
Wellness work in the 2nd junior group. The plan of summer and recreational work in the second junior group. Sports festival "Day of Neptune"


The project for physical culture and health work in the second younger group"Travel to the country of health"

"Caring for health - essential work educator.

The cheerfulness, vigor of children depends on their

spiritual life, worldview, mental development,

strength of knowledge, self-confidence ”.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of the physical and mental health... It was during this period that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body was observed, the main personality traits were laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others was formed. The importance of the formation in children of a certain knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic classes is also obvious. physical education and sports.

Raising a physically healthy child has become the main pivot in the upbringing and educational process preschool... The modern socio-economic situation has led to a sharp deterioration in the health of the population of Russia, mainly children. Solving the problems of physical education and development of children, reducing their morbidity is possible only through the joint efforts of teachers, medical professionals and parents.

According to the Research Institute of Social Hygiene and Health Organization in Russia, only about 40% of children can be considered conditionally healthy. Therefore, improvement and education of the need for a healthy lifestyle are urgent tasks facing society.

In this regard, the educator of the second junior group "Tumbler" developed the program "Travel to the country of health" for 2016-2017 for children from 3-4 years old, aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of children, forming their motivational foundations for a healthy lifestyle ...

The purpose of this project is the creation of a single health-preserving space and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in young children preschool age.

The main tasks of health-improving activities:

  1. Formation in children of primary ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Organization of conditions for the development of children's cognitive interest in their body and its capabilities.
  3. Fostering a careful and caring attitude towards your health and the health of others.
  4. Enhancement pedagogical competence teachers and parents in healthy lifestyles, activating the role of parents in creating healthy lifestyles.

By the end of the work on this project, we plan achieve the following results:

For kids:

1) Formed skills of a healthy lifestyle.

2) Correct physical development child's body, increasing its resistance to infections.

3) The formation of a hygienic culture, the presence of a need for a healthy lifestyle and the possibilities of ensuring it.

4) Creation of a system of health-preserving activities, taking into account the needs, resources, conditions kindergarten.

For parents:

1) Increasing the competence of parents in matters of physical development and health.

2) The active participation of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution.

For teachers:

1) Qualitative mastering by teachers of innovative technologies of physical education and health improvement of children.

2) Improving the professional level of teachers.


Each month of the project is represented by a specific topic (station), which traces the integration of the activities of all participants in the educational process. It is important that both children, parents and teachers react positively to the events of each month, get infected with the idea and realize the importance of joint affairs.


Topic of the month


Idea, tasks of the month.



Hero of the month - "Moidodyr". Purpose: education of cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills in children of primary preschool age


to give an idea of ​​what morning exercises are, physical exercises, how they strengthen health, lift your spirits.


Hero of the month - Carlson.

Purpose: To strengthen the ability of children to recognize and

correctly name vegetables and fruits, about their place of growth and benefits. To expand children's knowledge about vitamins, their importance in human health. Develop logical thinking, memory.


Hero - Doctor Aibolit. Target:

To acquaint children with exercises that strengthen various organs and systems of the body. Give an idea of ​​the need for hardening. Give an idea of ​​the value of health; to form a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. To develop the ability to communicate well-being to adults, to avoid situations that are harmful to health, to be aware of the need for treatment.


Hero of the month - Moidodyr. Purpose: To teach children to take care of their appearance. Continue learning how to use a comb and handkerchief. To form elementary skills of behavior at the table: correctly use a table and a teaspoon, fork, napkin; do not crush bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk with your mouth full,


Hero of the Month - Olympic Bear. Target:

development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination); accumulation and enrichment of the motor experience of children (mastering the basic movements); the formation of the needs of the pupils vmotor activity and physical improvement.


Hero of the month "Moidodyr". Target:

1. To form the knowledge of children about proper and rational nutrition.

2. To acquaint children with the concepts of "harmful" and "healthy" food.

3. To educate in children the desire and need to be healthy.


Dr. Aibolit. Purpose: to acquaint children with relaxation techniques, massage options and self-massage.


All characters. Purpose: summing up the travel results, repetition and consolidation of the acquired knowledge, abilities and skills.




Completion mark


GCD "Cleanliness is the guarantee of health."

Reading of A. Barto's poem "Grimy Girl".

Guessing riddles about personal hygiene items.

Conversations on the topic: "Personal hygiene".

Game lesson "Queen toothbrush"

Experience-tale "Soap is a superhero"

Entertainment: "Fun exercise

Drawing "My jolly jingle ball"

V. Berestov's reading "Lezhebok"

Reading P. Efimov "Poem about physical education",

Organization of the group tradition "Motive minutes".

GOD "Vegetables and Fruits - Healthy Products."

GCD "I love vitamins - I want to be healthy" (

Modeling "Once the hostess came from the bazaar ..."

Creation of conditions for plot - role play"Score"

Reading S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate poorly",

Creation of a game situation. "Doctor Aibolit has come to visit us"

Learning proverbs, sayings about health

Creation of conditions for the role-playing game "Hospital"

Reading K. Chukovsky "Aibolit

GCD "Bunny Ushastik got sick"

Fairy tale-conversation "In the Land of Boluchka"

GCD "Let's Help Dunno"

Reading L. Voronkov "Masha the Confused";

Reading "What is good, what is bad" V. Mayakovsky

Creation of conditions for the role-playing game "Family".

reading the fairy tale "Moidodyr" by K. Chukovsky,

GCD "Grandma Fun visiting the guys"

Construction of the "Sports ground"

GCD "Acquaintance with winter sports"

Entertainment "We are athletes"

Reading A. Bach "We must go in for sports",

Collage "Young Athletes".

Outdoor entertainment " Winter fun»

Collage "Useful and unhealthy foods"

GOD "Vegetables and Fruits - Healthy Products"

GCD "Milk and porridge - our wholesome food"

Guess the taste quiz

Creating a game situation

"Useful - not useful"

Reading E. Moshkovskaya "Masha and Porridge"

Creation of conditions for p / and "Edible-inedible".

Situational conversation: "What can be prepared from vegetables"

Organization of the group tradition "Relaxation pause"

GCD. "I am health to the shore - I will help myself."

Photo exhibition "Our rest"

GCD "On the way to health"

GCD "Alphabet of health"

Creation of a game situation. "The grimy girl."

Examination of illustrations, photographs about a healthy lifestyle.

Entertainment "In the Land of Health"


event title

Completion mark


Consultation: "Personal hygiene of a preschooler"

Sliding folder: Morning gymnastics. A few simple tips. "

Sliding folder: "Live vitamins"

Memo: "How to form the correct posture?"

Folder-slide: "Outdoor games with children at home and on the street."

Booklet "10 Commandments of Health".

Consultation: "Games that heal".

Joint entertainment "In the land of health"

Course of the lesson:
Guys, look who came to visit us today. That's right, doggy. Let's say hello to him. Guys, do you know why he came to our kindergarten? He played with a ball and lost it. Now he needs our help! Are you willing to help him? Then follow me. First, we will go along a straight path, and then along a winding path, where many obstacles await us. Therefore, you have to stick together, help each other and not push. And here is the first of them: step over the rollers. Guys, look, what our dog found is sultans. With them we will warm up a little and go on looking for the ball.
1. "Show and hide the sultan."
I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down, in his hands - a sultan. They showed the sultan - their arms were stretched out forward, they hid the sultan - their hands were hidden behind their backs. (repeat 3-4 times).
2. "These are our sultans."
I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down, in his hands - a sultan. Raised their hands up - waving the sultan, put their hands down. (repeat 3-4 times).
3. "Take the sultan."
I. p. - sitting, legs apart, in the hands of a sultan. Tilts the body to the toes of the legs, put the sultan, straighten up, bend over, take the sultan in your hands. (repeat 4 times).
4. "The arms and legs are resting."
I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.
Raise your hands up, wave the sultan, lower.
Raise your legs up, lower. (repeat 3-4 times).

Now we have warmed up and can move on. And here is the second obstacle - the bridge (gymnastic bench), which must be crossed. In order not to fall, we need to keep our hands to the sides and be very attentive. Well done guys, you did it all. But before us is the third obstacle - the tunnel. To go through the tunnel, you need to get on all fours and crawl. And here is a flower meadow in front of us, in this meadow we will play a game called "Catch the Butterfly." I will show you a butterfly of a certain color, and you will look for the same in the clearing. Good guys, guys, now let's go on looking for the ball. There is another path ahead (a path of buttons), let's go along it, and maybe we will find a ball. Look guys, here is a basket in front of us. What's in it? Balls! You and I have found not one ball, but a lot. Now the dog will play with you: he will empty the balls from the basket, and you will collect. This game, guys, is called "naughty balls." Today you were all great and the dog is very grateful to you for finding her favorite ball. What shape do you think the ball is? (Round). And which fruit is of the same shape? (That's right, apples). Apples have a lot of vitamins, so the dog and I want to treat you. Bon Appetit!
Encourage children to physical activity, train orientation in space.
Improve basic movements.
Develop mobility of arms and legs, strength and endurance.
Raise interest in physical education, cause joy, a sense of satisfaction from joint activities.
Materials and equipment:
Audio recording.
Rag tracks.
Printed rollers.
Sultans by the number of children.
Flowers and butterflies of different colors.

Plan for a week of health in the second junior group "Rays"

Target: to give an idea of ​​health, its meaning, ways to preserve and strengthen; to form an idea of ​​the value of health, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, to carry out a comprehensive plan of activities, consisting of various types of physical fitness work aimed at shaping the personality in the socio-psychological, intellectual, motor development, strengthening of health, hardening and physical development of children, strengthening of child-parental relations.


  • formation of body care CGN
  • create problem situations that clearly demonstrate the significance correct attitude to health
  • the formation of the child's motives for self-preservation, the upbringing of the habit of thinking and taking care of their health.

Synopsis of the health-improving event "Day of Health" in the second junior group "Rays"

Theme: "Winter fun"

Physical culture leader: Koloskova O.A.

Educator: Babaeva N.N.

Software content.

Target: Improving motor skills and strengthening


  • Improving the skill of jumping on two legs in place, moving forward, in length from a place, pushing off with two legs.
  • Improving walking in different directions, without bumping, throwing the ball at a distance with the right and left hand.
  • Improving children walking and running, keeping distance.
  • Develop dexterity, eye, sense of balance, coordination of movements, fine motor skills, speech breathing, the desire to play outdoor games with teachers, to activate the speech of children, the ability to answer teachers' questions.
  • Foster a benevolent attitude towards each other, the ability to hear signals and respond to them, foster attentiveness and organization.

Preliminary work.

Game exercises: "Warm-up", "Drifts and snowflakes", "Reindeer teams", an outdoor game "Snowman-trap", riddles about winter sports.

Materials, tools, equipment: costumes: Snowman, Baba Yaga. Hoops.

Characters: children, physical education leader, educator.

The course of the event.

Children are met by a snowman


Hello guys.

Hello to all the guys and such a word!

Love sports from an early age - you will be healthy!

I invite you to the sports Olympics. Do you know what the Spartakiad is?

Children: No!

Snowman: Spartakiad is sport competitions named after Spartacus, who was a very strong human gladiator! The competition lasted for several days, in several stages. The strongest were awarded medals.

Snowman: What's that noise? What kind of din? ...

To us for a holiday, not joking,

Whirling snow whirlwinds,

From far away - far away

Grandma Yaga is coming!

Baba Yaga appears on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga: - Oh, oh, oh, legs froze,

I've been on the road for a long time

Through the snowdrifts, windbreak

I'm going to see my friends!

Stretch old bones

Show yourself to people!

Snowman: - Here, Yaga, a sports festival,

You, Yaga, are you an athlete?

Baba Yaga: What are you, what an athlete I am, I am Baba Yaga - a bone leg! I won't let you hold the Spartakiad, and I took your medals to the forest! Why would you compete now? There is nothing to reward with! Ha ha ha!

Snowman: Guys, we won't be upset. The most important thing in the competition is participation, and the most important thing is for everyone to have a lot of fun and interest. Let's do a warm-up with you?

Children: Come on!

Warm up.


Kids are tough and you are Grandma Yaga

We went to the site. (Walk freely around the site)

Toddlers - tough guys doing exercises!

We need guys to get up (Stop, raise their hands)

Raise your hands slowly

Squeeze your fingers, then unclench, (They clench their fingers into fists, unclench them.)

Hands down and stand like that. (They put their hands down.)

Lean to the right, to the left, (Lean to the right, left.)

And let's go for a walk boldly. (They walk in place.)

Baba Yaga: I see you weren’t even upset, didn’t burst into tears, and I prepared the first obstacle for you.

Crossing on ice floes (hoops).

Children stand in columns, two-lane hoops lie in the snow, children jump from hoop to hoop.

Baba Yaga: Is it really so interesting, without medals?

Children: Very interesting.

Snowman: We don't need your medals, Baba Yaga. Our children are not gathered here for any awards. They just love sports, holidays and fun. And our children are all very strong and healthy.

Baba Yaga: Healthy? No, I don’t understand that. Everything hurts me, everything hurts and cracks (points to himself).

Snowman: Of course it will hurt. You only do what you do harm to children. And I forgot about sports.

Baba Yaga: Forgive me! Take me to your athlete! Teach me how to get healthy.

Snowman: Children, forgive Baba Yaga? Shall we leave her at our Spartakiad?

Children: Let's leave Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: To live a hundred years in the world,

We need to be friends with sports!

So I came to the guys,

Help me friends!

Teach you how to exercise and make friends with sports.

Snowman: Will the guys help Grandma Yaga to be healthy and athletic?

Children: Of course, we will help.

Baba Yaga: Do you guys know winter sports?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: Now I'll take a look. I will ask you riddles about sports, and you will guess mine puzzles.

1.Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow.

These horses are red,

And their names are ……. (Skis).

2.I have guys I have

Two silver horses.

I drive both at once,

What kind of horses do I have? (skates).

3.The whole summer stood, the winters were expected,

Waited for the pores - rushed off the mountain. (sled).

4. This riddle is not easy:

I always write in two K.

Hit the ball and the puck with a stick.

And I am called ... .. (hockey).

Baba Yaga: Yes, indeed, the guys know about sports and know how to guess my riddles.

Snowman: It's time for us to go to the next obstacles. Which team will go through the maze faster on reindeer sleds and the participants will not fall, this team won.

Reindeer Sled Relay.

Teams stand in pairs, the first player (deer) is in the hoop, the second (reindeer herder) holds onto the hoop and makes their way through the mazes.

Snowman: Well done, guys! Friendship won! So we got to the main sports arena! Here we will host another competition.

Outdoor game "Snowman - trap"

At the signal of Baba Yaga, the Snowman catches the children: “One - two - three! Catch! " children scatter around the playground, the Snowman catches them.

Snowman: Oh, well done, I didn't catch anyone. Well, Baba Yaga, everything began to hurt less, you kneaded your bones, otherwise you are lying on the stove, doing nothing?

Baba Yaga: Yes, and I can turn sideways and bend down.

Snowman: It's good, if you always go in for physical education, you will become as strong and healthy as our children.

Baba Yaga: And I just have one interesting game for you.

Play exercise"Snowdrifts and Snowflakes".

Baba Yaga: We are not afraid of frost,

We are attentive in everything

I will say "drifts" - we sit down,

I will say "icicles" - we all get up.

As I say "snowflakes" - we are spinning,

"Herringbone" - clap our hands.

Baba Yaga: Children, forgive me for taking your medals. I looked for them, looked for them, but I found not all, but only gold ones. And I want to hand them over to you for participating in the Olympics. All of you will receive gold medals, because you are all strong, agile, accurate, fast.

(Baba Yaga and the presenter present medals to everyone).

Baba Yaga: What great fellows you are all, I congratulate everyone on the victory. Thank you for showing you how to train in order to be always healthy, strong and agile. Goodbye, guys!

Snowman: Well done, guys! You all coped very well with all today's tasks and rightfully received a gold medal. The snowman takes the children to the playground.

Abstract on continuous educational activities for the development of speech in the second junior group "Rays"

Topic: "Travel to the country of health."

Educator: Babaeva N.N.

Software content.

Learning tasks. To form in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, the need for a healthy lifestyle, a negative attitude towards bad habits, the simplest skills safe behavior during games, warm-ups, exercises. To consolidate knowledge, skills on the correct use of hygiene items and cultural and hygienic skills.

Developing tasks. Develop independence and creativity when performing physical exercise, in warm-ups and games, the dialogical form of speech, the ability to interact and get along with each other in a short joint game.

Educational tasks. To cultivate a respect for your health, responsiveness and kindness. Evoke an emotional response and a desire to participate in warm-ups and games.

Materials: animal toys: bunny, frog, tiger, soundtracks of musical games and warm-ups: “Here we are sitting on the bus”, “Two frogs”; song about health, developing cartoon "How to brush your teeth", hoops, bumps and stumps, toothpaste, toothbrush, envelope.

Preliminary work:

  • conversations: "What is health?", "Who are microbes?", "What do we do in kindergarten in order not to get sick?"
  • learning proverbs: "In healthy body- a healthy mind ”,“ Health is more valuable than gold ”,“ You can't buy health for any money ”,“ The sun, air and water are our faithful friends ”,“ Purity is the guarantee of health ”;
  • examining pictures: "Cultural and hygienic skills", "Going in for sports", "Daily routine";
  • learning poems for the lesson: "Brush your teeth twice a day ...", "Wash your face with soap more often ...";
  • learning nursery rhymes: "Water, water ...", "Fragrant soap, white, soap ...", "Ay, frets, frets, frets, we are not afraid of water ...".
  • reading of fairy tales: K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", "Fedorino grief"; Z. Aleksandrova "Chime", "Bathing"; A. Barto "Grimy Girl", "Roaring Girl".

GCD move:

To create a joyful mood in children at the beginning of the lesson, a musical game "What kind of people are they, they behave so funny."

What kind of people are they behaving so funny?

Ears like sails! These are the miracles!

(Children put their hands to their ears and run in circles)

He nods his head, hits himself on the knees!

What kind of people are they? Behaving so funny!

He took his nose with his hand and leads himself forward!

What kind of people are they? Behaving so funny!

He saws with one hand and beats nails with the other!

Educator: Guys, today we will take a trip to the country of "Health", where we will learn a lot of new and interesting things. And how you can improve your health. Look how many guests we have, they also want to hear from us how to be healthy and never get sick. Guys, say hello to the guests!

(children greet guests amicably: "Hello!")

Educator: When they meet, people usually say this kind, magic word, wishing each other health. What is health? Children's answers.

Educator: Human health depends on himself, and for this we must be physically active, play sports, walk a lot, be kind, eat right. We will lead a healthy lifestyle and live happily ever after. And now I invite you to the bus, let's go travel. You, Pasha, will be the driver, and all of us will be passengers (Children sit on chairs, an impromptu bus)

Educator: Guys, look, there is some kind of letter (He takes a letter and reads it: There is trouble in the Forest! The forest dwellers need your help! Hurry, hurry there!)

Educator: I wonder what happened? What's the trouble? Guys, let's go to the forest to find out what happened and help the forest dwellers.

Musical warm-up - game "Here we are sitting on the bus" (Audio recording)

(Children agree)

Educator: Well, here's the first stop. Let's jump into the forest over bumps and stumps, friends (children jump over bumps and stumps, black and brown circles).

Children come to the "Forest", they are met by a bunny (a child of the older group).

Bunny: Bunnies cry - teeth whine

We don't like brushing our teeth

Neither outside nor inside -

Three collapsed at once!

Educator: What a misfortune! We will teach you and the guys what to do so that your teeth do not hurt.

Children: Read a poem

You need to brush your teeth twice a day.

To clean for a long time - three minutes.

Clean with a brush, not shaggy,

The paste is tasty, aromatic.

Brush up and down -

Well, germs, beware!

Screening of the educational cartoon "How to Brush Your Teeth Correctly"

Bunnies: Thank you guys!

We need to enter it!

Children crawl like a snake into standing arcs.

They meet a toy frog.

Educator: What happened to your frogs? Why are you so sad?


We jumped through the swamp

We jumped and tried.

What they saw in the swamp

And so they treated themselves to.

Suddenly our stomachs ached

We all turned pale at once.

We lie and cry on our side.


And now we will help you with the guys. (Children read a verse).

You frogs, do your best.

Wash your face often with soap!

Wash paws before eating!

We need warm water

From plain water and soap

Microbes are losing strength.

Nursery "Vodichka, vodichka"

Educator: Guys, what else do you need to do in order not to get sick? (Answers of children).

Educator: That's right, you need to go in for sports! Let's invite the frogs to do warm-up "Two frogs"... (Children, together with the frogs, do a warm-up).

Educator: Well, the frog is already laughing, which means it has become easier for him. Let's say goodbye to him and jump on. (Children jump on two legs moving forward into the hoops behind the teacher).

Educator: Look, guys, and we jumped into a clearing in the forest, do you feel how clean the air is?

Children inhale deeply through the nose and exhale noisily through the mouth:

Educator: Look at each other's noses, they are small, the breathing holes are small, and if you open your mouth strongly, how big it is!

Children look at each other's noses, touch their noses and open their mouths wide.

Educator: If we breathe through the nose, then germs and dust will get stuck in the nose, and if we breathe through the mouth, then the person will be like a "vacuum cleaner". Germs will enter your throat and it will hurt. Try to breathe through your nose and then through your mouth.

Children alternately breathe with their nose and mouth.

Educator: Let's bring our palm to our mouth and quietly, slowly breathe on our palm: what kind of air, warm or cold?

Children breathe slowly on the palm raised to their mouths:

- Warm.

Educator: We are all living people and the warmth is inside us. Those who breathe through the mouth let out a lot of heat, so they can catch a cold even in summer.

The children saw a tiger cub whose voice has disappeared and he cannot growl.

Educator: Guys, why do you think the tiger cub lost his voice?

Children: Because the tiger cub was breathing incorrectly.

Educator: Right. Let's show the tiger how to breathe correctly (held breathing exercises : take in air with your nose and as you exhale, say - tired).

Educator: Well, well done, guys, they taught the tiger cub to breathe correctly.

Guys, now I want to teach you how to restore nasal breathing.

The teacher spends with the children Hubble exercise (in front of each child a glass, 1/3 filled with water and a cocktail tube. Take a deep breath through the nose, then a deep long exhalation into the tube).

Educator: Well done guys! We helped the tiger cub, and you all learned how to restore nasal breathing. Unfortunately, our fun trip to the country of "Health" is coming to an end, let's remember together what needs to be done to be healthy? (Answers of children)

Educator: Well done, guys! You need to be willing and able to take care of your health. If you do not monitor your health, you can lose it. Health is happiness! This is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals.

Now take a seat on our bus and we go to kindergarten.

(Soundtrack - song about health)

Parents' meeting "What we can, what we can, or Education of independence in children of primary preschool age"

The format is a round table.


  • To form cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age (3-4 years) in Everyday life in kindergarten and in the family.
  • To acquaint with the concepts of "whim" and "stubbornness", the reasons for their occurrence.
  • To teach parents to see the child's desire for independence behind the negative manifestations of the formation of a child's personality.

The plan of the

1. Introductory remarks by the teacher.

2. Workshop "Learning to bring up children correctly"

3. Monitoring testing "My child"

4. Discussion of the problem

5. Consultation of a teacher - psychologist "On stubbornness and whims"

Stages of the event.

1. Preparatory stage

  • Design of a photo stand from the life of the group "Health is the head of everything", invitations for parents, design of the album "Photo - collage" In nature for health "
  • Preparing material for the performance
  • Preparation of visual material for the parent meeting in the form of a presentation, memos.

2. Organizational stage

The parents of the pupils are seated, which are placed in a circle.

Postcards "Situations for Analysis" are laid out on the tables.

3. Introductory part of the meeting

The course of the event.

The teacher introduces parents to the topic, purpose and objectives parent meeting, informs the plan of its conduct. The teacher pays attention to the fact that we are all different, but you can always find what unites us. What unites us is that we are going to talk about our children.

The teacher began the meeting with the parents with a question:

- Are there any changes in the development of your child's independence?

- Has he become different during this period?

- What's new?

(parental statements)

The upbringing of cultural and hygienic skills is important not only for the success of the socialization of children, but also for their health. From the first days of life, during the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, there is not only the assimilation of rules and norms of behavior, but an extremely important process of socialization, the entry of the baby into the world of adults. This process should not be allowed for later, the period of early and preschool childhood is the most favorable for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills. Then, on their basis, the development of other functions and qualities is built. Cultural and hygienic skills are not only related to play. They are at the heart of the first accessible to the child of the kind labor activity- self-service labor. So the quality of the action becomes important for the child, he learns to bring the work started to the end, to keep the goal of the activity, not to be distracted. And now it is no longer an adult who reminds him of the need for this or that action, but he himself, on his own initiative, performs it, controls its course. At the same time, such volitional qualities of a person are formed as purposefulness, organization, discipline, endurance, perseverance, independence. The implementation of cultural and hygienic skills creates conditions for the formation of the foundations of aesthetic taste. The main conditions for the successful formation of cultural and hygienic skills include a rationally organized environment, a clear daily routine and adult leadership. The conditions must be constant, and the methodological techniques used by the teacher must be changed. “We will wash ourselves,” the teacher says at the beginning of the year and shows everything: how to wrap up our sleeves, and how to soap our hands, and how to wash them and then wipe them off. All children act under the supervision and supervision of an adult. And so day after day. Self-reliance is a valuable quality that a person needs in life.

Workshop "Learning to bring up children correctly"

It is necessary to educate him from early childhood. By their nature, children are active, very often they tend to perform various actions on their own. And it is important for us adults to support them in this.

Often, each of us, in response to an offer to do something for the child or help him in something, had to hear “I myself!”

(on the screen there are photographs of children and words from the verse by I. Muraveika “I myself!”)

Let's get dressed ...

I myself! I myself!

Let's go, we'll wash ...

I myself! I myself!

Well, let's go, at least I'll do my hair ...

I myself! I myself!

Well, let me at least feed you ...

I myself! I myself!

At this age, the child is aware of himself as a separate person, with his own desires and characteristics. The child practically becomes independent: he can perform many actions without the help of an adult, learns self-service skills.

The teacher suggests considering several situations.

Situation for analysis

Three-year-old Ilyusha diligently puts on tights. Hard work! Finally, after much effort, the tights are almost on, but ... inside out. The kid, of course, does not notice this and continues to pull them on. The mother stops, as she says, “this aimless fuss,” with a quick movement, without hiding her irritation, trying to pull on the baby's tights. The kid raises a cry:

- Himself, myself, myself!

Mother says sternly:

- Sit quietly and do not be capricious! You don't know how, but you shout "yourself."

1. Did mom do the right thing? And why?

2. Do you have similar situations?

3. How do you get out of them?

Often for various reasons - due to lack of time, lack of confidence in the child's strengths - we strive to do everything for him ourselves.

But are we really helping the child?

How do you think?

Can Small child be independent?

It is important to note that in childish expression“I myself” manifests the desire for independence.

In an effort to do everything for the child, adults inflict great harm, deprive him of independence, undermine his faith in his own strength, teach him to hope for others, children can grow up passive, lazy.

Example: The child tries to get dressed himself, but the mother does everything for him. He sighs heavily and says: "I wanted it so myself!"

Psychologists say: by the age of three, a child's striving for independence and independence from an adult, both in actions and in desires, sharply increases. He has a strong desire to assert himself.

In no case should these aspirations be suppressed - this leads to complications in the relationship between the child and the adult.

The first of them is negativism, that is, disobedience or unwillingness to follow the instructions of an adult, and the desire to do the opposite.

Then - stubbornness, the child will insist on his own simply because he demanded it.

Also, obstinacy or self-will can be manifested in the child's behavior (the child wants to do everything himself, refusing the help of adults), such phenomena as rebellion against others are observed (conflict with others, constantly quarrels, behaves aggressively).

Thus, the suppression of children's independence can have a serious negative impact on the development of the child's personality.

Have you encountered similar manifestations?

How did you get out of such situations?

(verse "For adults" M. Schwartz)

I'm in my own apartment

As a combatant.

Commander on commander ...

I'm the only private here.

I must obey everyone.

By order - to wash,

By order - to dress,

Make the bed early.

On command - there is to sit down,

On assignment - to study.

According to the regime - go to bed,

Wake up at the alarm clock.

Now it's clear to you why

Did I start snarling?

End of my patience.

De - mo - bi - lization!

When developing the skills of independence in children, we often encounter that the child cannot or cannot cope with the proposed task. How to act in such situations?

Situation for analysis.

Having learned to clean up after a meal, Gena began to push the chair, but he caught his leg on the table leg. Gena did not make any effort, he gave up a small but necessary effort and immediately abandoned his intention. When his mother reminded him to push the chair back, the boy whisperingly declared: “It’s not working!”

What actions should adults take?

So, children strive for independence.

What can they do on their own at a younger age?

Let's try together to define a list of actions that can be performed by our little ones.

(discussion with parents)

  • Wash your hands while rolling up your sleeves; wash your face without splashing water; use soap correctly; do not wet clothes; wipe dry with a towel, without a reminder, hang it in the designated place.
  • Dress and undress in a certain sequence: take off clothes, fold, hang, turn on the front side; put on clothes, unfasten buttons, fasten, tie the laces of boots.
  • Notice the disorder in clothes and fix it yourself or seek help from an adult.
  • Timely use a handkerchief, handkerchief, toilet.
  • Drink from a cup; eat, chewing food well, with a closed mouth.
  • Use a spoon, fork, napkin correctly.
  • Put away toys, books, building material in a certain place.

Of course, the baby does not immediately acquire the necessary skills, he needs our help, the creation of the necessary conditions for the manifestation of independence, to properly manage the actions of children and be sure to praise, praise for the slightest manifestation of independence.

Pedagogical techniques that ensure the successful solution of the assigned tasks:

  • direct learning;
  • showing;

In this daily activity, cultural and hygienic skills are improved, habits are formed: wash your hands before eating and after getting dirty, take care of your appearance. But the kids are getting older. And we are gradually giving them more and more independence.

When educating the norms of behavior at the table, we also take into account that, in addition to instilling cultural and hygienic skills in children, they face a number of tasks: the formation of a positive attitude towards peers, a culture of behavior in a team, modesty, politeness, restraint.

We pay great attention to the education of neatness in children. We draw the attention of kids to those of their peers who know how to wash their hands well, handle things carefully, dress themselves, as children cannot always notice it themselves.

It is very difficult to get up early in the morning, and even get dressed yourself: you need to remember the whole sequence of dressing, be able to fasten buttons, tie your laces. Mom will do it better, and faster. And if adults are in a hurry to come to the aid of a child at the slightest difficulty, to free him from the need to exert efforts, then very quickly he will form a passive position: “Fasten”, “Tie”, “Dress”. You probably noticed yourself that as soon as you start helping a child, he stops participating in the dressing process.

In the upbringing of cultural and hygienic skills, an enormous role is played by an adult's assessment, that is, a positive or negative judgment about individual actions and behavior of a child. You and I need to widely use a positive assessment of the child's actions: approval, encouragement, praise. Approval keeps children willing to do the same, to do better in the future.

In the process of work, we noticed such changes: children began to dress neatly, to monitor their appearance, to use a handkerchief for the intended purpose, to put away toys without a reminder, to thank each other and the adults. Some have noticeably improved their eating behavior and their knowledge by interacting with other children. Toddlers have become more proactive in preparing for educational activities or eating. Children began to notice problems in appearance each other or the environment. Most of the children began to treat toys with care, to maintain cleanliness and order.

The teacher offers parents a prepared memo "Healthy children - in a healthy family"

Test "My child"

Hand washing and personal hygiene skills include the ability to:

1. Wash your face, ears, hands

2. Roll up your sleeves;

3. Wet your hands;

4. Take soap, lather until foam appears;

5. Wash off the soap;

6. Wipe your hands dry, carefully fold the towel and hang in your cell;

7. Use a comb.

1. Correct use of a table and teaspoon, fork, napkin;

2. Do not crush the bread;

3. Chew food with your mouth closed;

4. Do not talk with your mouth full;

5. Quietly leave at the end of the meal from the table;

6. Give thanks;

7. Use only your own device.

The skills of taking off and putting on clothes in a specific order include the ability to:

1. Unbutton the buttons;

2. Take off the dress (pants);

3. Hang neatly;

4. Take off the shirt and hang it neatly on the trousers;

5. Take off your shoes;

6. Take off your tights, hang it on your shirt (dress);

7. Put on in reverse order.

Criteria for evaluation:

3 points - a correctly performed action;

2 points - an action performed with minor inaccuracies;

1 point - inability to perform an action.

Levels of formation of cultural and hygienic skills

High level (84-63 points) - all skills are firmly formed;

Intermediate level (62-40 points) - one or more skills are in the making;

Below average (39-28 points) - one or more skills are not formed

Monitoring testing "My child"

On the second question we heard teacher - psychologist Brovko N.S. on the topic "On stubbornness and whims." Natalya Sergeevna told what is the reason for whims and stubbornness, the characteristic features of a child's behavior with stubbornness and whims. Pedagogical advice parents to eradicate stubbornness and whims in children.

Parent's meeting decision.

1. To unite the efforts of the family and the kindergarten in the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age, to clarify and systematize the knowledge of children about the need for hygienic procedures. To foster in children the desire to look clean, neat and tidy. Strengthen ties between the kindergarten and the family, change the position of parents in relation to their health and the health of children, see the child's desire for independence in the formation of a child's personality behind negative manifestations.


Healthy children in a healthy family!

  • Try to support the child's desire for independence.
  • Encourage, praise, your child, even for small achievements.
  • Self-care skills are developed more quickly if an adult shows and comments by example how, what and in what order to do it.
  • You cannot rush the child to perform any action, you must give him the opportunity to do everything calmly, independently.
  • If the kid does not succeed in something, do not rush to help him until he asks for it.
  • Try to keep your child active and emotional at all times.
  • In the process of education, use nursery rhymes, rhymes, personal example.
  • Try to use game situation.
  • Always maintain a positive emotional attitude.

Pedagogical techniques.

  • direct learning;
  • showing;
  • exercises with performing actions in the process of didactic games;
  • systematic reminder to children of the need to comply with the rules of hygiene.

Hand washing and personal hygiene skills include:

  • Wash your face, ears, hands
  • Roll up your sleeves
  • Wet your hands
  • Take soap, lather until foam appears
  • Wash off the soap
  • Dry your hands dry, gently fold the towel and hang in your cell
  • Use a comb

Neat eating skills include the ability to:

  • Correct use of table and teaspoon, fork, napkin
  • Do not crush bread
  • Chew food with your mouth closed
  • Don't talk with your mouth full
  • Quietly leave the table at the end of the meal
  • Thank
  • Use only your own device

The skills of taking off and putting on clothes in a certain order include the ability to:

  • Unbutton
  • Take off the dress (pants)
  • Hang neatly
  • Take off your shirt and hang it neatly on your trousers
  • Take off your shoes
  • Take off your pantyhose, hang on your shirt (dress)
  • for children for 2016

MKDOU Zdvin kindergarten "Sun"

general developmental type

Health preservation project for preschool children 2 - 3 years old (1 junior group "Bee")

Sitnikova Tatiana Nikolaevna


Health preservation project for preschool children 2 - 3 years old

"Be healthy, baby!"

Material description : I bring to your attention a project aimed at improving the health of children, at developing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children and cultural and hygienic skills. This development can be useful for teachers preschool education... This material is intended for children 2 - 3 years old. In the health-saving space of the kindergarten, a special place is occupied by physical culture and health improvement work and the correct organization of motor activity of pupils, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, the season and the mode of operation of the preschool educational institution. The educational process includes recreational activities: breathing exercises, articulatory gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, physical exercises and dynamic pauses, finger gymnastics, self-massage, musical rhythmic classes, relaxation. The diet of children includes fruits, juices, salads, vegetables.


The protection of life and the strengthening of the physical and mental health of children is one of the main tasks of preschool education. Preschool age is the most important stage in the formation of a child's health. This problem is especially acute in the adaptation period, when children experience a significant increase in the number of cases of morbidity, which requires the use of modern, innovative approaches to educational and health-improving work. Educational area physical development requires us to form healthy lifestyle habits in children, which always come first.
In the process of daily work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the implementation of the rules of personal hygiene becomes natural for them, and hygiene skills are constantly improved with age.

Problem: children have not formed the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, cultural and hygienic skills (skills of neatness and self-service) are not fully formed.

Rationale for the problem :
1 ... Parents don't pay enough attention physical development children (protection and promotion of health), education of cultural and hygienic skills in children.
2. There is not enough knowledge among children about cultural and hygienic skills, about a healthy lifestyle.

Project type: wellness

Project type : short-term (February 2016)

Project participants: children of the younger group "Bee", teachers, parents, health worker, physical education instructor.

Target: health improvement of children, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age.

1. Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health of children, prevention of morbidity and injury.
2 ... Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
3. Education of cultural and hygienic skills, the formation of ideas about the rules of personal hygiene.
4 ... Development of independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity of preschoolers.
5 ... To activate the dictionary: health, healthy lifestyle, exercise, physical education, rules, personal hygiene.
6 .To strengthen ties between kindergarten and family, change the attitude of parents about their health and the health of children

Expected results :
1 .The children have formed initial knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. 2 . Formed cultural and hygienic skills, know the basic rules of personal hygiene.
3. Children take initiative on their own: they look at illustrations, participate in conversations, and ask questions. show creativity, activity and detail in their work.
4 . Activated and enriched the vocabulary of children on the topic.
5 . With pleasure they draw, sculpt, play different games.
6 .Participation in joint activities parents.

Project activity product : Designing a health corner in a group, creating card files for various gymnastics (breathing exercises, articulatory gymnastics, eye exercises, physical exercises), outdoor games.

Project implementation:

Stage 1 -Preparatory stage

Working with parents:
- Questioning of parents.

Consultation "Help your child to improve health", "Culture of a healthy lifestyle in the family and kindergarten."
- folder - moving "Regime of the day is important";
- Conversations with parents on the prevention of morbidity.
- a memo for parents "Rules of hand washing", "Prevention of intestinal infections", "Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children 2 - 3 years old", "Massage - here I am!";
- Advice to parents on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, on conducting morning exercises, on the organization of physical activity, on the organization of proper nutrition;
- Recommendations "Approximate recommendations for hardening children" for a healthy lifestyle.

Stage 2 -Practical

Work with children:
Wellness activities (daily at regime moments):
- Morning exercises;
- Dynamic pauses, physical minutes;
- Breathing exercises;
- Finger gymnastics(with objects) with the pronunciation of poetic forms.
Hardening activities (daily)
- Air baths, hygiene procedures.
- Walking barefoot on massage paths;
- Self-massage of feet and hands.
Preventive actions
- Vitaminization;
- Lightweight clothing indoors and outdoors;
- Prevention of flat feet (walking on ribbed paths, etc.);
- Games aimed at the formation of correct posture

- Role-playing games"Family", "Hospital", "We are athletes", "Doctor Aibolit", "Going for a walk", "Toys at the doctor's and others;
-Didactic games and exercises aimed at instilling cultural and hygienic skills, a healthy lifestyle: "Let's dress a doll for a walk",
"Put the doll to sleep", "Bathing the doll", "Feed the doll", "Water, water",
“Wash your hands”, “Washer”, “Do your hair”, “The gray cat is washing his face”, “I'll tell you, and you show me”, “Define the taste” and others.
- Gymnastics for the eyes;
- Conversations with children "Talking about proper nutrition", "Me and my body", "What do I know about sports", " Healthy foods- vegetables and fruits "," Why exercise is necessary "," Rules of conduct while eating and washing. "
- Reading fiction (K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", "Moidodyr", "Fedorino grief"), Russian folk tale"About naughty hands and feet", nursery rhymes, poems, riddles on the topic "healthy lifestyle", "KGN";
- Consideration of the material on the topic “Kinds of sports”, “Personal hygiene items”, “If you want to be healthy”, “Bad habits”, “How to use personal hygiene items correctly”.
- Outdoor games"Catch a mosquito", "Mice and a cat", "Find your color", "Mother hen and chickens", "Get in the circle", "Find your place" and others;
- Articulation gymnastics;

Stage 3 - Final

Outcome of work:
- film - a presentation about the work done.

Enrichment of the corner of physical culture

Exhibition of works by children and parents

Wall newspaper production

Appendix # 1

Parents questionnaire



3. Do you exercise at home?

4 Do you follow the daily routine on weekends? Which?


6 What kind of hardening do you use at home? (Mark)

systematic ventilation

salt lane

breathing exercises

a walk at any time of the year



outdoor games

board games

TV set


9. Consultation on what issue would you like to receive?

disease prevention

breathing exercises


posture correction

prevention of flat feet

Thank you for your cooperation!

Parents questionnaire

"Physical education in the family."

1 ... Does the child often get sick, what serious illnesses, injuries he suffered

2 ... Do you know what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle? Explain.

3 ... Do you exercise at home?

4 ... Do you follow the daily routine on weekends? Which?

5 ... Do you have physical training equipment at home? Which?

6 ... What kind of hardening do you use at home? (Mark)

systematic ventilation

breathing exercises

a walk at any time of the year

walking barefoot on the "miracle rug"

7. Do you walk with your child after kindergarten? How many hours do you go somewhere and where?

8. What is your child doing in the evenings and on weekends: (check)

outdoor games

board games

TV set

9 ... Consultation on what issue would you like to receive?

disease prevention

breathing exercises


posture correction

prevention of flat feet

Appendix # 2

(wall newspaper "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!")

Galina Ovsyannikova
Summer health-improving work plan in the second junior group

Summer health-improving work plan in the 2nd junior group"A"

Target: The main task of wellness work–Strengthening the health of children with different types activities, medical and recreational activities, hardening procedures and specially organized leisure and entertainment. Continue to master and develop motor skills while walking and running, throwing, jumping, keeping balance, crawling on the stomach, catching the ball. Take into account the age characteristics of children.

With the help of hardening, teach a fragile, growing child's body to tolerate temperature changes in environment, resist various diseases. To develop curiosity and cognitive activity, to form cultural, hygienic and labor skills.

Medical and wellness Events:

1. Compliance with the drinking regime, the hygiene of the sandbox and the site.

2. Regime of the day for a warm period, mode of exposure to the sun.

Hardening procedures:

1. Air and sun baths.

2. Water procedures (wiping, washing).

3. Respiratory gymnastics.

4. Gymnastics after waking up.

5. Walking on massage mats.

Free activity on plot: ball games, hoops, independent outdoor games.


JUNE: 1st a week: "Hello, summer is red!"

"My happy childhood!" Conversation: "Hello, summer is red!"

"Let's give an earthly ball to children"

Reading poems about children.

P / game "My funny,

ringing ball "

Productive activity: drawings on the asphalt. Introduce children to International Day protection of children, tell about when it appeared and why it is called International.

Continue to build knowledge about the signs of summer. Educators:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

Gulimova Yu.A.

2nd week.

"Fabulous week"

Reading the works of A.S. Pushkin "The wind walks on the sea", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Examination of illustrations to works the author.

P / game "Wind, wind, breeze"

Productive activity:(Painting)

"Gold fish".

Guessing riddles about the water world, looking at illustrations.

P / game "Ocean is shaking", "Whose Next"-with a ball.

Product. activity. (Painting)

"The fish is swimming, swimming"... Continue to acquaint children with the work of Russian poets.

Strengthen the ability of children to draw with brushes and paints.

To form the knowledge of children about the water world and interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature.

Develop the ability to draw triangular objects, exercise in drawing with paints. Educator:

Gulimova Yu.A.


Gulimova Yu.A.

"What are friends for".

Reading Russian bunk bed fairy tales "Teremok".

Low mobility game "Recognize your friend by voice"

Productive activity: (application) "Flower to a friend"... Expand the concept of friendship. teach you to be polite with your peers.

Learn to compose a composition from ready-made forms. Educator:

Gulimova Yu.A.

"Russia Day" Conversation "My home is my country".View presentations: "Where does the Motherland begin".

Memorizing a poem. about Russia and the Motherland.

Productive activity (application) "Flag of Russia".

To acquaint children with one of the youngest states. holidays.

To educate young patriots of the country. Continue

To form the ability to depict an object consisting of several parts of a rectangular shape. Educator:

Gulimova Yu.A.

3rd week.

"My favorite games and toys". Conversations: "My favorite toy".

P / games « Wonderful pouch» , "Games with pins, balls, hoops".Suzh. roll. the game "A toy shop".

Productive activity (modeling) "Snail".

Develop a positive attitude towards toys, continue to develop motor skills in walking, running, throwing, jumping.

Learn to sculpt a snail by folding a column and pulling off the head and horns. Educator:

Gulimova Yu.A.

4th week.

"Patriot Week"

Conversation "They defended the Motherland".

Reading poems about the war.

D / game: "Military weapons".

Product. activity:

"Dove-bird of peace"-coloring.

Continue to talk about V.O.V. To acquaint children with the date when V.O.V. began, to acquaint them with the concept "war",

Keep learning work with paints, tassels. Educator:

Gulimova Yu.A.

5th week.

Safety Week Conversations: "Danger on the road", "Fire is a dangerous game".

D / game "Road alphabet".

P / game "Car and Birds".

Prod. activity (modeling) "Our friend is a traffic light"... Strengthen children's knowledge about traffic lights and their meaning, expand children's knowledge about the rules in everyday life with fire.

Continue teaching children to roll plasticine in circular motions, forming balls. Educator:

Gulimova Yu.A.

JULY: 1st week.

"July 8 - All-Russian Family Day" Conversations: "What is family", "What is home".

Reading "Cockerel with family".

P / games "Bubble", "Bunny gray washes his face", "Catch the ball", "Good words"- with a ball.

S. / r. the game "Family".

Productive activity - making gifts for family and friends. Continue to shape children's knowledge concept "family", teach to respect your family and friends.

To make greeting card from ready-made forms, teach accuracy. Educator:

Gulimova Yu.A.

2nd week

"Week of young ecologists" Guessing riddles about birds. Conversations about flowering plants

D / games "Guess what kind of bird?", "Collect a bouquet".

Productive activity (modeling) "Flower"

Labor activity - work in the garden, weeding onions. Expand ideas about changes in the world of animals, plants in summer period... To foster a respect for nature. Strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar flowers, applying previously learned techniques, develop initiative and independence. Educator:

Gulimova Yu.A.

3rd week.

"Week of health" Conversations: "I love vitamins, I want to be healthy", "About health, about cleanliness".

Reading thin lit.: V. Lebedev-Kumach "Get hardened!".

S. / r. games "Polyclinic", "Pharmacy".

Productive activity (Painting) "Berries and apples"... Continue to shape children's perception of healthy lifestyle, oh the importance of the profession of a doctor, to continue to develop the speech and thinking of children during the game. Exercise and teach to draw berries and apples, using the contrast of size and color, develop a sense of composition. Educator:

Gulimova Yu.A.

4th week.

"Over the seas, over the waves"

Conversation: "The fleet of our country".

Building material and sand games "Let's build a ship".

P / game "We are sailors".

Productive activity:(modeling) "Boat"(Painting) "Over the seas, over the waves".

To form the knowledge of children about military sailors and about the profession "sailor".

Develop physical activity.


Ovsyannikova G.S.

AUGUST: 1st week.

"The week is radiant sun" Conversation "On the benefits and dangers of sunlight".

Observing the sun.

Experimentation "Water in a vessel"(heating water by the rays of the sun)

D / games: "Guess what kind of bird?", "Collect a bouquet".

Productive activity (modeling)

"Flower"... Develop cognitive interest, interest in experimentation, expand ideas about the sun. Educator:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

2nd week.

"Insect week" Conversations about insects.

Reading thin literature:

V. Bianchi "How the ant was in a hurry home",TO. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha".

Observing insects while walking.

P / games: "Bees in hives", "Birds and mosquitoes".

Productive activity (Painting) "Butterflies in the meadow"... Expand ideas about the diversity of insects, foster a love for insects.

Exercise in the technique of drawing with fingers, consolidate the ability to evenly apply

points on the entire surface of the object, draw grass of various shades. Educator:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

3rd week

"Week of bread" Conversation "Where the bun came from".

Dramatization of a fairy tale "Kolobok".

P / games "Mice in the pantry", "Loaf".

Watching a cartoon "About the girl who stepped on bread".

Productive activity (application) "Decorate the bun"... To acquaint children with cereals.

Bring up respectful attitude to the labor of people who grow bread. Treat bread with care. Educator:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

4th week

National Flag Week. - "August 22 - Flag Day"... Album review "Russia is my Motherland".Conversation about the symbolism of Russia-Flag.

Reading a poem "Flag of Russia" guessing riddles about the flag.

Russian folk games.

Productive activity (Painting) "Flag of Russia" To acquaint children with the most important symbol of our country - the Flag, to teach how to recognize it. To cultivate love for our big country Russia. Educator:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

"Day of my city" Album review "My city"

D / game "Finish the house".

Conversation "The city in which we live".

P / game "Shaggy dog"

Productive activity (application) "House"... Continue to form the knowledge of children about our city. Educator:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

Final conversation: "What did you remember about the summer?" Continue to develop

speech, thinking, memory.