models of work with fairy tale depending on age children based on well-known fairy tales"Teremok", "Swan geese", "Turnip" etc. The task complexes presented in the book include acquaintance children with a fairy tale, consolidation of knowledge of the content and analysis fairy tales, the development of mental processes in children and creative work based on the fairy tales. The developments of the authors make it possible to organize a variety of activities children: staging fairy tales using masks of heroes, fairy tale retelling with a demonstration of images of heroes on a flannelgraph, a presentation fairy tales in the shadow theater using contour pictures, making images of heroes origami fairy tales, performing original and interesting didactic tasks. Authors' logotales, are also aimed at the development of the child's polysensory ( « story» a plus "object activity", development of fine motor skills and graphic skills.

L. N. Shamanskaya, L. Yu. Kozina offer a manual with recommendations on the education of moral and ethical norms and rules, empathic behavior in children preschool age with severe disabilities speeches. The manual offers forms of acquaintance with fairy tale, work on lexical topic weeks and various activities (theatrical, visual, musical, etudes of psycho-gymnastics, communication games and exercises to develop communication skills and development speeches.

T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva developed a series fairy tales didactic plan with the inclusion of various exercises, tests and samples: articulatory (development of breathing, articulatory motility, phonetic (clarification of the articulation of a given sound, automation, differentiation of sounds, fairy tales for literacy (in sounds and letters).

Copyright fairy tales speech pathologists G. A. Bystrova, E. A. Sizova, T. A. Shuiskaya are logo fairy tales-trainings, saturated with certain phonemes, word forms, lexical and grammatical categories. The authors put lexico-grammatical tasks: enrichment of vocabulary, consolidation of knowledge of grammatical categories.

T. A. Tkachenko offers fairy tales with simulated content, conducive to the formation coherent speech.

Everything listed authors note, what story is one of the most accessible funds, for development not only speeches, but also all aspects of the mental activity of a child with speech disorders. At children preschool age visual-figurative thinking, which means that the information transmitted through vivid fairy-tale images better absorbed by the child. Language fairy tales are rhythmic, understandable, the characters are given unexpected and funny definitions, an interesting plot fairy tales, attracts attention children.

According to A. M. Povalyaeva, fairy material for holding speech therapy Activities should be chosen according to age. children, only then the child, observing the fate of the heroes, perceiving their language, learns to solve problems that are relevant to him in this age period. Story close and interesting to preschoolers, evokes an emotional response, develops imagination, thinking, speech, gives examples of the Russian literary language. In the atmosphere fairy tales children are liberated show great interest in the performance of various tasks. Thus, it rises effectiveness of speech therapy work by including emotional component into educational material.

Using fairy tales in speech therapy classes for children increased speech activity in the process of recognition and retelling a fairy tale. Children learn to give detailed speech characteristics fairy tale characters correctly assess the relationship between them. listening and understanding fairy tales helps the child verbally establish connection between events and build speech inferences, understand the logic of plot construction, compare fairy tales with acquired knowledge.

Fairy tales easy to remember due to their figurative language. From fairy tales the child learns many new words, popular expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Story helps children express their attitude to the text they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets, proverbs, sayings and others facilities figurative expression. Accordingly, at children expressiveness improves speeches, expanding vocabulary, increasing the level connectivity dialogic and monologue speeches.

For development coherent speech older preschoolers with general underdevelopment fairy tale speech is also remarkable in that it details a specific scheme of sequentially performed actions. This is very important for children with speech disorders, because in order to learn connection between cause and effect, such children need to trace over and over again all the successive steps leading from the beginning of the story to its completion. Story is a work with "clear ratio of parts"(string, middle part, ending, therefore, it is easier for a child to learn the main idea and theme of the work, its structural parts.

speech therapy development classes fairy tale speeches built according to the following algorithm: listen, tell, live and compose fairy tale. Independent composition fairy tales- the most difficult type of work with fairy tale, brings the child closer to that level of monologue speeches, which he will need to move to a new leading (training) activities.

Methods and forms of work with a fairy tale on the formation of coherent speech of children with OHP are diverse: telling a new or retelling of a well-known fairy tale(from the 3rd or from the 1st person, group, in a circle); inventing a continuation or completion of a well-known fairy tales; drafting fairy tales on the proposed topic based on illustrated material; solo or group writing fairy tales; solution method fabulous tasks; comparison of several fairy tales or fairy tale characters; recognition of illustrations by children; choice of favorite fairy tale or favorite hero of a fairy tale; selection of the funniest fairy tales or the funniest episode; conversation games children with fairy tale characters; dramatization games; staging fairy tales with puppets; drawing characters from fairy tales and others.

To keep the interest children in speech therapy classes based on fairy tales it is important to be creative in working with fabulous works. To do this, you can invite children to transform the course narrative: change scene fairy tales with"magic wand", come up with different endings, introduce unforeseen situations, mix several plots into one, make bad characters good, etc. To stimulate the speech activity of preschoolers, children are asked to come up with and ask a comic question to the characters fairy tales, write them a letter or send a telegram, independently pick up a proverb or saying for this fairy tale come up with a new name fairy tales, etc. d.

Story in work with children with speech underdevelopment should be visible, animated, therefore, in the work must be used visual aids: illustrations, various desktop-printables, mini-layouts, flannelgraph, cards with graphic symbols, models fairy tales, gloves with glued characters fairy tales, dolls, toys. For dramatization fairy tales volume screens, masks are used, various kinds theaters - puppet, mitten, cardboard, shadow, etc.

In the process of working on fairy tale it is important to develop gross and fine motor skills of older preschoolers with general underdevelopment speeches. For this, it is recommended to conduct classes on the production of illustrations for fairy tales, using work with paper, felt-tip pens, pencils or paints, designing, modeling. Inclusion in speech therapy classes according to the fairy tale elements of logorhythmics gives the greatest effect for the development of speech and motor skills children with speech underdevelopment.

In class based on fairy tales a large number of thematic exercises should be used and didactic games, where grammatical and lexical tasks are closely intertwined, which effectively to develop skills in constructing sentences and texts and contributes to the improvement correctional work on the development of coherent speech.

So, A. A. Guskova identifies the following tasks, which are solved by fairy tale in work on correctional activities with children with speech underdevelopment:

1. Educational tasks:

Communicate in an accessible form to consciousness children common to all nations values: fostering love for all people and nature; expanding horizons and ideas about the world; laying the moral foundation.

2. Corrective tasks:

The communicative orientation of each word and child's statements in class.

Improvement of lexical and grammatical language means.

Improving the sound side speeches in the field of pronunciation, perception and expressiveness.

The development of dialogic and monologue speeches.

- Efficiency game motivation for children speeches.

- The relationship of the visual, auditory and motor analyzers.

Cooperation speech therapist with children and with each other.

Creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom, enriching the emotional and sensory sphere of the child.

Communion children to the past and present of Russian culture.

Based the above, we can conclude that classes based on fabulous works are effective means for the correction of coherent speech of children with ONR. Classes for fairy tale speeches expressing your thoughts children's speech. Usage coherence of the statement statements what makes speech logical children

Working with fairy tale Helps relieve stress and create positive emotional background in the classroom, which increases the motivation for learning in general.

A scientific study of the literature on this topic allows us to conclude that a fairy tale is an effective educational, corrective and psychotherapeutic tool in speech therapy working with children with speech underdevelopment. Figurative language fairy tales develop speech, interesting story fairy tales activates the imagination and evokes emotions. Classes for fairy tale allow you to expand vocabulary, normalize grammatical structure speeches, to form the ability to accurately expressing your thoughts, enhance communication children's speech. Usage fabulous material by speech therapists in their work, significantly increases the level of development coherence of the statement preschoolers and forms ideas about the basic principles of building statements what makes speech logical children, consistent and expanded.